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Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into our Empire of Brazil series. With questions like, What's up with that pocket chicken? What happened during that insane bottle war? And what do the colors on Brazil's flag represent?

Recommended Reading for this series:

Brazil: A Biography by Lilia M. Schwarcz and Heloisa M. Starling | A Concise History of Brazil, 2nd Edition by Boris Fausto and Sergio Fausto | Every Inch a King: A Biography of Dom Pedro I, First Emperor of Brazil by Sergio Correa da Costa |

All Episodes:  

Part 1 - Runaway Monarch | Part 2 - Independence or Death! | Part 3 - Family Drama | Part 4 - The Anarchy | Part 5 - Breaking Bonds | Lies I Music 


Empire of Brazil - LIES - Extra History

Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into our Empire of Brazil series. With questions like, What's up with that pocket chicken? What happened during that insane bottle war? And what do the colors on Brazil's flag represent? Recommended Reading: Brazil: A Biography by Lilia M. Schwarcz and Heloisa M. Starling A Concise History of Brazil, 2nd Edition by Boris Fausto and Sergio Fausto Every Inch a King: A Biography of Dom Pedro I, First Emperor of Brazil by Sergio Correa da Costa Timestamps! 0:00 - Intro 0:46 - Recommended Reading/General Questions 5:04 - Episode 1 8:25 - Episode 2 12:20 - Episode 3 15:08 - Episode 4 17:34 - Episode 5 22:25 - Next on Extra History 23:58 - Ibn Battuta Side Trip ---- Missed an episode of our Empire of Brazil Series? ---- Part 1 - Runaway Monarch: https://youtu.be/DzUNfnVnIkw Part 2 - Independence or Death!: https://youtu.be/N9Qb-CRXGyg Part 3 - Family Drama - https://youtu.be/Cug8DeQWsEk Part 4 - The Anarchy - https://youtu.be/Y6ZmbqGI2n4 Part 5 - Breaking the Bonds - https://youtu.be/QywX2lN6rbY Lies - https://youtu.be/PmLPXWGUdPU Music - https://youtu.be/aGXDlc-oqao ---- Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! ---- Check out our community guidelines so we can have MORE high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con ---- Want to support the people who make this show? ---- Become a Patreon Member & Vote on future Extra History episodes! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Or show off your fandom with our merch! http://extracredits.store/ ---- Want more Extra Credits? Subscribe and follow us on social media! ---- Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Website: http://extracredits.site/ ---- Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ---- ♪ Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 ♪ Outro music: "Independência do Brasil" by Tiffany Roman #ExtraHistory #EmpireofBrazil #History



Quick lamb update: I spotted a ewe with number 23 written on her flank, and the other sheep are a week behind, so haven't reproduced yet, while the other farm won't be having their first lambs until May. On a more personal note I told one of my colleagues I am a transgender person and they'd have to get used to calling me she/her, and the response was "that will take some getting used to."


Thanks so much for the lamb update and we hope your colleagues come around quickly!


