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The archive from this weekend's Q&A is now available! This archive is intended to be free for everyone to watch.

Attendees: James, Sean, Soraya, & Ghost Heather

Note: Skip to about 4 minutes in to get past our technical problems. ;)

Link: https://huzza.io/ExtraCredits/live-stream/extra-history-q-and-a-saturday-june-25-at-1pm-pst/


Extra History Q&A: Saturday, June 25 @ 1pm PST Live Stream



Why Seacole would have referred to herself as English rather than British in her autobiography: Distinguishing between UK and England post unification, outside of the various uprisings and rebellions that I'm sure you'll eventually cover, is historically relatively recent (I think 100-200 years or so?), so I'd hazard a guess it's because of that. (Which is the answer I was expecting when I asked that question, similar to how you swapped between actually XD) Granted, that deserves a large pinch of salt, the source is QI.


On Civ V vs Civ IV - For me, Civ V was an interesting new direction to the series, after I think they pushed the last direction about as far as they did with refinement from Civ II's extrapolations from Civ I. And, yeah, it will take about as long for this direction to reach the same peak of Civ IV, and I don't expect it with Civ VI, but I think when it reaches it it might even be better.


Tried to view this, but when I click on the link it just shows the EC logo and title under it, but no video. Not sure if perhaps I'm missing something or not.


Same here. I tried signing up to Huzza for a free subscription, in case that helped, but I still just get the logo.

Jim McGeehin

Wish I could have been there, but to be perfectly honest, the questions I would ask are the ones you probably want to think about first.


I remember hearing that about the British/English thing at some point well after I'd done Mary Seacole and was blushing at all the British folk taking me to task for mixing the terms. Doesn't remove the sting. :(


Civ II for life, as far as I'm concerned! (But no, really, I've played the dickens out of every Civ game, and completely lost my cool when Civ V added Morocco in an expansion. My brother and I both rocked the kasbah.)


You can always leave us questions on the Q&A post if you can't make it! I still try to grab them for the actual stream.

Jim McGeehin

Yeah, I should, I just keep forgetting. But I come up with questions like: "You have a budget and a development staff you can trust, and have to make a historical game. What time period would you set it in, and what themes would you like to explore?" And those aren't fair just to drop on someone. But I should still show just to be a bother.


Unfortunately, Martin, I can't take suggestions from anyone who's not pledged at the $10 level. It wouldn't be fair to the folks who are pledged at that level! But you're always welcome to post about the topics you'd like to see and perhaps start a conversation with other patrons here. You may even inspire someone to suggest it as well - or be surprised when you find out that someone at the $10 level has already suggested it, and it just hasn't had its chance to win yet. We get a huge range of fascinating suggestions from our patrons every time, so I wouldn't be too surprised!


Wish I was there. When James started to talk about democracy, my first thought was Venice and her Republic. for while it was rather oligarchical. It was also set up to avoid abuses of power and preventing a tyranny/monarchy forming(a big concern in the early years). The Process for Doge which is rather byzantine in its complixity; but the up shot was that you would pretty much have to bribe everyone to get to the position. The fact they made the doge as about as powerful as the modern British Queen also helped. The venetian system is something that despite its complixities might have some answers for the future. Curious to hear what James thinks(or anyone else) for that matter. :)