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Ale versus Beer! Women versus The Law! Churches versus Taverns! Our History of Beer series is stirring up trouble and making people hopping mad. Loosening the tongues of people at the nearest alehouse and changing beer into a full-fledged industry, spawling around the world!

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History of Beer - Hopping Mad - Extra History #3

--- Wanna watch without ads and see exclusive content? Go to http://curiositystream.com/extracredits​ to get a full year of Curiosity Stream & Nebula for 26% off! --- Ale versus Beer! Women versus The Law! Churches versus Taverns! Our History of Beer series is stirring up trouble and making people hopping mad. Loosening the tongues of people at the nearest alehouse and changing beer into a full-fledged industry, sprawling around the world! ---- Miss an episode in our History of Beer Series? ---- Part 1 - Building Civilization: https://youtu.be/KJsWaJVtZWA Part 2 - Barbarian Brew: https://youtu.be/RgV9s9ez2cc Part 3 - Hopping Mad: https://youtu.be/nbzZKKDjxLE Part 4 - Drunk with Power - Coming Soon! Part 5 - Coming Soon Lies - Coming Soon Music - "Prost!" - Coming Soon ---- Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! ---- Check out our community guidelines so we can have MORE high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con ---- Want to support the people who make this show? ---- Become a Patreon Member & Vote on future Extra History episodes! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Or show off your fandom with our merch! http://extracredits.store/ ---- Want more Extra Credits? Subscribe and follow us on social media! ---- Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Website: http://extracredits.site/ ---- Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ---- ♪ Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 ♪ Outro Music: "Prost!" by Tiffany Roman #ExtraHistory #Beer #History



Ooooh ~ now we're in my sort of territory!!! My family belongs to a denomination called the 'United Reform Church', although I currently identify as an atheist, so I do sometimes wonder if I was named after Luther.

Rick Brasche

hops are interesting. many craft brews are waging a "hops war" in increasing their use, but usually I find them adding an unpleasant bitterness. Unless they're really cranked up, and then somehow they change into something crisp and pleasant. (only an hour away from the birthplace of Pliny, I love this area!)