One last lot for the Empire of Brazil series; sorry it was delayed but better late than never. 1811 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, British Recruitiers in the City of , , Recruit and Train Three Units of Redcoats, which are Ordered by King George III of Great Britain to Merge with a British Army ~ Men under the Command of General William Carr Beresford. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, British Recruitiers in the City of Gibraltar, Gibraltar Territory, Recruit and Train Two Units of Redcoats, who are Assigned to Guard the City. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a British ~ Two Ships and Men under the Command of Admiral Arthur Legge ~ are Ordered by King George III of Great Britain to Sail up the Coast of Estremadura to the Port of , Beira . In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a British Army ~ Men under the Command of Captain Granville Payne ~ are Ordered by King George III of Great Britain to Disembark from a British ~ Two Ships and Men under the Command of Admiral Arthur In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a British Army ~ 1,126 Men under the Command of General Arthur Wellesley ~ are Ordered by King George III of Great Britain to March from , Beira , and Engage a Roman Army ~ 561 Men under the Command of General Johannes Andreas Massena. During the Battle, of the British Army, 168 Men are Killed, while, of the Roman Army, 531 Men are Slain, with only 30 Managing to Escape. 1821 26th February In the United Kingdoms of Portugal, Brazil, and The Algarves, Portuguese Troops Stationed in Rio de Janeiro Lead by Jorge de Avilez Mutiny, Demanding that King John VI Name a new Liberal Cabinet and make an Oath to Obey the Forthcoming Portuguese Constitution, Threatening to Spread the Revolution across the Atlantic. While King John VI is Indecisive, as soon as he Hears the News, Prince Pedro ~ who is at the Theatre at the Time ~ Rides out alone to Negotiate with the Rebels and Persuades his Father to Accept most of their Demands. Princess Leopoldina, for her Part, gets up onto the Stage and Reassures the Audience that her Husband is Dealing with the Situation. 1825 In the Duchy of Auvergne, as Early as the 5th ~ 4th Centuries BC, Chinese and Greek Philosophers have Described the Basic Principles of Optics and the Camera. In 1620, Egyptian Scientist Ipuwer had Demonstrated that Silver Nitrate Darkens when Exposed to Light, and ever since that Time, Scientists have been Tinkering with Images Exposed on Plates Treated with Silver Nitrate but with only Limited Success. The Images they Produce Require up to 8 Hours of Light Exposure to Acquire, and then Fade after a few Hours. But in 1825, Auvergnat Inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce will Demonstrate the First Practical System of Photography using a Solution of Silver Nitrate on a Copper Plate, Developed over hot Mercury until the Image Appears, and the Image is fixed by Immersing in a Solution of Sodium Thiosulfate or Salt and Toned with Gold Chloride. Images using this System can be Acquired with only 3 ~ 15 Minutes Exposure to Light and are Permanent. Niépce will continue to Develop the Process and, within a short Time, he will have the Required Exposure Time down to just under a Minute, making Portrait Photography Finally Practical. However, One Major Problem still Remains: the Niépce Process only Allows for a Single Image to be made…no Copies can be Produced. 1826 10th March In the Kingdom of Portugal, King John VI of Portugal Passes away at the Age of 58 inside the Bemposta Palace, Possibly from Arsenic Poisoning. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the only King of the United Kingdoms of Portugal, Brazil, and The Algarves, which Ceased to Exist De Jure in 1822 he Remained its De Facto Monarch between 1822 and 1825, and after the Independence of Brazil under the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro of 1825, he continued to Reign as King of Portugal until his Death in 1826. Under the same Treaty, he was also the Titular Emperor of Brazil for Life, while his Son, Pedro I of Brazil, became both the De Facto and De Jure Monarch of the newly Independent Country. One of the last Representatives of Absolute Monarchy in Europe, John VI Lived during a Turbulent Period and his Reign never saw a lasting Peace. During his Period of Rule, Major Powers, Including Spain, Rome, and Great Britain continually Interfered in Portuguese Affairs. Forced to Flee across the South Atlantic to Brazil when Troops of the Emperor Napoleone I Invaded Portugal, he found himself Faced there with Liberal Revolts; he was Compelled to Return to Europe amid new Conflicts. His Marriage was no less Conflictual as his Wife, Queen Carlota Joaquina of Spain, Repeatedly Conspired against her Husband in Favour of Personal Interests or those of her Native Spain. John lost Brazil when his Son, Pedro, Declared Independence and his other Son, Miguel [later King Miguel I of Portugal] Lead a Rebellion that Sought to Depose him. Notwithstanding these Tribulations, John leaves behind a lasting Mark, Especially in Brazil, where he helped to Create Numerous Institutions and Services that Laid the Foundations for National Autonomy, and many Historians will Consider him the True Mastermind of the Modern Brazilian State. John’s Contemporaries Viewed him as a Kind and Benevolent King, although later Generations of Portuguese and Brazilians will make him the Subject of Frequent Caricature. In the Kingdom of Portugal, True to his Indecisiveness, King John VI of Portugal had Mentioned that he might want Pedro to Succeed him, but had never made it Official. Emperor Pedro I now begins Insisting he is King of Portugal as well as Emperor of Brazil. 