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Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into the episode properly. Will Army the Armchair return? Did we mess up a map? How many powers were ACTUALLY in India at the time?  

Recommended Reading: 

Claude Markovits, ed., A History of Modern India, 1480-1950 (London: Anthem Press, 2002) 

John Keay, India: A History (New York: Grove, 2000) 

Douglas M. Peers, India under Colonial Rule, 1700-1885 (London: Routledge, 2006) 

Ranajit Guha, Dominance without Hegemony: History and Power in Colonial India (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998) 

Harban Mukhia, The Mughals (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004)  

If you missed the previous episodes check them out here: 

Part One: A Historical Paradox - Part Two: East India Companies -  Part Three: The Black Hole - Part Four: The Company Raj - Part Five: The Empty Chair


Conquest of India - LIES - Extra History

Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into the episode properly. Will Army the Armchair return? Did we mess up a map? How many powers were ACTUALLY in India at the time? Recommended Reading: Claude Markovits, ed., A History of Modern India, 1480-1950 (London: Anthem Press, 2002) John Keay, India: A History (New York: Grove, 2000) Douglas M. Peers, India under Colonial Rule, 1700-1885 (London: Routledge, 2006) Ranajit Guha, Dominance without Hegemony: History and Power in Colonial India (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998) Harban Mukhia, The Mughals (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004) Timestamps! 1:39 - Recommended Reading/General Questions 3:16 - Episode 1 5:44 - Episode 2 8:20 - Episode 3 14:43 - Episode 4 16:55 - Episode 5 20:16 - Next on Extra History 22:06 - Ibn Battuta Side Trip If you missed the previous episodes check them out here: Part One - A Historical Paradox - https://youtu.be/E4vonIphF4E Part Two - East India Companies - https://youtu.be/AqCWlABVddY Part Three - The Black Hole - https://youtu.be/x1JwJJybHDs Part Four - The Company Raj - https://youtu.be/ZYIf2MtIcEY Part Five - The Empty Chair - https://youtu.be/o0vBdP5hFng History Respawned Podcast: https://www.historyrespawned.com/ ___________ Want to support the people who make this show? Become a Patreon Member & Vote on future Extra History episodes! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Or show off your fandom with our merch! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Want more Extra Credits? Subscribe and follow us on social media: YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubToEC Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram LIVE Shows on Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Website at http://extracredits.site/ ___________ Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "British India" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com #ExtraHistory #ConquestofIndia #History



Came during a game of Total War: Rome II this week...is Zoe the cat psychically linked with my Computer?