I hope very much you guys get to do a full series on Luther and the Reformation some day soon. 1,800 BC In the United Sumerian States, a Poem Honouring the Goddess Ninkasi, Describing the Different Steps Ninkasi goes through to make Beer, and Providing Brewers with Instructions on how to make more ~ the World’s First Known Recipe for Beer. The Beer is made from Bread made using Twice ~ Baked Barley. 1,600 BC In the , by this Time, the Maya are using Cacao Bean to Produce Beer, long before it is used to make the non ~ Alcoholic Cocoa. The Production Method is Unknown, however, Friar de Landa will Describe the Process of Preparing Beverages as Involving Grinding Maize and Cacao into a Paste before Adding Liquids or Spices. Agriculture is in the of Men in the Mayan World, however, Food Preparation Belongs to Women. 1000 BC In North America, new Cultivars of Temperate ~ Adapted Maize are Developed in the Southeast. These new Cultivars Allow Maize Farmers to Live in Permanent, Settled Villages. The Previous Patchwork of Hunter ~ Farmers and Pastoralists Disappear in the East, Replaced by Sedetary Villages that both Pasture Horses and Practice large ~ Scale Farming. These People Speak the Timetic Language, a Branch of the larger Language Family Descended from the Original Pastoralists who had Blitzed their way Eastwards, although the Presence of ‘Alien’ Nouns from Unrelated Languages Persisting in their Language and the continued Tradition of Creating Earthwork Monuments Shows that the Settlement of the Horse Cultures Results Ultimately in Absorption and Fusion, not Destruction and Erasure. The slower Spread of Horses in the North has Allowed the Preservation of a Greater Diversity of Languages. These will Create their Own Corn ~ Fed Civilizations Modeled after the Mound ~ Building Civilizations of the South. 300 BC In the Egyptian Empire, the Conquest of Palestine by the Egyptians will have Significant Effect on the Future of World Religion. The Saite Pharaohs are, of Course, Believers of the old Gods of Egypt, in Particular Promoting the Cults of Osiris and Isis. However, they are very Lenient with the Peoples in the Lands they Rule as they are Sensitive to Religious Issues and do not try and Force any sort of Conformity. One Place where this has Significant Effect will be in the tiny Province of Yehud, wherein the Jews have been Allowed to Rebuild the Temple of Solomon. The Lenient Egyptian Administration Allows the Jews Complete Freedom of Worship, and the Jews, for the most Part, Loyal Subjects of their Overlords. However, just as in OTL, the Main Religious Life is Dominated by the Sadducees [Temple Priests] and the Pharisees [Rabbis.] The Sadducees, as in OTL, are Involved with Politics, and are Allowing Commercial Business to take Place within the Temple [i.e. the Moneychangers] and this Offends many of the more Pious People. The Pharisees, who might have Served as an Alternative, are seen as Hypocrites, as they are Obsessed with Dietary Laws and other Minutia, Observing in Form, but not in Spirit, the Law. As a Result, by the End of the 1st Century B.C., many Jews have become Dissatisfied with their Religion and begin Forming Various Cults Foretelling the Arrival of a “Messiah” who will Restore the Jewish Faith to Purity. 57 BC In the , in his Book Commentarii de Bello Gallica, Julius Caesar Notes that the Toughest and Wildest ~ the Germans and, in Particular the Belgians ~ both Refuse Rome’s Drink. “They do not at all Allow Wine to be Imported among them,” Caesar Writes, “since they Believe that, by it, Men are made soft and Effeminate for the Endurance of Hardship,” and Caesar Agrees, Thinking that Wine Drinking has Weakened the and Assisted in Rome’s “Civilized” Conquests. 1 BC 25th December In the Kingdom of Israel, a Son, Yeshua, is Born in the City of Bethlehem to Carpenter Joseph and his Betrothed, Mary. Later Legends will State that he was Born in a Stable, as there was no Place for them at the Inn, and that a Bright Star Appeared in the Sky above Bethlehem on the Night of his Birth. 1 AD The Bantu, Iron ~ Working Cattle ~ Herders who Originate in the Forests of West Africa, begin to Migrate South and East. Egyptian Cultural Influence has begun to Creep Inland and, as a Result of Successive Waves of Bantu Migrations, most of the Interior of Africa will Consist of small City-States who are, to some Degree or another, Culturally Egyptianised [obviously the further away from Egypt’s Borders, the less the Cultural Affinity of the ] by the Years after 320 AD. 29 AD 6th January In the Kingdom of Israel, Yeshua is Baptised by a Jewish Itinerant Preacher, Yohanan, in a Spring in the Town of Bethany along the Eastern Banks of the River Jordan. Yeshua’s Friends will later Claim that a Voice from Heaven Addressed Yeshua Immediately after the Baptism, saying, “You are my Son, the Beloved, in Whom I am most Pleased.” 33 AD In the Kingdom of Israel, Yeshua and his Disciples Cause a Ruckus at the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem during the Passover Celebrations when, Horrified to find the Courtyard filled with Livestock, Merchants, and the Tables of the Money Changers who change the Standard Egyptian Money for Jewish Shekels. He and his Followers Drive said Money Changers out from the Temple, with Yeshua Screaming, “Render unto Pharaoh that which is Pharaoh’s, and Render unto God the things that are God’s!” Yeshua is soon Accused of Blasphemy by the Sanhedrin, who Feel Threatened by Yeshua’s Growing Following. 