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Recommended Reading: 

Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs by Douglas Smith 

The Rasputin File by Edvard Radzinsky 

The Romanovs by Robert K. Massie 

Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich by Eric Kurlander 


Grigori Rasputin - LIES - Extra History

Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into the episode properly. What happened to Rasputin's kids? Did he have massive influence with the Romanov family? And what is the difference between an Emperor and a Czar? Recommended reading: Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs - https://amzn.to/3FQrVeY The Rasputin File - https://amzn.to/3vhsJo4 The Romanovs - https://amzn.to/2YVqLy0 Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich - https://amzn.to/2Xh5CxF Timestamps! 0:00 - Recommended Reading/General Questions 5:06 - Episode 1 10:56 - Episode 2 14:37 - Episode 3 17:18 - Episode 4 21:42 - Next on Extra History 22:53 - Ibn Battuta Side Trip ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Mad Monk" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



Who would win in a battle between Grigori Rasputin and an Emu?


To clarify, I was asking about the final 18 months of Nicholas' REIGN, not his life -- cause like you said, there's enough craziness just in that Sep 1915 to Mar 1917 period to potentially cover a series.


If I seem to have been kinda slow with these recently it's because life got in the way. 1885 In the United States, the First Confirmed Remote Communication to a Computer is Established at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This Host ~ Based Networking will Form the Basis of the First E-Mail Service, but is Limited to the Local Network of that University. 1891 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, 1891 has not been a good Year for Gustave Eiffel. His Professional Involvement in the Panama Canal Fiasco has Tainted his Career with Scandal and has made him Increasingly Unpopular with the French Authorities, who Regard his Presence as an Embarrassment; his Personal Finances are Growing shakey, and his Attempts to find new Work in France are Unsuccessful. Eiffel does have One Trump Card: his Revolutionary Designs for a Free ~ standing Steel ~ Lattice Tower. For a Time, though, even this is of little Benefit to him; having already been Rejected in Paris and in , his Design is further Dismissed by the Organisers of the Exposition. Fortunatly, it is at this Moment of Professional Crisis that Eiffel finds a Backer: the Investor, Channel Tunnel Enthusiast, Railway Builder and Unionist MP Sir Edward Watkin has Invested a Considerable Amount of Money in a Complex of Pleasure Gardens, Tea Houses, Athletic Tracks, and Sporting Facilities in Wembley, in Northwest London, as a Destination for Workers’ Excursions using his Line. By the Early 1890s, the Park’s new Railway Station is under Construction. Watkin, Realising that the Development badly needs an Impressive Centrepiece for its Official Opening, and having Heard of Eiffel’s Plan, Contacts Eiffel and Offers to Commission his Tower. At First, Eiffel Demurres, Telling his would ~ be Benefactor: “My Countrymen would not Think me so good a Frenchman as I Hope I am,” but Watkin Persists, and by Late October, the Engineer’s Finances are in so Parlous a State that he has no Choice but to take up the Offer. 1892 28th February In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Construction begins in February and Immediately Runs into Problems: as the Foundations are laid, it becomes Apparent that the Ground is Unsuitable for Eiffel’s Original Design, Necessitating the Addition of a Stone and Concrete First Story and the Reduction of the overall Height by 100 Feet. As Eiffel’s Iron Lattice begins to Stretch further into the Sky over Wembley, the Wrath of the Intelligentsia Descends upon the Project. Numerous Newspapers Condemn the Tower as an Eyesore and One Letter, Signed by such Luminaries as Lord Gascoyne-Cecil and the Elderly Henry Currey, Vice-President of the Royal Institute of Architects, Complain that “Stretching over the Entire City, still Thrilling with the Genius of so many , we shall see Stretching out like a Black Blot the Odious Shadow of the Odious Column Built up of Riveted Iron Plates!” 