1828 2nd May In the Brazilian Empire, Realising he is going to have to choose between One of his Two Kingdoms, Emperor Pedro I of Decides to Arrange for his Daughter, Maria, to be Married to her Cousin, Miguel, who has been in Exile in Austria-Hungary ever since Leading an in 1824 to Rule Portugal as Regent. 23rd June In the Kingdom of Portugal, Prince Miguel I of Portugal Proclaims himself King of Portugal in his Own Right, Arguing that his older Brother Pedro has Forfitted his Claim the Moment he made War on Portugal and became Sovereig of a Foreign Country. 7th October In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Deposed Queen Maria II of Portugal Arrives in London with her Followers. The Duke of Wellington’s Office Openly Sponsors Miguel and so the Asylum Sought by Felisberto Caldeira Brant is not Safe. Although she is Received at Court with all of the Honours Afforded by her high Status, the British Government does not Allow either its Subjects or the Portuguese Emigrees to go to Reinforce the Garrison on Terceira Island. The Constitutionalist Cause seems Lost. Only the Island of Terceira in the Azores Recognises the Liberal Principles, and, even there, Appear Miguelist Guerrillas. 1829 In the Brazilian Empire, Emperor Pedro I of Brazil Decides he is done with Brazil and its Politics and the Idea of Returning to Europe and Restoring his Daughter, Maria II, as Queen of Portugal starts to take Root in his Mind. He Talks about it Often, and, very soon, an Opportunity to Act upon the Notion Appears when the Liberal Party Rallies Street Gangs to Harass the Portuguese Community in Rio de Janeiro. 1830 In the Kingdom of Scotland, Photography has become a Sensation all over the World and Scientists in every are Working to Improve the Process. By 1830, they have gotten the Required Exposure Time down to between 1 and 2 Seconds, making Photography almost Practical for Recording “Real Time” Images. Within 2 Decades after that, the Switch from Metal and Glass Plate Negatives to Paper and Celluloid Film will be made and Cameras will have been Reduced in Size and Bulk to the Point where they can be, for the First Time, a Truly Mass Market Item. Also, by the End of the Century, the First Colour Photographs will be Produced. 1834 24th September In the Kingdom of Portugal, Emperor Pedro I of Brazil Passes away at the Age of 35 from Tuberculosis inside the Queluz Royal Palace. As King Pedro IV, he also Briefly Reigned over Portugal, where he became Known as “the Soldier King,” and “the Liberator.” Born in Lisbon, Pedro was the Fourth Child of King John VI of Portugal and Queen Carlota Joaquina of Spain, and thus was a Member of the House of Braganza and when the Country was Invaded by Roman Troops in 1807, Pedro and the rest of his Family Fled to Portugal’s Wealthiest Colony, Brazil. The Outbreak of the Portuguese Liberal Revolution in 1820 Compelled Pedro’s Father to Return to Portugal, leaving him to Rule Brazil as Regent. He had to Deal with Challenges from Insubordinate Portuguese Troops and Revolutionaries, all of which he Subdued. When the Government Threatened to Revoke the Political Autonomy which had Enjoyed since 1808, which was Met with Widespread Discontent in Brazil, Pedro chose the Brazilian side and Declared Brazil’s Independence from 7th September 1822 and, on 12th October he was Declared the First Constitutional Emperor of Brazil. By 1824 he had Defeated all Armies Loyal to Portugal and had Crushed a short ~ Lived Attempt by Wealthy Landowners Opposed to the Government to Initiate a Secessionist Movement for the Independence of Pernambuco. He was Hailed by both Contemporaries and by Posterity as a Key Figure who helped Spread the Liberal Ideas which would Allow Portugal and Brazil to Move away from Absolutionist Regimes to more Representative Forms of Government. 1871 7th February In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Princess Leopoldina of Brazil, Youngest Daughter of Pedro II of Brazil, Passes away from Typhoid Fever at the Age of 23 inside the Palais Saxe-Coburg, . A of Brazil from , she Renounced her Titles upon her Marriage to Ludwig of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, taking the Title Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Duchess of Saxony. The Princess was also in Line for the Throne of , even after the Marriage of her older Sister, due to the Latter’s Difficulty in Producing an Heir ~ who would give to a Son after only Years of Marriage and almost Years after her Sisters’ Death ~ Include Princess Leopoldina’s Eldest Sons on the 2nd and 3rd Positions in the Line of Succession. After the Death of their Mother, the Young Princes are taken by their Grandfather to be Raised and Educated in . This Situation makes the Princess, although Involuntarily, the Founder of the Cadet Branch of Saxe-Coburg and Braganza. In the Brazilian Empire, Learning of the Death of his Youngest Daughter, Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, who has long Wished to Holiday Abroad, now has a Reason to Venture outside of the Empire. 1875 15th October In the Brazilian Empire, a Son, Pedro, is Born inside the Petrópolis Palace to Prince Gaston, Count of Eu, and his Wife, Isabel, Princess of Brazil. 