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Christianity wound up branching away from Judaism, but what led them to grow apart?




It amuses me how early the Early Christian Schisms was put out


So, we're starting with the Christianity-Judaism schism? Not what I'd expect, but I agree that it's a good choice. I'm interested to hear how this came about, actually. I can think of a few teachings in the New Testament which clash with what I know of Jewish teachings, but nothing which I see as being worth making Christianity considered a whole new religion rather than a popular new sect. But then again, I've always considered the divisions between "faiths," "sects," "churches," etc, to be arbitrary and often minor...


I just wanted to do art previews again! I used to do that when we first started this series, and I missed them. Although Patreon doesn't seem to want me to post more than one screenshot at a time, which is a bummer since my alternative is to spam you all (I'd rather not).


This series is definitely gonna start off in an unexpected place, I'll tell you that much.


I'm so excited about this series! I loved how well this team handled the issue of faith in games in a previous Extra Credits episode, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them handle a topic like this. As a practicing Christian, I always find it fascinating to see intelligent perspectives on my faith and its history from people outside it, and I can't wait to see this one!

Nicole Barovic

Ah, it's an ART preview. I wondered why I was getting a message about this series on Wednesday.


Yeah, sorry about that! As soon as I made the post (i.e. when it went out to your email) I had one of those "oh shoot" moments as I realized that it sounded like the actual episode was ready.


We're hoping this will serve as a "101" or a reference point so when we're talking about things like monophysitism in the Justinian series, we can point back to this series for a more thorough explanation than that narrative had room for at the time!


On the art though: I love the symbolism here. It is a great example of the simple but complex imagery I was speaking of in the last WWII video.


Why is there not a regular EC video up today?


This is really cool. So many people talk about the Reformation but so few talk about the EARLY Church. Thanks.


We had several computer crashes and a power outage so - lost data, and had to restart. It's going to be out Thursday! I thought about putting up a video to say something about it but I didn't want people to feel spammed. This is, perhaps, a particular paranoia of mine. :P


And yes, we switched artists on you! But yeah, David's doing great work on this series.


As far as I can remember it was something to do with whether or not converts to Christianity would need to be circumcised and follow the other rules of Judaism. There was one guy in particular that I remember was particularly enthusiastic that Christianity should be its own thing separate of Judaism but for the life of me I can't remember his name


Is there a 'Further Reading' list anywhere for your topics, for those of us who would like to look further into a given topic?


So, I don't know what James prefers as we research our sources differently (he does the deep dive, I do an overview so I can understand things in the script), but I picked up "Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts" (edited) by Paul Hartog. Keep in mind, this source wasn't necessarily used for the series - I'd have to check with James on that - it's just what I picked up to help me get a handle on the subject.


You got it. :) There were several folks advocated for a Christianity separate from Judaism but I'd say Paul the Apostle gets the most play in this first episode.