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It's the first Q&A of the year and we will be doing our Livestream with Matt [showrunner], Rob [Extra History writer], R. Kevin [So You Haven't Read writer] and Kat [ Social Media Director]. 

It will start January 30th at 6pm Pacific time (GMT - 7) and you can sign up for the event HERE. Once you're on the page make sure to post your questions ahead of time (or during the event)! People can up vote them and we will do our best to get all of them answered! 

Awesome things to talk about this quarter are: 

New Content: History of Zoey,  Extra Credits Shorts!

So You Haven't Read Series: Count of Monte Cristo, Dracula, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo & Juliet, The Hobbit, Beloved

Extra Credits: Morality Systems, Skill Transference, Augmented Reality, Cozy Games, Shopping in Games

Extra History Series: Emu War, Conquest of India, Japanese Militarism

Extra History One-Off:  Zimmermann Telegram, Insulin, Gotz the Iron Hand

The Production Process



Extra Credits Q&A - 2022 Q1 - Crowdcast

Register now for Extra Credits's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Sunday January 30, 2022 at 7:00 pm MST.



I am going to try and make it but living in the Netherlands the meeting is 03:00-04:00 in the morning witch is a bit of a hassle.


Why does Zoey the Cat look so sinister in the artwork for this Q & A?


Darn! Getting a good time spot in everyone's zone is tough. With our writer, Rob being in Hong Kong and most of us in the US time becomes hard to navigate! :)