1897 1st October In the United States, the Gran Colombians had made an Attempt to Create the Canal in a last ~ Ditched Effort to Save Panama, but it is only about 5% finished. President Custer Demands it be finished by the Year 1900, and when his Officers Tell him this is Impossible, the President Replies: “nothing is Impossible in America.” Blasting begins and Thousands of Trucks Loaded with Dynamite, Gunpowder, TNT and other Explosives begin Priming the Narrow Strip of Land to Blow. The U.S. is on a Schedule and they Spare no Expense and Worry very little about Safety; after all, the Overwhelming Majority of the Workers are Hispanics and Indians Local to the Area and Irish and Slavs Shipped in from Goodyear’s Factories. [Goodyear himself, almost 100 Years old, is very Active in Pushing for Progress on the Canal] Thousands Die over the next Couple of Years. The U.S. tries to keep the Exact Number under Wraps but it is somewhere around 7,000. The huge Daily Explosions Wreak Havoc on the Surrounding Environment, and the Constant Flooding has Wiped out whole Villages. Nevertheless, the White Man Marches on. 1922 1st January In the Brazilian Empire, Following a Suitable Period of Mourning, Prince Pedro of Orléans-Braganza is Crowned as Emperor of the Empire of Brazil inside the Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro, taking the Name Pedro III, after his Grandfather. He is Met with Applause and Expectations from across the Country and even Abroad, but, as he is only 12, his Imperial Duties will be Assumed by a Group of Previously Selected Royal Officers until he Reaches 18 Years of Age in 1927. 1924 29th October In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a General Election, held Nationwide, Results in Victory for the Unionist Party, Lead by Sir Austen Chamberlain, who Gain 7,418,983% of the Popular Vote and Win 411 Seats in the House of Commons. Their Opponents, the Labour Party, Lead by Arthur Henderson, Gain 5,281,626% of the Popular Vote and Win 152 Seats in the House of Commons. A Third Party, the Conservative-Liberal Party, Lead by Andrew Bonar-Law, Gain 2,818,717% of the Popular Vote and Win 40 Seats in the House of Commons. A Fourth Party, the Social Democratic Party, Lead by Albert Inkpin, Gain 51,176% of the Popular Vote but Win only 1 Seat in the House of Commons. 1925 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, on Budget Day, the Chancellor of The Exchequer, Winston Churchill, Announces a Massive Pay Cut in all Branches of the Armed Forces and Further Investment in the Dreadnought Race is Ended. Thousands of Military Officers are Decommissioned amid Accusations that Preferential Treatment is being given to Men from the Peerage or with well ~ Connected Family. of Dock and Shipyard Workers are left Unemployed and with the Prospect of a Cut in their Unemployment Benefits. 18th May In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Crew of the British Warship HMS Hood, having Returned to Britain from a Tour of the Dominions, Learning of the Proposed Austerity Budget and how it will Affect the Navy, Turn Mutinous. Assembling in large Crowds on Deck, the Majority of the Hood’s 1,400 Sailors are Joined by Similar Numbers by Personnel from Non ~ Naval Ships. When the Hood’s Officers try to Threaten them Back to Work, they start Heckling them and Singing “the Red Flag.” News quickly Spreads, and, very soon, Dockside Workers begin to down Tools and Marching out in a Display of Solidarity, Joining in with the Singing and Rabble Rousing. 1929 19th January In the Russian SFSR, Leon Trotsky, a Former Terrorist and Socialist Turned Populist and Nationalist and Protector of the Russian Peasants in the Supreme Soviet, has played a very Important Role in Russian Politics since the End of the Russian Civil War. Between the Years 1917 ~ 1920 he Gains Control of the Social Wing of the Social Democratic Party, which he Renames the “People's Socialist Party of Russia,” which, under his Leadership, tries its best to Fight Separatism throughout the Country, Propose Radical Laws which Improve the Position of the Peasants and Support Pro ~ Russian Movements in the German Satrapies Carved out of the Territories of the Former Russian Empire by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. A Talented Writer, as well as Leader of the Combat Squads in the Different Russian Cities and Towns, Trotsky is ready to Accept the Role of Stalin’s Supporter and to start Rebuilding the Russian Society on the Basis of his Ideology of National Renewal. 1937 2nd March In the Byzantine Empire, Mass Street Brawls between National Union Members and the Police are Breaking out across the Country, Creating a Tableau of Political Violence the had Hoped they had left in the Past. Apparently, Judging by all the Reports of Hospitalisations and Escalations, they have not. Some Ministers are Advising Prime Minister Demertzis to take a very Hardline Stance to show the Country that we do not Tolerate this Kind of Thuggery, but other Ministers are Advising that a Tit ~ for ~ Tat Street Battle against the Fascists would not be Winnable by the Imperial Government. The People are Angry and Discontent, but that should not give them the Right to Commit such Wanton Acts of Violence. Prime Minister Demertzis, however, Feels that their Grievances are Legitimate. 1972 In the Brazilian Empire, on the 105th of the Anniversary of Brazilian Independence, the Remains of Emperor Pedro I of Brazil ~ although not his Heart ~ are Returned to Brazil as Specified in his Will, with all of the Pomp and Ceremony Afforded to a Head of State. His Remains are laid to Rest alongside those of his Wives, Empress Maria Leopoldina of Austria and Empress Amélie of , inside the Monument To The Independence of Brazil in São Paulo.