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It turns out WW1 was just the time for extremely bungled assassinations. 


Grigori Rasputin - An Infamous Murder - Extra History - #4

The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/extracredits09211 Things are rapidly growing worse. While Rasputin recovers from the assassination attempt, Archduke Ferdinand has been shot. Rasputin writes to the Tzar to avoid getting involved in the Balkans to no avail. But this does not diminish Rasputin's influence. In fact, while Emperor Nicholas is away leading the army, Rasputin is one of the few close friends Empress Alexandra has left. Her popularity is quickly falling due to her own German heritage and the stress of being hounded by the press, police, and now assassins are causing Rasputin to crack. ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics, and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Want to contact us directly? Email us: contact@extra-credits.net Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Mad Monk" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com/



Sorry, Grigori, but no ammount of sin is going to save you from a bullet.

Jason Youngberg

I wonder how history would have been different if Rasputin was successful in convincing the Czar not to go to war. There might not have been an October Revolution and the USSR would have been different if it existed at all.


I think a LOT of things would have been different if Russia hadn't joined the war. If Russia hadn't joined, Germany wouldn't have had to declare war on France or the UK. Heck, it probably wouldn't have been a World War if Russia hadn't gotten involved on behalf of Serbia. That's kind of the thing about WWI, it has so many "what ifs" that would completely change everything.


