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Tokyo Station, November 4th, 1921. Hara Takashi is a symbol of the new Japan. He was born into a minor Samurai family and opted to be classed as a commoner. He worked to become the first commoner and first Christian Prime Minister of Japan. Watching as Japan stepped into a role among the world nations but none of his achievements for himself or his country could save him from the knife being drawn for his assassination.

Other related recommendations to watch: End of the Samurai and Sun Yat-sen  


Japanese Militarism - Drawing the Knife - ExtraHistory - #1

Use code EXTRACREDITS14 for up to 14 FREE MEALS + 3 Free Gifts across 5 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping at https://bit.ly/3Dxzc1A ! Tokyo Station, November 4th 1921. Hara Takashi is a symbol of the new Japan. He was born into a minor Samurai family and opted to be classed as a commoner. He worked to become the first commoner and first Christian Prime Minister of Japan. Watching as Japan stepped into a role among the world nations but none of his achievements for himself or his country could save him from the knife being drawn for his assassination. Part 2 Coming Next Week! ___________ Want to support the people who make this show? Become a Patreon Member & Vote on future Extra History episodes! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Or show off your fandom with our merch! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Want more Extra Credits? Subscribe and follow us on social media: YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubToEC Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram LIVE Shows on Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Website at http://extracredits.site/ ___________ Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Paranoia" by Tiffany Roman ♪ Extra History Theme by Sean & Dean Kiner #ExtraHistory #JapaneseMilitarism #History



Tennoheika Baaaa ~ ANZAI!!! ~ Warcry of Militant sheep

Avatar Juan

Awesome, Japanese militarism has always interested me. To see Japan at the start of the 20th century vs at the start of the 21st is such a night and day thing. Japanese culture was so militarized and dedicated to nationalism that Japanese politics was ruled by assassination. Young men would kill leaders they believed weakened Japan or didn't work for the best interest of the emperor. Even the emperor was afraid of reigning them in because he didn't know if the nationalist would even turn on him, which would lead to the Army and Navy taking actions without the consent of the top brass because they were so patriotic that punishing them would put them in the cross hairs of nationalist assassins. Would recommend also watching Hardcore History's Supernova in the East series along with this as well, goes deep into the start of Japan's military history and how it shaped it into what they would capable of in WWII.


Ooh I’m so excited for this series!

John Cox

Note: @6:40, you say, "...Taiwan, Korean...", but show flags in the order Korean -> Republic of Formosa. Since we're dealing with old flags that people may not recognize, perhaps the video could be updated with a correcting annotation? Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Korean_flags https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Taiwanese_flags

John Cox

Recommended viewing: Japan's War In Color (2004 documentary). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJLE2pnN9WY Although too late in history for this series, its color footage from as far back as the 1930s gives glimpses into what pre-WW2 Japan looked like and tries to piece together pre-war, war, and a tiny bit of post-war footage into a history of the war from Japan's perspective. Highly recommend watching when you can set aside 90min. Be aware, this film does cover parts of the war and the aftermath of the atomic bombs, so it gets heavy. Still recommend. It seems that an enterprising filmmaker (or two, or more) spent good money to purchase what looks to be a 24fps color film camera and the color film to run it. I found this documentary to feel uneasily real. Usually, history film from this time period is from black and white cameras that were probably built in the early 1920s for silent films, may have been hand cranked, and were often targeted at 16fps. Speed that footage up to 24fps (became the standard film speed in the 1930s), and you get 24 frames / 16fps = 1.5sec of footage in 1sec of film speed. Add that unnatural speed on top of black and white footage, and most historical footage from this time doesn't quite feel real or relatable. But this documentary is genuine 24fps on color film. Despite the low resolution, it's enough to make the history feel more real (to me, at least) than anything else of Japan that I've seen before.


