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If you missed today's Extra History Q&A, you can catch up on the archive!

Link: https://huzza.io/ExtraCredits/live-stream/extra-history-q-and-a-early-christian-schisms/


Extra History Q&A: Early Christian Schisms

ExtraCredits Live stream on Sunday May 29 @ 1:00pm PDT



Sorry if this is a question I should already know the answer to, but I'm a little bit confused. I used to be able to view these archives at the $1 pledge level, but it seems like I can't anymore - is that intended? I understand that I wouldn't get to join in at that level, but I'm sad that I can't listen to the conversations anymore. I can't really afford to up my pledge at the moment, unfortunately, although I'd love to if I could. Does anyone know when this change happened and why?


Just wanted to note that there was a recording issue with this one and only Dan is visible! Huzza is aware and looking into the problem.


Oh nerts. Hang on a second, Sophie, I thought I changed that setting. You ARE supposed to be able to view archives at any pledge level, and if you can't, it's because I messed up the settings again!


Can only see/hear Dan :( Any chance of an update on that?


Looks like video of James was lost for this one. :( We've talked to Huzza and they're going to fix it for the next Q&A, but for this one, I'm afraid you're stuck gazing into the eyes of Handsome Dan.


I'm not able to watch the link at all? I click and the video doesn't load.


Found the link in the other comments -- that worked. the links in the OP have a /authenticate a the end that I think is causing part of the issue?


Yeah, it should be fixed in the main post now, but anyone who's clicking the link through their email will still have the broken link because that's how it was sent out. :*(


Guys, I know that this might not be interesting to you, but I would really like to take this into consideration. I know that you take snapshots of history, and that the history that you present isn't so much as popular but interesting. My suggestion for you is to take Llewelyn Ein Llyw Olaf (Llewelyn Our Last King) into consideration. It's a piece of Welsh history that all Welsh (the Cymry) holds dear to their harts and it would be very cool to spread this part of history to the world. If you're doing this, I would suggest you to read a translated version of "11/12/82" by Iwan Llwyd which will tell you how important this piece of history really is to the Welsh.