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What topics would you like us to cover on Extra History? Let us know in this series vote - science and economy edition!

Link: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/w2uU7wRD?qid=821334

Deadline: April 26, at midnight PST

Schedule: Early Christian Schisms --> First Opium War --> The Gracchi Brothers --> Your Vote!

Results are decided by an Approval Voting system. You can select as many topics as you want, and whichever has the most consensus wins!


What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?

What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?



A preferencial system would be like, you rank the votes and so if my number 1 vote was the looser, my second would be counted. Like Marco said, it would be much more fair for fans. Especially when the votes end so closely sometimes.


It's not that I don't understand preferential voting systems, but that I know of no free online tools that run them well. If you do know of one, I'm all ears! Also, based on my understanding of these systems, I'd lean towards a weighted ranking vote where your #1 vote got let's say 3 points, your #2 vote got 2 points, #3 got 1 point, and #4 got 0 points. I have concerns that this would make things too complicated but I am amenable to trying it if I can find the right tool.


Fair enough, I too can't find a free online voting service with ranked voting that's user friendly, but I thought of a cheaper alternative based on your response to another patreon. On freeonlinesurvey.com, we could run the vote as a survey with 'star rating' question instead of a straight poll. We would rate each topic 1-10. This is known as Cardinal Voting. Approval voting is the simplest form of cardinal voting with approve being 1 and disapprove being 0; however using this would allow more tailored responses. For example i would've vote 10 points for Descartes, 9 points for Paper Money, 6 points for Curie, and 2 points for Oil rather than 1 vote for Descartes, Paper Money, and Curie and 0 vote for Oil. The winner would be the topic with the highest average. Since the EC community is greater than 1000 people, we would need to pay the 180 dollars annual subscription. However that is only 15 dollars a month and I am sure many of us would gladly increase our pledges for a more fair system for choosing topics.


I wouldn't even ask anyone to increase their pledges or set it for a milestone. I would just do it. But I started a test poll using the star rating feature and in my opinion, this option falls down on the first condition, which is that it be understandable to patrons. Here's what the results page looked like: <a href="http://puu.sh/oAeIJ/3e3012d31f.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://puu.sh/oAeIJ/3e3012d31f.png</a> --------------- Basically, FOS turned each vote into an average rating from 1-4. In my opinion - which is open to disputation of course - that's not a satisfying vote method since it abstracts everyone's votes and makes the vote count less obvious. I also can't randomize the order, so this gives subconscious preference to whatever topic I put first. It also forces you to give a rating to every topic, which isn't an insurmountable problem (1 star could become the equivalent of "No Interest / No Vote") but it's definitely not ideal. Basically, there are ways you could wrangle this system to MAKE it work, but it doesn't do it well enough to meet the standards I've laid out.