This is a bit late again as I've been finishing bits and pieces meant for it. 1691 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Captain William Dampier of HMS Roebuck has Returned from a Voyage of Exploration in the Southern Latitudes, where he has been Engaged in Mapping Several Coastlines around New South Wales and the Former Spanish Possession of New Guinea, with nothing but his Journal and the Clothes he Wears. Captain Dampier Successfully Publishes his Journals as “New Voyage Around The World,” which Catches the Attention of the Admiralty. They Engage his Services as Commander of the Roebuck Expedition of Exploration. 1700 27th February In the Pacific Ocean, after Charting Several new Coastlines, William Dampier and the Crew of the HMS Roebuck Sight a new Island which they Name “Nova Britannia” ~ “New Britain.” While en Route, they Pause to Collect Specimens. Worried about the Condition of his Ship, Dampier Decides to Abandon his Plan to Explore Mainland Australia and Attempt the Return Voyage to Britain. In the Byzantine Empire, Byzantine Basileia Apollonia I Instructs her Foreign Minister, to Offer King William III of Great Britain a Trade Agreement in Exchange for a Single Payment of 650 Florins, which King William III of Great Britain Accepts. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Leaders of the British North American Colonies Approach King William III of Great Britain and Suggest he should Secure Britain’s Future Dominion in the Americas by Consolidating the Surrounding Area. If he can Succeed in Capturing the Regions of Georgia, Cherokee Territory, and New France, then the Thirteen Colonies will be his to Command. He must be sure to Maintain Friendly Relations with them until the new Union is Secured. In the Huron Confederation, a Huron Army ~ Men under the Command of Chief Totopotomoi ~ are Ordered by the to March from the Capital of Huron-Wyandot, to the Borders of Prince Rupert’s Land, British North America. In British North America, an Iroquois Army ~ Men under the Personal Command of Chief Pontiac ~ are Ordered by Chief Pontiac to March from the Iroquois Capital of Cayuga, Iroquois Territory, across the Border to the City of Albany, New York. In British North America, a Protestant Missionary ~ Robert Watson ~ is Ordered by King William III of Great Britain to March from the Borders of Prince Rupert’s Land into , Huron-Wyandot . In British North America, British Recruitiers in the City of Moose Factory, Prince Rupert’s Land, are Ordered by King William III of Great Britain to Recruit and Train a Unit of Colonial Militia. In the Queendom of Vinland, Vinlandic Recruitiers in the City of Karontóborg, Sud-Hafsvaedaland Fylk, are Ordered by Queen Thorey VII of Vinland to Recruit and Train a Unit of Colonial Militia. In the Pirate Republic, a British Fleet ~ Five Ships and Men under the Command of Admiral John Leake ~ are Ordered by King William III to Sail from the Island of Hispaniola to Antigua, Leeward Islands, and Engage a Pirate Fleet ~ Ships and Men under the Command of Captain Charles Fleury. During the Battle, of the British Fleet, Men are Killed and One Ship is Sunk, while, of the Pirate Fleet, Men are Killed and Two Ships are Sunk. Rather than Execute their Prisoners, Admiral Leake Decides to Press those who are Willing to Swear to Britain into his Fleet. 1701 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, upon Returning to Britain, Captain William Dampier finds that his Name has been Blackened by Accusations of Brutality. A Crew Member Imprisoned in Brazil has Returned before Dampier and Complains to the Admiralty about Dampier’s Treatment of him. Despite Protestations, Dampier is Arrested and Charged with Cruelty. 1707 3rd March In the Mughal Empire, Emperor Aurangzeb Passes away in the City of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, at the Age of 88. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last Truly Effective Mughal Emperor, under who the Mughal Empire reached its Greatest Extent, Covering the whole of OTL India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, and he Ruled over a Population Estimated to be over 158,000,000 Subjects. Under his Reign, India Surpassed Qing China to become the World’s largest Economy and biggest Manufacturing Power, worth nearly a Quarter of the Global GWP and more than the Entirity of Western Europe and its largest and Wealthiest Subdivision, Bengal, Signals the beginnings of Industrialisation. A Pious Muslim, Aurangzeb Memorised the Entire Quran, Studied Hadiths, Stringently Observes the Rituals of Islam, and “Transcribed Copies of the Quran.” In Pakistan, Aurangzeb will be Remembered as a National Hero who Fought and Expanded the Frontiers of Islamic Empire and a True Believer who Removed Corrupt Practices from Religion and the Court, and once again Purified the Empire. His Critics will Argue that his Ruthlessness and Religious Bigotory made him Unsuitable to Rule the Mixed Populations of his Empire, Citing his Executions of his Elder Brother Dara Shikoh, the Sikh Guru Teg Bahadur, and King Sambhaji of the Maratha Empire, his Demolition of Hindu Temples, and the Prohibition and Supervision of Activities Forbidden in Islam, such as Gambling, Fornication, and the Consumption of Alcohol and Narcotics. At the same Time, some Historians will Question the Historical Authenticity of the Claims made by his Critics, Noting that he Built more Temples than he Demolished, Employed Significantly more Hindus in his Imperial Bureaucracy than any of his Predecessors, and Opposed Bigotry against Hindus and Shia Muslims. 1744 7th September In the Company Raj, the Residents of Madras Awake to find a Francoiberian Fleet sitting offshore ~ and an Expedition of Soldiers being Landed on Shore. The Francoberian Ships Open Fire on the Town ~ but with little Effect, Struggling to find the Correct Range ~ by Nightfall, a large Portion of the Garrison has been Lulled into a False Sense of Security. The next Morning, the Francoiberians Resume their Bombardment from both Land and Shore, this Time with much Greater Accuracy. The Fortifications of Madras have been Poorly Constructed and are largely unable to Resist such an Attack. As the Number of British Casualties Grows, the Discipline of the Morale of the Troops Collapses. After a Direct hit on the Liquor Stores a Number of Soldiers Abandon their Posts and Drink themselves into a Stupor. Civilians from the Town take their Place Manning the Defences but it is becoming Clear that Resistance is Collapsing. 9th September In the Company Raj, after Several Days, the Governor-General of Madras, Nicholas Morse, Agrees to Sue for Terms and the Franco Enter the City. The Terms Offered by Bertrand-François Mahé are Generous: the Francoiberians will take over the Fort and Warehouses, but the rest of the Town will Remain British. This is in Direct Contrast to his Superior Officer, Joseph Marquis Dupleix, who is in Favour of a Total Francoiberian Annexation of Madras. Mahé Insists on Honouring the Peace Terms and, for a Month, the Peace Agreement he has Signed holds. In the Raj, after a Three ~ Day Trek, made mostly by Night, Clive and his Companions Arrive at Fort Saint David with News of the Fall of Madras. Upon his Arrival, Clive Decides to Enlist in the rather than Remain Idle. In the Hierarchy of the , this is seen as a Step down.