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Here is the next poll for Extra History! There are some amazing options here, it's gonna be good no matter what y'all pick. Here are four topics featuring countries in the Americas that *aren't* the United States.

The Mexican Revolution: Land and Liberty!

It has been nearly a century since Mexico threw off the yoke of Spanish colonialism, yet wealthy landowners still rule the country like feudal lords. Its president, Porfirio Díaz, has refused to step down for 35 years. No more. In the south, General Emiliano Zapata leads an army of peasants fighting for land reform. In the north, Francisco “Pancho” Villa makes cavalry raids on counterrevolutionaries. In a decade of chaos, a revolutionary president will die, US cavalry will cross the border to chase Villa, and Mexico will emerge from civil war as a new nation.

The Canadian Pacific Railway: Canada's Epic

Initiated in 1871 by legendary Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, the Canadian Pacific Railway was literally a project of national unification—British Columbia refused to join the Confederation without it. Yet the task would be immense. Before it could even begin, they had to spend a decade raising immense capital, dispatching snow shoe-clad surveyors into a largely unknown interior, and negotiating with the First Nations. And while the actual construction took a mere four years, they were years of backbreaking labor and engineering problems—with one section set at four times the maximum safe downhill grade, making it resembling a roller coaster more than a railroad. We'll see drama in backrooms and bunkhouses, from the bribery scandals that brought down governments, to the brutal mistreatment of Chinese workers literally buried under the tracks. From lethal floods, to the treacherous Kicking Horse Pass, and all the way to Thunder Bay, this is the epic of Canada's national story.

The Aztecs: The Three Cities

Today, we call the empire and their people the Aztecs, but in reality it had no such unity. Formed during a bitter civil war as an alliance between three cities, the alliance was supposed to balance powers and prevent another bloody succession crisis. But the rise of Tenochtitlan soon eclipsed the other two, until the "triple alliance" was little more than an empty slogan. Yet this would be no ancient empire, for less than a hundred years after its formation it would face an external threat it could not weather—Cortés.

The Empire of Brazil: Portugal Loses its Crown Jewel

In 1808, the Prince Regent of Portugal fled his country ahead of Napoleon's armies and established a government-in-exile in Brazil. His thirteen years there would transform the colony into a new imperial capital, and when he eventually boarded a ship to assume the throne in Lisbon, he handed rule of Brazil off to his son Pedro I not as a colony, but as a kingdom. Thus began the formative period of Brazilian independence, as the new nation—under Pedro I, and later his son Pedro II—engaged in trade, wars, and a cultural awakening that would make Brazil not only the most powerful and stable Latin American nation of its time, but define much of what it is today. But though a constitutional monarchy rich in civil liberties, slavery still ruled, and military and political leaders increasingly plotted revolution. And as Pedro II aged without an heir, it was an open question whether the second King of Brazil would be its last...

What series would you like us to air on Extra History? Cast your vote(s) below and let us know!

Friendly reminder: You can vote for as many choices as you want! This style of voting helps us see what people are most interested in without having to make tough decisions between a couple of close favorites. The poll will end at 11:59 PM PT on Monday, July 5th.

Current Schedule: Conquest of India --> Japanese Militarism --> Your Vote!





I'd LOVE to see Bayinnaung or Le Loi get a series... eventually.