I have been playing a mod for Hearts of Iron IV called Kaiserreich: Legacy of The Weltkrieg which I have been using as inspiration for these bits: 1913 In the German Empire, German-Jewish Physicist Albert Einstein First Proposes the Idea of Nuclear Chain Reaction and Files Several Patents Based on this Idea. Einstein Argues that Nuclear Chain Reaction could be used for Power Production, or, with a Correct “Critical Mass” of Chain ~ Reacting Substances, “Explosion.” He Publishes his Theories in a German Scientific Journal, Annalen der Physik. 1914 In the German Empire, German-Jewish Physicist Albert Einstein Begs Kaiser Wilhelm II to keep his Nuclear Chain Reaction Patents a Secret, Fearing they could be used to Produce a “Terrifying Weapon of Awesome Power,” but it is too Late: Researchers from Several other Countries have already Read Einstein’s Article in Annalen der Physik and Patent Researchers have already Viewed Einstein’s Patents in the German Imperial Patent Office. Research into the Possibility of Nuclear Chain Reaction and, Ultimately, Nuclear Explosive Devices, has already begun, albiet with Limited Funding since most Powers are not yet Convinced of the True Potential of the new Technology. 1918 In the Egyptian Empire, the Sphinx, the World’s First Purpose ~ Built Aircraft Carrier, is Launched. This Formidable Vessel Carries an Air Wing of 75 Combat Aircraft [Mixed Fighters, Dive Bombers and Bombers]. Prior to this Time, Experiments had been Conducted in many Countries with the Practicality of Launching Aircraft from Ships but there has been very little Interest from the World’s Militaries, who, up until the Experience of the Fifth Great Global War, were not Entirely Convinced of the Actual Utility of Aircraft in Warfare for Purposes other than Observation. Other Navies will soon Follow Suit with Similar Vessels. 1928 In the Russian SFSR, the General-Secretary of The Communist Party, Joseph Stalin, has Finally Seized Power using Army Troops Placed in Moscow. However, he also Understands that without an Efficient Political Programme, his Control over the Country will be lost and the Social Revolutionaries will Plunge Russia into Terror and Chaos. The Temporary Premier, Semyon Timoshenko, a well ~ Known Supporter of Stalin, can Maintain a Similarity of Order, but he has Awful Relations with almost all Factions in the Supreme Soviet and in the Central Committee, and as a Result, Stalin has Decided to Invite Leon Trotsky, the Leader of the “People's Socialist Party of Russia” into the Government and Offer him the Post of Premier. Although Stalin and Trotsky are not on the best of Terms, Stalin Hopes that Trotsky will be Able to Reconstruct the Glory of the Russian Empire. 1932 13th March In the German Empire, a General Election, held Nationwide, Results in Victory for the German Conservative Party, Lead by Franz von Papen, who Gain 19,359,983% of the Popular Vote and Win 75 Seats in the Reichstag. Their Coalition Partners, the Social Democratic Party, Lead by Otto Wels, Gain 8,575,244% of the Popular Vote and Win 143 Seats in the Reichstag. Their Opponents, the German National Party, Lead by Adolf Hitler, Gain 6,379,672% of the Popular Vote and Win 107 Seats in the Reichstag. A Fourth Party, the Communist Party of Germany, Lead by Ernst Thälmann, Gain 4,590,160% of the Popular Vote and Win 77 Seats in the Reichstag. A Fifth Party, the German Fatherland Party, Lead by Alfred Hugenberg, Gain 2,457,686% of the Popular Vote and Win 41 Seats in the Reichstag. A Sixth Party, the National Liberal Party, Lead by Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, Gain 1,577,365% of the Popular Vote and Win 30 Seats in the Reichstag. 1933 28th January In the German Empire, Franz von Papen, the Leader of the German Conservative Party, Resigns as Chancellor of Germany after Kaiser Wilhelm II Refuses to Grant him Dictatorial Powers to Deal with the Nation’s Economic Crisis and after being unable to Form a Coalition Government. Wilhelm II Attempts to Persuade General Kurt von Schleicher to Succed Papen, but General Schleicher Declines, leaving Adolf Hitler as Wilhelm II’s Choice. 17th August In the Russian SFSR, Russian Rocket Engineers Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko Launch Russia’s First Liquid ~ Fuelled Rocket. It is a small Rocket, and only Reaches an Altitude of 1,000 Feet before Running out of Fuel. The Successful Launch, however, will Demonstrate that the Theories Proposing that Liquified Hydrogen and Oxygen might make a Satisfactory Rocket Propellant are, in Fact, Correct, and soon Scientists in other Countries are Following their Lead. 20th October In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Russian Spies are sent to Britain to Steal Plans for a “Sun Bomb,” a Theoretical Weapon which Utilises the Nuclear Fission of Uranium and Plutonium. 4th November In the Greater Manchurian Empire, ever since the Establishment of the Empire, Resistance against what many Consider to be a Japanese Puppet Regime has been a Constant Problem, Ranging from small Groups of Bandits to large Volunteer Armies. Most of those Volunteer Armies have been Destroyed by this Date, however, Japanese and Manchurian Forces Constantly have to Sweep the . In 1933, Japanese and Manchurian Forces set out to Clear the of Kirin from Hostile Forces once and for all. Over 30,000 Troops, alongside their , take Part in the Operation, which Leads to the Capture or Death of Numerous Guerrilla Commanders while Forcing the rest to Flee the . 