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This is the closest we've ever seen and I'm shocked it didn't come to a run-off vote.  We're going to do a runner's up vote next time and I guess there's an extra topic now...




In this battle, what will win? Time or Life?

Maximilian Vermilye

Woa... I guess you know your next three topics!


Well I guess you know your next three topics now, really great topics too


XDDDD. I love how one is like 'Libertadores - Gran combia' and the other four are all 'X War - Really Long follow on' XDDDD


Happy that we are finally having a series in Latin America, so underrepresented in World History classes. Like my old high school history textbook only had maybe 8 pages about Latin American Wars for Independence. Such a poetic ending to the Fourteenth Extra Credits History Battle. After a long arduous struggle with Simon Bolivar losing thrice previously in the Eighth against Justinian Part II, 312 to 140; the Ninth against the Ottoman Empire, 431 to 231; and the Tenth against Early Christian Heresies, 365 to 316, the Libertadores finally win their freedom to become an Extra History series in a very tense three-way war by a narrow victory, a single vote. And I thought Twelfth Extra Credits History Battle had a a lot of drama: The Brothers Gracchi, Or How Democracy Falls Apart, won by a single vote against Catherine the Great on International Women's Day, becoming the series for August – September 2016 right after US Republican and Democratic National Conventions, which is July 28. Regarding your response to my question when you posted the poll. The more I thought about it the subtitles for Seven Years' War and the War of the Roses were fine as the former marked the start of the late modern period and the latter you can argue where tensions began, from the death of the Black Prince to the opening of hostilities at the First Battle of St. Albans. Though Libertadores was plain, just the location, and the Peloponnesian War really didn't describe it, since I think you can reasonably fit it in 6 episodes: Prelude, Outbreak, First Half, Nicias and Mantinea, Sicily, Second Half. So for the Fifteenth Extra Credits History Battle we'll have 5 topics: 3 new ones plus the War of the Roses, third time, and the Seven Years' War, second time? Out of curiosity, If the poll ended in a tie what would you do? Would it just be a runoff election among the winners using a plurality vote, i.e. vote only for one with most votes wins, instead of an approval vote?


Holy Crap the topic votes get so close!


I wonder why the topic names were so... Lacking in "pathos" this time? Was it deliberate?


If you're going to do the War of The Roses as a topic, I think it would be really interesting, but as a British person myself, I'd really like it if you'd be some of the first Americans to actually pronounce the names of British towns and cities that appear in the story of the war, correctly.

Tiberia Prima

heh, this is even closer than LAST time. What's going to be next, an outright four-way tie?

Robert Griffith

Yay! Finally a topic from the New World!

The Cayute

Damn, torn between the War of the Roses and the Seven Year. You're tearing us apart!


Did some of the Patrons in Florida mistakenly vote for Pat Buchanan? haha


No I cast my vote correctly


Hehe, and we all, know who we have to thank for that final vote... it was Walpole! xD


I'm starting to think whatever topic I vote for is a death sentence for it.


We'll be lucky if they get the flag the right way up...


After submitting this topic since the beginning and having it be chosen twice for voting, I finally get to have it made by the smallest of margins.


And all it took to get it through was one measly little contract! /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\


Wowsers that was a close vote. Oh! If anyone is interested (and only mention this because other people have mentioned similar things) There's a YouTube channel that also has a Patreon called Crash Course. They cover a variety of topics from world history to psychology to anatomy to the history of video games. I've been enjoying them thoroughly although they do not construct narratives like EH does. You guys are wonderful and I'm loving the Opium Wars son far!


I asked James about that, and he was like "These subtitles are more accurate!" Can't argue with him on that.


And *I* love that you are now the historian of Extra History Vote-Offs. The Fifteenth Battle shall feature War of the Roses, Seven Years' War, Catherine the Great, Marie Curie, and probably Queen Elizabeth I. That's all the second-place finishers from the last few battles plus Elizabeth I, because Catherine the Great came in second two battles in a row and I felt it was only fair to let Elizabeth (who lost to her in the first one) take one of her spots. Someone asked on the wall what we'd do if it ended in a tie, and I was in fact planning to do a run-off plurality vote if it came to that!


James wanted to try accuracy instead of drama this time. I actually think it had interesting results, as considering the competition, I'm not convinced the Seven Years War would have done as well with a dramatic quote instead of the more straightforward description that it got.


There's going to be five topics next time - I believe you all can shoot for the gold and bring us an epic five-way tie next time!


I know! I'd have been happy with all of these but I have been WAITING for something from the Americas to win.


It would be him! Trying to distract us from the affairs of Europe with his wiliness...


But see, when they come back one day and win, and it turns out everybody loves those series, you can be like "Pshhht, I voted for the Peloponnesian War BEFORE it was COOL."


Robbie, I could have sworn I posted something to you yesterday but I've reloaded the page twice now and no dice. Stupid thing, eating my comment! Anyway, the short version of it was that I'm glad you found Crash Course, as I love them too, and they have a lot of great content. Ta-dah!


Hey! About the freedom of Latin America have a rly cool video canal about the Argentinian Libertador - San Martin - called: "la asombrosa excursión de Zamba" if you understand spanish :P Is also a cartoon, but for child ^^


Oh please include San Martin in the next poll, Libertador of Argentina, Chile and Peru who was rejected by his own country