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Time to look back on mistakes, omissions, and stories untold in the Lies episode for Early Christian Schisms!


Early Christian Schisms - Lies - Extra History

We hope this series will serve as a primer to the Christian faith, specifically how it interacted with the Roman Empire - even though we had to simplify many complex theological concepts to fit an introductory series. Support us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon --- (Episode details below) ___________ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://bit.ly/ExtraStore Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Watch Paul the Apostle begin to spread the word of Christianity! http://bit.ly/1nBF8i9 Play games with us on Extra Play! http://bit.ly/WatchEXP Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Get our list of recommended games on Steam: http://bit.ly/ECCurator ____________ James wanted this series to be the primer he always wished he'd had when studying the later history of Rome. Since it was focused on the impact of Christianity upon the Roman Empire, we left out the Gnostic movement which had a greater impact on the Persian Empire. Our history begins with Paul the Apostle, whose fundamental belief was that the sacrifice of Christ erased the sins of mankind and freed them from having to follow the old laws, specifically the Mosaic Laws which Judaism believed were the path to salvation. In abolishing these laws, he emphasized that circumcision would no longer be necessary because Roman men, while perfectly willing to give their lives for a noble cause (and Christianity at the time often required sacrifice), were pretty hesitant to let anyone cut off parts of their penises. Not until Constantine, though, would Christianity be embraced in large numbers - but was Constantine really Christian? Many scholars have suggested otherwise, and it may be hard to say given our current sources, but he did originate as a monotheistic Sol Invictus worshipper and probably saw the political advantage of ruling a people united under one God instead of thousands of cults. He may not have realized the difficulty of that, however, until the Council of Nicaea which brought together many bishops who had been actively persecuted for their faith - hence the eyepatches and missing limbs! - and felt very strongly about how it should be practiced. Even Saint Nicholas, who is the foundation for Santa Claus, supposedly punched Arius during this council over his heretical statements. And they were none too tolerant of each other's opposing beliefs. Although there were many different beliefs that evolved from monophysitism, miaphysitism being the most common, they were often lumped together as one heretical group. Even in our series, we lumped their beliefs together in a way that made their differences easier to understand, but weren't entirely accurate. And these divisions persist to today: not until 1994 did the Assyrian and Catholic churches repair the divide from the Council of Ephesus. But while religion is often a contentious topic, we've been fortunate to see much thoughtful dicussion in our comments section and want to thank our viewers for that. The history of the faith is a way to understand how it has shaped our history, and it has been the genesis of great acts of charity along with great moments of strife. Understanding and accepting that legacy in all of its complexity is vital to understanding the path that took us here. ____________ ♫ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♫ Get the background music here! The Land of Vana'diel (Album): http://bit.ly/1t2OT9L *Music by Tweex ♫ Get the outro music here! Oxyrhynchus Hymn: http://bit.ly/23isQfx Watch the Music Video: http://bit.ly/1P6Sos5 *Music by Sean and Dean Kiner: http://bit.ly/1WdBhnm



You mentioned you would cover other religions. I am curious if you will be covering the Polytheistic religions of Europe for if you do more series on Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Medieval Lithuania, the Vikings and so on. Less focused on the Mythology, and more focused on the actual religion(too often when speaking of polytheistic religions it seems that people focus only on the mythology and not the actual religious customs that played a role in people's lives.)


6:51 -- You should do a video on that!


Wish there was more detail on Paul's interest in converting the Jews. He diverted himself from what was becoming a successful church among the gentiles to go back and preach in Jerusalem. Despite constantly getting a bad response from the Jews, he always preached first in the Synagogues.

Jim McGeehin

Glad you were able to stoke a productive dialogue on the nature of religion. I definitely agree, no matter what you believe or how fervently you believe it, religion offers a crucial lens to view history, since it helps to offer us perspective on the thought processes of the relevant actors.


Thanks team! This was a great series even if I thought it would be longer. The next two should be great as well. The Gracchi Brothers in particular should be awesoem


Agreed. I really appreciate the fact based, unemotional (no bashing on either side) look at how religions have impacted history.


We will if people vote for them! Or perhaps as one-offs some day, depending on the depth of the material.


It's not really a Paul-focused series - it was a series on early Christianity as it affected the Roman Empire. So detailed discussion of Paul's life would have been a bit of a wander here, given the intended focus. But I do hope we provided some other good clarifications about Paul in that episode!


James has just started writing the Gracchi Brothers episodes and I haven't seen them yet, but I HAVE seen the First Opium War episodes (including some of the art) and I'm super stoked for those.


And to be able to do so in a way that isn't judgmental ("oh, how stupid they were to believe that!") is an especial privilege that you all afford us by being a wonderful community that enjoys talking and thinking about these things. <3