19th November In the Spanish Republic, a Presidential Election, held Nationwide, Results in Victory for the Radical Republican Party, Lead by Alejandro Lerroux, who Gain 19,081,237% of the Popular Vote and Win 115 Seats in the Congress of Deputies. Their Coalition Partners, the Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Rights, Lead by José María Gil-Robles, Gain of the Popular Vote and Win 102 Seats in the Congress of Deputies. A Third Party, the Liberal Party, Lead by Incumbent President Niceto Alcalá-Zamora, Gain 14,312,903% of the Popular Vote but Lose 56 Seats in the Congress of Deputies. A Fourth Party, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, by Francisco Largo Caballero, Gain of the Popular Vote and Win Seats in the Congress of Deputies. A Fifth Party, the Communist Party of Spain, Lead by José Díaz, Gain of the Popular Vote and Win only 1 Seat in the Congress of Deputies. 1935 30th June In Nationalist Germany, just Days after the takeover of Power, Chancellor Hitler Enthusiastically Embraces an Ambitious Autobahn Construction Project and Appoints Fritz Todt as the Inspector General of Road Construction. Soon, over 100,000 Labourers Work at Construction Sites all over . As well as Providing Employment and Improved Infrastructure, Necessary for Economic Recovery Efforts. The Project is also a Success for Propaganda Purposes. In Retrospect, One can say another Aim of the Autobahn Project, beyond Creating National Unity and Strengthening Centralised Rule, is to Provide Mobility for the Movement of Military Forces. 1936 3rd January In the Russian SFSR, the German Decision during the Berlin Conference in November 1935 to Force Russia to Repay the Remaining Part of the War Indemnities Imposed on Russia by the Central Powers at Brest-Litovsk One Year Earlier than Planned has put the in a Precarious Position. The Current Budget for 1936 is already Stretched to a Bare Minimum and, as a Result, the Supreme Soviet sees no other Alternative than to Impose Harsh Austerity Measures if they are to Pay the Teutonics. The Cuts in Government Spending will be most Harshly Felt in the Services Sector and in the many Homes of Invalided War Veterans Depending on the Support. Russian Citizens are already Disgruntled and Dissatisfied with the Incumbent Coalition of Cadets and Leftist United under Stalin and Trotsky and it is Feared that these Austerity Measures will bring even more Extreme Political Groupings unto the Political Scene. 7th January In the Russian State, when the Chinese Empire Collapsed upon the Conclusion of the Fourth Great , the Three Powers in the Far East ~ Russia, Germany, and ~ had all Fought a Cold War in over Chinese Trade and Influence. Vladivostok had even sent Troops to Secure their Concessions and had Fought Chinese Radicals in alongside their Japanese Partners. When Germany Intervened to stop an all ~ out War in China, they Created the Legation Cities, Officially Known as the International Mandate for Chinese Concessions, as a Method for Regulating Trade in China, and Ensuring Equal Access under the Open Door . Naturally, Russia was Granted a Seat on the Council and their Representatives are very Welcome in Shanghai. Unfortunately, the Russian State has only been Granted Observer Status on the as the Legation has Judged the Bolshevik Regime in Moscow to be a Credible challenge to the Russian State’s Legitimacy. Thus, there is the Awkward Situation in Shanghai of One Delegation for Two Regimes, unable to Vote and Barely Able to Debate. Until the Russian State or the Bolsheviks can Secure their hold over , this Irksome Arrangement will continue. 20th January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, King George V of Great Britain Passes away at the Age of 70 in Sandringham House, Norfolk. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a hard ~ Working King, Widely Admired by the People of Great Britain and the Empire, and for Establishing a Conduct for British Royalty that Reflects the Values and Virtues of the upper ~ Middle Class rather than upper Class Lifestyles and Vices. 21st January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Eldest Son of the Late King George V, Prince Edward, Flies from Sandringham House, Norfolk, to the City of London, Greater London, for the Traditional Pledges at St James’s Palace, Swearing to Uphold the Church of England and Receiving the Oath of Allegiance from the Privy Council. 22nd January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Leader of the Russian Whites, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, Visits his Majesty, Prince Edward. In his Speech, Admiral Kolchak Reminds the Prince of King George V’s Previous Support of Admiral Kolchak’s Unsuccessful 1925 Coup in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Governorate, and Assures him that, this Time, the Rogue Admiral will Triumph ~ however, he once again Requests British Support. Prince Edward Believes that he Owes Kolchak nothing, and is of the Opinion that the Admiral is just an old Fool. 29th March In Nationalist Germany, the 1936 German General Election is Presented as a Single List of German National Party Candidates and Independent ‘Guests’ Invited to stand by the Nationalists. As with the Election in 1933, Socialists, Communists, Jews, Poles, and other Ethnic Minorities are Forbidden from Voting or Standing. The Vote is Rigged and the German National Party, Lead by Incumbent Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Claim 100% of the Vote and a Turnout of 99% in Favour. 1938 27th June In the Russian SFSR, Sergei Korolev is Arrested on False Charges of Deliberately slowing the Work of the Research Institute by Ivan Kleymyonov, Georgy Langemak, Leaders of the Institute Executed in January. He is Tortured in the Lubyanka Prison to get a Confession during the Great Purge, Tried and Sentenced to Death. Glushko and Korolev were both Reportedly Denounced by Andrei Kostikov, who becomes Head of the RNII Following the Arrest of its Leadership. Without Korolev and Glushko, the Russian Rocket Programme falls far behind the Rapid Progress taking Place in Nationalist Germany.