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Bowling Green Plantation, Wilkinson County, Mississippi, 1795. Eli Whitney has planted the seed of the American cotton industry's industrial revolution by engineering the cotton gin! Which would revolutionize cotton production and create less of a need for slavery. However, these were just the seeds of a lie.


The Cotton Gin - Seeds of a Lie - Extra History

Bowling Green Plantation, Wilkinson County, Mississippi, 1795. Eli Whitney has planted the seed of the American cotton industry's industrial revolution by engineering the cotton gin! Which would revolutionize cotton production and create less of a need for slavery. However, these were just the seeds of a lie. ___________ Want to support the people who make this show? Become a Patreon Member & Vote on future Extra History episodes! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Or show off your fandom with our merch! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Want more Extra Credits? Subscribe and follow us on social media: YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubToEC Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram LIVE Shows on Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Website at http://extracredits.site/ ___________ Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Alleyways and Truncheons by Tiffany Roman #ExtraHistory #CottonGin #History



Pity the U.S. Civil War always seems to lose every time the topic comes up on the extra credits polls.


So I do have to disagree with some of the episode, US slavery was always profitable the gin just made it more profitable as cotton was uniquely well suited to the US south, there were sugar plantations but they were limited due to climate soil conditions etc while cotton could more or less expand limitlessly


One more lot from Empire: Total War...I have also been using older Extra Credits videos as a source of insipration, I hope you mind not do? 1699 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Captain William Dampier of HMS Roebuck has Returned from a Voyage of Exploration in the Southern Latitudes, where he has been Engaged in Mapping Several Coastlines around New South and the Former Spanish Possession of New Guinea, with nothing but his Journal and the Clothes he Wears. Captain Dampier Successfully Publishes his Journals as “New Voyage Around The World,” which Catches the Attention of the Admiralty. They Engage his Services as Commander of the Roebuck Expedition of Exploration. 1603 11th September In the Kingdom of England, the First English Expedition to the Spice Islands under the Command of James VI Returns to Torbay where they Learn of the Death of Queen Elizabeth I and the Ascension of James I. James Lancaster is Awarded by a Knighthood from the newly ~ Crowned King. 1664 In the Kingdom of France, Authorises the French India Company, Planned by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, for the Purpose of Trading in the Hemisphere and to Compete with the Luxembourgise and Companies. 1666 In the , Emperor Aurangzeb of the Grants the French India Company a Mandate to Trade out of the Port City of Surat in 1700 27th February In the after Charting Several new Coastlines, William Dampier and the Crew of the HMS Roebuck Sight a new Island which they Name “ Britannia” ~ “ Britain.” While en Route, they Pause to Collect Specimens. Worried about the Condition of his Ship, Dampier Decides to Abandon his Plan to Explore Mainland and Attempt the Return Voyage to Britain. 1701 23rd February In the , the HMS Roebuck Runs Aground in Clarance Bay in Ascension Island and Sinks while still at Anchor. The Crew Warp the Vessel and leave after Saving some Items, Including Captain Dampier’s Journal and Various Specimens. After finding a Spring of Fresh Water Inland, they Remain Alive, although they Suffer many Privations. 8th April In the , a Squadron of Four East India Company Ships Sails into Clarance Bay and Pick up William Dampier and the Roebuck’s Crew. Many Papers have gone down with the Roebuck, Dampier has been able to Save many Charts of the new Coastline, and his Records of Trade Winds and Currents in the Seas around Australia and . One of the Vessels, Hastings, Elects to stay behind and try to Recover the Anchor and Cable which had been used to Warp the Roebuck. This Proves Successful, however, a Grappling Anchor is lost. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, upon Returning to , Captain William Dampier finds that his Name has been Blackened by Accusations of Brutality. A Crew Member Imprisoned in Brazil has Returned before Dampier and Complains to the Admiralty about Dampier’s Treatment of him. Despite Protestations, Dampier is Arrested and Charged with Cruelty. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Captain William Dampier is -Martialled for Causing the Death of a Crew Member. Although Dampier Vigorously Defends his Conduct, he is Stripped of his Position and Dismissed from the Navy. Undeterred, Dampier Publishes an Account of this Circumnavigation Entitled “A Voyage to New ,” and is Actively Considering a Return to his Buccaneering Lifestyle. 1703 In the Most Serene Republic of Venice, the last Venetian Fortress on Crete Surrenders to the Majmi Caliphate, the last Time Islamic Armies will March into Europe. 1707 3rd March In the Mughal Empire, Emperor Aurangzeb Passes away in the City of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, at the Age of 88. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last Truly Effective Mughal Emperor, under who the Mughal Empire reached its Greatest Extent, Covering the whole of OTL India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, and he Ruled over a Population Estimated to be over 158,000,000 Subjects. Under his Reign, India Surpassed Qing China to become the World’s largest Economy and biggest Manufacturing Power, worth nearly a Quarter of the Global GWP and more than the Entirity of Western Europe and its largest and Wealthiest Subdivision, Bengal, Signals the beginnings of Industrialisation. A Pious Muslim, Aurangzeb Memorised the Entire Quran, Studied Hadiths, Stringently Observes the Rituals of Islam, and “Transcribed Copies of the Quran.” In Pakistan, Aurangzeb will be Remembered as a Hero who Fought and Expanded the Frontiers of Islamic Empire and a True Believer who Removed Corrupt Practices from Religion and the , and once again Purified the Empire. His Critics will Argue that his Ruthlessness and Religious Bigotory made him Unsuitable to Rule the Mixed Populations of his Empire, Citing his Executions of his Elder Brother Dara Shikoh, the Sikh Guru Teg Bahadur, and King Sambhaji of the Empire, his Demolition of Hindu Temples, and the Prohibition and Supervision of Activities Forbidden in Islam, such as Gambling, Fornication, and the Consumption of Alcohol and Narcotics. At the same Time, some Historians will Question the Historical Authenticity of the Claims made by his Critics, Noting that he Built more Temples than he Demolished, Employed Significantly more Hindus in his Imperial Bureaucracy than any of his Predecessors, and Opposed Bigotry against Hindus and Shia Muslims. 1720 In the Kingdom of France, the French East India Company is Nationalised by the French , which begins using it to Expand its Interests. This becomes a Source of Conflict with the British in India. 1793 In the United States, Eli Whitney Jr. Applies for a Patent for the Cotton Gin. Although the Patent is Granted, it will not become Valid until 1807. 1856 In the Company Raj, the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India Officially gives “Peak XV” [later to be Known as “Mount Everest”] the Height of 29,002 Feet, making it the highest Place in the World. “Peak IX” [Kanchenjunga] Previously Thought to be the World’s highest, is given a Height of 28,156 Feet. 1857 10th May In the Company Raj, Dhan Singh Gurjar and Several Police Officers Declare themselves Free, Break into Meerut Prison, and Release the Imprisoned Members of the 3rd Bengal Light Cavalry and then, using the Greased Rifle Cartridges, Kill a Number of their British Officers. British Junior Officers who try to Quell the First Outbreaks are Killed by the Rebels. Officers’ and Civilians’ Quarters are also Attacked and 4 Men, 8 Women, and also 8 Children are Killed by the Sepoys. Crowds in the Bazaar Attack off ~ Duty Soldiers there, and about 50 Indian Civilians, many of whom are Officers’ Servants who try to Defend or Conceal their European Employers are also Killed. In some Cases, the Sepoys Escort Trusted Officers to Safety and then Join the Rebellion.