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Recommended Reading List!

Dracula, Prince of Many Faces by Raymond T. McNally & Radu R. Florescu

Dracula: Essays on the Life and Times of Vlad the Impaler edited by Dr. Radu Florescu & Dr. Kurt Treptow

Dracula: Sense and Nonsense by Elizabeth Miller


Vlad the Impaler - LIES - Extra History

Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into the episode proper. How do you talk about a figure like Vlad wrapped up in more myth than history? What castles did we swap around? And hey! No flag errors! (because we had no flags but hush we'll take it) Timestamps! 0:00 - Recommended Reading/General Questions 7:04 - Episode 1 10:02 - Episode 2 10:47 - Episode 3 13:15 - Episode 4 15:08 - Episode 5 18:26 - Next on Extra History 20:07 - Ibn Battuta Side Trip ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "The Real Dracula" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



Are you doing an Extra Literature series, or did the Sheep veto the idea?


Rob, are you subtly plugging your new WH40k book? ;)


There are no hens, minus the one you used as a butt joke in episode 2 and, maybe, our cockerel with the strange crow. 1370 9th April In the Chagatai Empire, the Turkic-Speaking Warlord Timur Overthrows the Chagatai and Establishes his Capital in Samarkand. 1384 In the Mihranid Empire, Timur Conquers the Northern Territories of the Empire in Western Persia. 1387 In the , Timur Arrives with his in Isfahan. The City Immediately Surrenders, so he Treats it with Relative Mercy as he does with all Cities that Surrender. 1388 18th May In the Mongol World Empire, near Buir Lake, the Ming General Lan Yu and 150,000 Troops Catch the off Guard and Captures 100 Members of the Dynasty, 70,000 Ordinary Mongols and many Domestic Animals. 1390 In the Queendom of Vinland, Fjallasay is Raised to an Archbishopric by Pope-King Constantine IV with Authority over all of Northwestern America. The Delegate, however, is Appalled by the Concurrent Worship of Pagan Gods that is Occuring within the Cathedral and in many other Churches throughout . His Report Hangs the Threat of Excommunication over Kristijana V. She makes Efforts to try and Close the Pagan Chapels throughout Vinland but these are Poorly Executed, often without the Backing of the Army, and only Leads to Unrest. That she is seen as a Distant Figure [she never leaves ] and Ignores Althing only makes things worse. 1395 In the Queendom of Vinland, a Group of Odinists Brandishing the Royal Standard Breaks into the Church at , Massacres the Clergy and the Althing, Backed by the of and , Calls for a stop to the Cleansing. The Silence coming from is Ominous and, Three Months later, Hearing that Kristijana V is Raising an in the West, the Althing Renounces her and Declares a new Queen: Ásdís II. The Vinlandic Civil War has begun. In the Papal Kingdom, Pope-King Constantine IV Ignores the Previous Threat of Excommunication and Urges Crusade on Kristjana’s Behalf. The Ten ~ Year long Vinlandic Civil War sees Rival Clash in the , Repeated Invasions of Algonquin Lands by all sides, and Armies Raiding Indiscriminately throughout the . The Main Fur Trade Moves East to Quebec as Fjallasay becomes too Dangerous for Merchants. 1398 17th December The Timurid Empire under Sultan Timur Invade the Abbasid Caliphate, which has been Weakened by Four Years of Civil War. Following his Victory, Timur’s Islamic Troops Sack Delhi and Massacre Thousands of the City’s Hindu Inhabitants. The Abbasid Caliphate Splinters into a Collection of small, Warring States. 1400 By this Time, Pressure from Vinland to the North has Lead to the Formation of a Native American State to the South. This Confederation of Chiefdoms, Called the Kingdom of Mvskokia, is a Society Based on the old Southeastern Mississippian Society, with the Addition of Iron Working and European Domestic Animals. The Population in this has Recovered quite Strongly from the Epidemics brought by the Europeans over the Past few Decades, and they Receive help from a Surprising Source: Aragon, who, having Established their Colonies in the Caribbean, find the Mvskokians a useful Buffer between their Own and those of Vinland to the North. The Aragonese Supply Firearms and Ammunition, which Strengthens the Resistance the Mvskokians are Able to put up against Vinlandic Incursions into their Territory. The Aragonese also Sign a Treaty Pledging to come to Mvskokia’s Defence should Vinland Attempt to Invade the Region. Vinland does not Attempt to do so, and the Mvskokians are Able to Maintain themselves in a somewhat Uneasy Peace for the next 200 Years. In the Egyptian Empire, Sultan Timur “the Lame” Invades the Egyptian Province of Mesopotamia at the Head of an Army of Men. In the Egyptian Empire, Sultan Timur “the Lame” Encounters a Combined Egyptian-Byzantine Army outside of Baghdad, Baghdad , and is Defeated. Timur himself is Killed in the Fighting [Decapitated by an Egyptian Cannonball] and his Empire falls into Chaos after his Death as his Relatives Fight over the Succession. