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Cawnpore, India July, 1857. We've been here before, another small British garrison is under siege but this is where our story comes to a head. The EIC, now under "new management" seeks to add India to its "Age of Reform". Scrubbing away the last vestiges of the Mughal Empire and paving the way for "British Civilization".


Conquest of India - The Empty Chair - Extra History - #5

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This time I was playing Rome: Total War: Remastered when this got to me.


Nice to see you guys regularly replying to our comments again after the incident which led to the departure of the person who previously did it. 1700 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Word reaches King William III of Great Britain that British Recruitiers have Recruited and Trained a Unit of Colonial Militia in the City of Moose Factory, a Unit of Redcoats in the British Capital of London, and a Unit of Pikemen in the City of Dublin. In the Kingdom of Scotland, Recruitiers in the Scottish Capital of Edinburgh Recruit and Train a Unit of Militia. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Captain William Dampier of HMS Roebuck has Returned from a Voyage of Exploration in the Latitudes, where he has been Engaged in Mapping Several Coastlines around New and the Former Spanish Possession of New Guinea, with nothing but his Journal and the Clothes he Wears. Captain Dampier Successfully Publishes his Journals as “New Voyage Around The World,” which Catches the Attention of the Admiralty. They Engage his Services as Commander of the Roebuck Expedition of Exploration. 1701 23rd February In the , the HMS Roebuck Runs Aground in Clarance Bay in Ascension Island and Sinks while still at Anchor. The Crew Warp the Vessel and leave after Saving some Items, Including Captain Dampier’s Journal and Various Specimens. After finding a Spring of Fresh Water Inland, they Remain Alive, although they Suffer many Privations. 1703 In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a Split in the Sejm Caused by King Stephen II’s Attempts to Rein in their Power Leads to the Elector of Saxony, Michael I, being Crowned as Anti-King. 1707 3rd March In the Mughal Empire, Emperor Aurangzeb Passes away in the City of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, at the Age of 88. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last Truly Effective Mughal Emperor, under who the Mughal Empire reached its Extent, Covering the whole of OTL India, , Afghanistan, and , and he Ruled over a Population Estimated to be over 158,000,000 Subjects. Under his Reign, India Surpassed Qing China to become the World’s largest Economy and biggest Manufacturing Power, worth nearly a Quarter of the Global GWP and more than the Entirity of Western Europe and its largest and Wealthiest Subdivision, Bengal, Signals the beginnings of Industrialisation. A Pious Muslim, Aurangzeb Memorised the Entire Quran, Studied Hadiths, Stringently Observes the Rituals of Islam, and “Transcribed Copies of the Quran.” In , Aurangzeb will be Remembered as a Hero who Fought and Expanded the Frontiers of Islamic Empire and a True Believer who Removed Corrupt Practices from Religion and the , and once again Purified the Empire. His Critics will Argue that his Ruthlessness and Bigotory made him Unsuitable to Rule the Mixed Populations of his , Citing his Executions of his Elder Brother Dara Shikoh, the Sikh Guru Teg Bahadur, and Sambhaji of the Empire, his Demolition of Hindu Temples, and the Prohibition and Supervision of Activities Forbidden in Islam, such as Gambling, Fornication, and the Consumption of Alcohol and Narcotics. At the same Time, some Historians will Question the Historical Authenticity of the Claims made by his Critics, Noting that he Built more Temples than he Demolished, Employed Significantly more in his Bureaucracy than any of his Predecessors, and Opposed Bigotry against Hindus and Shia Muslims. 1711 In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Supporters of Anti-King Michael I are Defeated, leaving King Stephen II free to Push his Authoritarian Reforms through the Sejm. 1744 In the Mughal Empire, Robert Clive Arrives in Fort Saint George and spends the next few Years as little more than a Glorified Assistant Shopkeeper, Tallying Books and Arguing with Suppliers of the Company over the Quality and Quantity of their Wares. 1769 15th August In the Western Roman Empire, a Son, Napoléon, is Born to Diplomat Carlo Buonaparte and his Wife, Letizia, in their Ancestral Home, Maison Bonaparte, in the City of Ajaccio, Corsica.