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The last few votes we've had have been the closest we've ever seen - heck, the last one featured a three-way tie that broke at the last second by ONE VOTE. So we've been thinking - all those second place topics that came so, so close to winning? They deserve a second (!) chance! So here they are. 

Link: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/8ZXoM7np?qid=852858

Deadline: Tuesday, August 2 at midnight (PST)

Rules: You may vote for as many topics as you like! The topics that gets the most votes overall will be the winner.

We're expecting epic results from you, voters! Five-way tie, maybe?


What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?

What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?



Wow, such close vote yet again. Sadly I didn't see the mail until now.


Yikes, I set the timer wrong! Realized it when I saw your message. Try voting now - the poll should be re-open for another 22.5 hours.


Awwww, I was hoping to have the final vote. Oh well, it seems you extended the deadline. Better to give more time for people to vote anyways, it seems rather common that people didn't see the vote announcement until its too late. Maybe 3 days for voting is too short?


It's four days this time, although I actually think 3 days is the ideal. After that point I can tell that the rate at which people are voting really drops off. I just happened to calculate the ending date wrong, but since I posted it that way, it's only fair if I stick to it!