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as One of the Greatest Tacticians in History, as well as a Great Patron of the Arts as he Interacted with Intellectuals such as Ibn Khaldun and Hafiz-i Abru and his Introduced the Timurid Renaissance. Timur was the last of the Great Nomadic Conquerors of the Eurasian and his Empire set the Stage for the more Structured ~ and longer lasting ~ Islamic Empires of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Timur was of both and Mongol Descent and, while unlikely a Direct Descendant on either side, he Shared a Common Ancestor with Genghis Khan on his Father’s side, although other Authors have Suggested his Mother might have been a Descendant of Khan. He Clearly Seeks to Invoke the Memory of the Latter’s Conquests during his Lifetime. Timur Envisioned the Restoration of the Mongol Empire of Genghis and saw himself as Genghis Khan’s Heir. Timur was the Grandfather of the Timurid , Astronomer, and Mathematician Ulugh Beg, who Ruled Central Asia from 1447 until 1449, and the Great ~ Great ~ Great ~ Grandfather of Babur, the Founder of the Mughal Empire, which then Ruled almost all of the Indian Subcontinent. 1401 In the Timurid Empire, Umar Shaikh, Son of Timur, Defeats his Rivals and Establishes himself as the Sole Ruler of the Timurid Empire. Umar, being more Interested in Architecture than in Warfare, is Content to Rule the Empire he Inherited from his Father and a Relative Peace Settles on the Region for a few Years. 1410 In the Kingdom of Bohemia, the Proto ~ Protestant Reformer Jan Hus is Excommunicated by the Archbishop of Prague. 1413 In the Kingdom of France, King Philip V of France Declares a Regency for the Infant Duke Charles of Bar. 1415 6th July In the Prince ~ of Konstanz, the Proto ~ Protestant Reformer Jan Hus is Burned Alive at the Stake in the City of Konstanz, , at the Age of 45. As he is Burning, Hus Cries out: “Jesus, Son of the Living God, have Mercy on us!” Hus’s Ashes are later Thrown into the River Rhine as a Means of Preventing Veneration of his Remains. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a Key Predecessor of and a Seminal Figure in the Bohemian Reformation. After John Wycliffe, the Theorist of Ecclesiastical Reform, Hus will be Considered the Second Church Reformer as he Lived before Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. His Teachings had a Strong Influence on the States of Western Europe, most Immediately in the Approval of a Reformed Bohemian Religious Denomination and, over a Century later, on Martin Luther. 1422 1st July In the Kingdom of Naples, Aragonese Troops Enter Naples, Uniting it with its Sicilian Hinterland. King Peter IV is Crowned there and Rules the Country in Personal Union with Aragon. 1423 In the Kingdom of Aragon, King Peter IV of Aragon Passes away at the Age of . He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the King who Finally Completed the Aragonese Conquest of Naples, Reigning [Briefly] as King of Naples for only One Year, never Achieving the still ~ Greater Feats he Advocated, such as an Aragonese Conquest of Cyprus, Despite now being Master of a Considerable Realm which Stretches from the Pyrenees to Greece via its Ownership of Sicily. 1428 In the Kingdom of France, Philip V of France Outlaws Charles of Bar, Effectively Annexing the , and Invades Lorraine. The Holy Roman Empire is neither United enough nor Peaceful enough to Drive the French out Completely. 1447 4th December In the Principality of Wallachia, in a Letter, Governor-Regent John Hunyadi of Hungary Styles himself “Voivode of the Lands” [Wallachia] and Refers to Târgoviște as his Fortress, Implying that he has taken Control of Wallachia by this Time. 1452 23rd April In the Principality of Wallachia, John Hunyadi takes Back the Transylvanian Possessions of Făgăraș and Săliște as Prince Vladislav II of Wallachia had not sent any Troops in Aid in the Second Battle of Kosovo. In Retaliation, Prince Vladislav II of Wallachia Embargos all Wallachian Trade to Brașov County, which is then a Part of Hunyadi’s Transylvania. 15th November In the Principality of Transylvania, after Hunyadi Informs the People of Brașov that the Embargo will be Lifted, Prince Vladislav II of Wallachia Seizes Back the Transylvanian Possessions and Attacks the Făgăraș Fortress and, in the Process, Burns down a few Saxon Villages. 1456 22nd July In the Principality of Wallachia, Prince Vlad II Dracul’s Son, Vlad Dracula, taking the Appearance of Halley's Comet as an Omen of good Fortune, Leads a small Army of Mercenaries into Wallachia. 20th August In the Principality of Wallachia, Prince Vladislav II’s Relatively small Army Encounters that of Vlad III at Târgșor, Prahova County. The Two Commanders Decide to Settle their Dispute through Single Combat, and so they Duel in Front of their Hosts until Vlad Lands the Killing Blow on Wallachia’s Voivode. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a Usurper who Assassinated Vlad II Dracul and was Placed upon the Throne by John Hunyadi. Vladislav Founded the Snagov Monastery where a Wooden Sculpted Door will be Preserved and Exhibited at the Museum of Religious Art in Bucharest. At Mount Athos in 1450, Vladislav had given the Koutloumousiou Monastery a Charter and gave a Gift of 10,000 Akçet to Saint Elijah Skete. 1473 In the Kingdom of Hungary, Learning that his Brother Radu “the Handsome” has been Deposed by a Rival, Vlad “the Impaler” Begs King Matthias Corvinus I for an Army to take Back Wallachia. 1493 In the Kingdom of Algonquinland, the Recent Shift of the Fur Trade Towards Quebec has Enriched Algonquinland and Created a deep Seated Rivalry between it and Vinland. Following a Clash at Ottawa, which Results in the Massacre of outlying Trading Settlements, Vinlandic Land Forts Fire on Algonquin Trade Ships as they try to Enter Ontario. The Great American War has begun.