50 AD In the Principality of Samoa, a Samoan Crew Exploring the Marquesas Islands Discover Mesoamerican Castaways who Introduce a Suite of Mesoamerican Plants to Oceania: Sweet Potatoes, Cassava, Squash, Beans, Maize, and Chili. These Plants are all brought Back to Samoa where they Cause an Agricultural Revolution that Diversifies not only the Polynesian Diet but also Produce a huge Ammount of Calories for far less Labour than the Traditional Crop Package of Taro and Yam. The Resulting Growth in the Population, and Free Time, Encourages the Polynesian Tradition of Exploratory Voyages which, in Turn, Speeds up the Polynesian Expansion. 98 AD In the Roman Empire, Roman Historian Tacitus, while Compiling an Ethnogeographical Work on the German Tribes, takes Note of their Drinking Habits: “to Pass an Entire Day and Night in Drinking Disgraces no One,” Tacitus says to the Scribe he is Dictating to, “Their Quarrels, as Might be Expected with Intoxicated People, are not Fought with mere Abuse, but Commonly with Wounds and Bloodshed. Yet it is at their Feasts that they Consult on the Reconciliation of Enemies, Matrimonial Alliances, and even on Peace and War, for they Think that at no Time is the Mind more Open to Clarity of Purpose or more Warm to Noble Aspirations.” After a Digression, he begins to Describe their Particular Alcohol: “a Liquor for Drinking is made out of Barley or other Grains, which, once Rotted, Bears a Certain Resemblance to Wine.” 1328 In the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Bräu is First Mentioned by Name, Established within an Monastery which has been Settled just outside the Munich City Walls in an Area Called Haberfeld in 1294. The Monastery Complex is the largest and most Sacred Building in Munich until the Completion of the Frauenkirche in 1494. The Monks continue to Supply Beer to the Bavarian Royal Family until 1589, at which Time the Hofbräuhaus Brewery Opened. 1400 In the Kingdom of England, Geoffrey Chaucer Writes “The Tales” in a Tavern, a Space where a Knight can Rub Shoulders with a Miller, Nuns, a Pardoner, and a Wife of Bath, he is Reflecting the Reality of his Time: Taverns are a Secular Space where, by Tradition, Class Distinctions are set aside and People can Speak Freely. This not only makes it a Congregation Space to Rival that of ~ and Clerics Frequently Complain about People Spending more Time on a Bench in a Tavern than on their Knees Praying in a Chapel ~ it is also a Political Centre, One that can be used to Criticise the Crown and Engage in Sedition. 1505 2nd July In the Holy Roman Empire, 22 ~ Year ~ old Martin Luther is Returning to the University of Erfurt on Horseback when he becomes Caught in a Storm. Luther is Thrown from his Horse when a Bolt of Lightning Strikes the Ground nearby. Terrified of Death and Divine Judgement, Luther cries out, “Help! Saint Anne, I’ll become a Monk!” He, later, comes to View this cry for help as a Vow he can never Break. 17th July In the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther leaves the University of Erfurt, Sells his Books, and Enters St. Augustine's Monastery. His Father, Hans, is Furious about what he Considers as a Waste of Martin’s Education. Ambitious for himself and for his Family, Hans Demands that Martin ~ his Eldest Son ~ Honour his Father and Mother by becoming a Lawyer. 1507 2nd May In the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther Celebrates his First Mass inside St. Augustine's Cathedral in Erfurt, County of Erfurt. Luther’s Father, Hans, having come to Terms with Martin’s Decision to become a Monk, Attends the Service with 20 Companions and makes a large Donation to St. Augustine's Monastery. 4th July In the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther is Ordained as a Priest of the Roman Catholic Church. 1517 31st October In the Electorate of Saxony, Angry over continued Clerical Abuses, Martin Luther Nails his Ninety ~ Five Theses to the Door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt. He also Encloses a Copy in a Letter to his Bishop, Albert of Mainz, Complaining about the Sale of Indulgences to help Pay for the Rebuilding of the Apostolic Palace in the City of Rome, Latium. The Protestant Reformation has begun. 1520 10th December In the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther Burns his Copy of the Papal Bull Decet Romanum Pontificem outside the Elster Gate in Wittenburg, along with a Book of Canon Law. 1521 28th January In the Holy Roman Empire, the Diet of Worms is Opened by Holy Roman Emperor John I. 6th March In the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther is Summoned to Appear before the Diet of Worms. 1525 13th June In the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Luther Weds Katharina von Bora, a Runaway Nun, setting a Precedent that Protestant Clergy may Marry. One of the Witnesses is German Painter Lucas Cranach the Elder. 1574 In the Kingdom of England, by this Time, 36% of London Brewers have Switched to Hopped Beer, Leading to a Competition between Beer and Ale. Ale Brewers, Unable to Compete in Longevity or the Variety of Flavours, begin Tinkering to Increase the Amount of Alcohol. London’s Beer Retaliates until England is Awash in high Potent Mixes given Hyperbolic Names like “Dragon’s Milk,” and Beer thus becomes Known as both Powerful and coming in a Wide Variety of Flavours. 1690 In the Kingdom of England, the Monopoly of the London Guild of Distillers has been Broken, thereby Opening up the Market in Gin Distillation. The Production and Consumption of Gin is so Popular among Politicians and even Queen Anne that it is Encouraged by the Government. This Encouragement is Shown in the Reduced Taxes on the Distillation of Spirits. Additionally, no Licences are needed to make Spirits, so Distillers of Spirits can have smaller, Simpler Workshops than Brewers, who are Required to also Serve Food, and Provide Shelter for Patrons. 1759 31st December In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Arthur Guinness Signs a 9,000 ~ Year ~ Lease on an unused Brewery at St. James's Gate in Dublin, Ireland.