1894 21st August In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Tower is Finally Completed 36 Months later, largely Ignored by a British Public far more Interested in the Soba Crisis than in the Engineering Feats of a Frenchman. Despite its Achievement of being the World’s tallest Building at that Time, at 950 Feet, its First Year of Opening is a Financial Disaster and Watkin even Considers Demolishing his Crowning Achievement to Sell the Iron used during its Construction as Scrap. It takes until the Summer of 1895 for the Edifice, which, by then, has Opportunistically been Christened First the “Kitchiner” and then the “Empire Tower” in an Attempt to Buy into the Post ~ Soba Patriotism, to Turn a Profit; by then, it is a well ~ Established Landmark on the London Skyline and has Remained so ever since. 1899 26th March In the Russian Empire, Andrei Cherenkov Develops a Method for Separating Pure Liquid Helium from Liquid Air that Results in Widespread Industrial Conversion to Process Utilising Oxygen [e.g. in Steel Manufacturing] and it will also have Consequences for Rocketry. 1900 14th April In the Kingdom of France, the Paris Exposition of 1900 is Opened by Georges Boulanger, even though many of the Buildings are not finished. American Inventor Frank Baldwin Demonstrates an Interactable Computer that Proves hugely Popular and Gains Baldwin the same Fame as Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Goodyear. The Baldwin Computer comes with Windows, a Mouse and a Floppy Disk but the Screen is in Black and White like all Computers at this Time. 9th July In the Kingdom of Great Britain, E. M. Forster, a Unionist Party Member, Proposes a Plan to make the British Empire into a Single Federal State among the Colonies, Creating an “Imperial Parliament” where all the Colonies will be Represented and will Decide on Matters Concerning the Empire. This will Form the Basis of the British Imperial Federation. 1901 22nd September In the Confederate States, Cuba has been Simmering with Rebellion Accompanied by Acts of Terrorism ever since the Annexation of the Island by the Confederacy Following the End of the Spanish ~ Confederate War, with many Cubans Feeling they have simply Swapped One Foreign Occupier [Spain] for another [the Confederacy]. So far, these Attacks have been Confined to Confederate Garrisons within Cuba itself, however, on this Date, Emperor Napoleon-Victor Bonaparte and President James G. Field are Riding through Washington, C.D. in an Open Carriage from the White House to the Capitol Building when a Cuban Revolutionary Steps Forward and, with a Cry of “Death to the Oppressors of Cuba!” Throws a Bomb into the Carriage. Before the Bomb Explodes, President Field Pushes the Emperor out of the Carriage, and is Blown to Pieces while Napoleon Escapes with only Light Injuries. The Assassin is caught Shortly thereafter trying to Flee the Scene. 1913 In the German Empire, German-Jewish Physicist Albert Einstein First Proposes the Idea of Nuclear Chain Reaction and Files Several Patents Based on this Idea. Einstein Argues that Nuclear Chain Reaction could be used for Power Production, or, with a Correct “Critical Mass” of Chain ~ Reacting Substances, “Explosion.” He Publishes his Theories in a German Scientific Journal, Annalen der Physik. 1915 In the Russian SFSR, the Turmoil Caused by the Late Civil War in Russia has Caused Severe Disruption in the Economy. Many Farms were Abandoned during the Civil War and, as a Result, Food Shortages are Causing Starvation. Russia’s Currency is Rapidly Declining in Value as the Specie that Backs it [of which Russia has never been Plentifully Supplied] is Shipped to Germany to Pay off Russia’s War Debt or used to Buy Grain from other Countries to Stem Mass Starvation at Home. Damage to Russian Industry Caused by the War with Germany is only Slowly being Repaired and there is large Unemployment. The Conditions are Ripe for the Rise of Extremist Movements, and Russia’s new Constitution gives such Groups a Realistic chance for Power. 1933 17th August In the Russian SFSR, Russian Rocket Engineers Sergei Korolev and Valentin Glushko Launch Russia’s First Liquid ~ Fuelled Rocket. It is a small Rocket, and only Reaches an Altitude of 1,000 Feet before Running out of Fuel. The Successful Launch, however, will Demonstrate that the Theories Proposing that Liquified Hydrogen and Oxygen might make a Satisfactory Rocket Propellant are, in Fact, Correct, and soon Scientists in other Countries are Following their Lead.