Nice to get this little lot completed in time for the uploading of this episode: 1868 In the Egyptian Empire, Egyptian Scientist Paibekkamen Develops the First Magnetic Drum Memory for Computers. 1878 In the United States, the First Integrated Circuit Board [the Predecessor to the Modern Microchip] is Invented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT had, Previously, Worked on Developing the Whirlwind, the World’s First Real ~ Time Computer, in 1871. 1899 15th February In the Russian Empire, it is becoming Clear that while, for the Finns, their Nation is a Separate State United with the Russian Empire only through the Tsar, for Russia, it is Merely another Autonomous Province. Tsar Nicholas II Issues a Proclamation Asserting the Right of the Imperial Government to Rule the Grand Duchy without the Consent of the Finnish Diet. The Proclamation is Viewed by many in Finland as Unconstitutional, and furthermore, the Proclamation Fails to Elaborate the Criteria a Law has to Meet in Order for it to be Considered a Russian Imperial Interest and not an Internal Affair of Finland to be Decided by the Autocratic Emperor. 26th March In the Russian Empire, Andrei Cherenkov Develops a Method for Separating Pure Liquid Helium from Liquid Air that Results in Widespread Industrial Conversion to Process Utilising Oxygen [e.g. in Steel Manufacturing] and it will also have Consequences for Rocketry. 1900 In the Russian Empire, Newspapers in Finland Publish Plans, Apparently well in Advance, for the Abolition of the Finnish Army and the Adoption of the Russian Language as the Language of Administration in Finland. The Result is Mass Protest, a Series of small ~ Scale Disturbances in the and a huge Petition to the Signed by over 500,000 Finns. Just as with the First Petition, Nicholas II Refuses to even Acknowledge the Finnish Delegation. 1901 In the Russian Empire, Andrei Cherenkov Successfully Produces Liquified Hydrogen. Inventors in Egypt, Italy and Britain will Follow Suit by the End of the same Year. 1903 In the Republic of Greater Italy, Italian Inventor Titus Minucius Felix Invents what, in OTL, would be Known as AM Radio. [all Previous Radio had used the “Spark” System, which was much more Prone to Interference and used much more Bandwidth than AM, Limiting the Number of Stations Operating in a Single Area.] 13th February In the Kingdom of Romania, Romanian Engineer Traian Vuia and his French Partner, Louis Blériot, make the First Successful Aeroplane. The Men are Hailed as Heroes the World over, all Except for the United States, who Claim it is “over ~ Hyped Slavic and French Propaganda.” Nevertheless, American Scientists Immediately begin Working on their Own Versions. The Vuia-Blériot Corporation becomes a huge Powerhouse in Europe, Manufacturing the Planes that will, Eventually, become Europe’s First Air Force. They have no Trouble at all Selling to other Countries, saying it was just “good Business.” They make Hundreds of Millions off of the Sales, which go into furthering Research and Improving the Planes. 1905 18th April In the Russian Empire, as Military Officials begin to Tour the Villages of Western Siberia, looking for Suitable Conscripts, the Peasants begin to Resist. The Experience of Overyata, near Perm, is Typical: when the Inspector Assigned to the Village Pays a Visit, he Simply Disappears along with the Three Soldiers who had Joined him. When the Governor of Perm sends a Search Party, they are Shot at and are Forced to Retreat Back to the City. Soon, Roving Bands of Peasants are Burning the Houses of the Local Landowners and any Travel through the Area has to be done in Heavily ~ Escorted Convoys. The Peasants have no Organisation or Political Programme, they Simply Act out of Anger and Frustration, and, by themselves, they are no Threat to Russia’s Established Order. Their Impact, however, is highly Dangerous. The Disturbances Mean even less Food is reaching the Cities and the Occupation or Destruction of Railways Means that Supplies and Reinforcements cannot Easily be sent from the Settled East to the Revolt ~ Stricken Areas of Turkestan. 2nd July In the Russian Empire, the Disturbances continue well into the Summer and even the Arrest of the Infamous Rasputin does little to Improve the Situation. The Okhrana Pounces on a Prosperous Merchant’s House in the Town of Lytkarino, near Moscow. In the Cellar, they find a Makeshift Chapel, and, inside the Cupboard, they find Rasputin and the Merchant’s Wife. The Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Governor of the Region, Realises the Propaganda Gift he has been given, and Promptly puts the Unfortunate Monk on Trial, not for the Expected Treason, but rather for Heresy. Evidence is Produced that Rasputin is not a Dukhobor but, rather, One of the Depraved, Self ~ Flagellating, Orgiastic Khlysty; Scores of Young Women are Produced Claiming that the Stannik had Convinced them that only through Sin can their Souls be Cleansed. The Secret Chapel Built underneath his Hut is Lovingly Described and Witnesses come Forward to Describe the Orgies that took Place there. Having Inextricably Linked, in his View, the Stannik Rasputin with Extraordinary Deviancy, the Grand Duke Saves his Greatest Insult till last; the Governor of Moscow Decrees that, as a Khlysty, the Traditional Mode of Execution should be Employed. 3rd July In the Russian Empire, just as the Self ~ Proclaimed “Christ” and Arch ~ Pilot of the Khlysty, Ivan Suslov, had Met his End, Russian Mystic Grigori Rasputin is Shot at Dawn and his Body is Crucified on the Walls of the Moscow Kremlin as a Stark Warning to others. Andrew White, the American Ambassador to Russia at the Time, will later Write the Crucifixion was: “more Appropriate for Darkest Africa and Savage N*****s than for a European Power.” He will be Remembered by Future Historians as an Enigma; Decades of Relentless Character Assassination at the Hands of Tsarist and Propagandists will leave Historians with very little Reliable Information to go on. The One Photograph which will Exist will Show a Raw ~ Boned Man with a Pale, Intense Face and a long, Ragged Beard, Surprisingly Delicate Hands, and Dark, deep set Eyes, who Inspired the Boxer Rebellion, a Major Peasant’s Revolt which Included Terrorism, Military Mutinies, and Strikes during the Early Years of the Fifth Great Global War. The Term “Boxer,” which was used by Contemporary Newspapers to Describe the and Subsequently Stuck, was Actually a highly Inaccurate Term as the Dukhobor Sect, which was at the Core of the Revolt, Actually should be Rendered “Spirit Wrestler.” Accounts of his Life and Influence will Frequently be Based on Hearsay and Rumor.