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Several of you have requested an Extra History playlist that's sorted chronologically. And now here it is, for your viewing pleasure! Gosh, that Punic Wars series takes me back.


Extra History: Chronological Order - YouTube

Extra History presents an introduction of key figures and events that took place across the world. These bite-sized animated overviews are now in chronologic...



Hallowed are the Ori and the Extra History team


Punic wars is still one of my favorites.


I didn't realise how much I wanted this until I saw my email. Any chance of a series on Julius + Augustus Caesar and all the civil wars?


would love to see an Extra History on when the Ori broke away from the Ancients!! hahaha


Sure if you all vote for it. ;) I think the Life of Julius Caesar was a voting topic once upon a time, but it lost.

The Cayute

Was the campaigns of Alexander ever a topic? I can't remember and honestly I'm drunk as fuck right now...


::checks the time since you posted:: Damn, it's too late to drunk troll you now. Anyway, Alexander was part of the very first vote, but he came in second.


Will there ever be a vote for the life of Marcus Furius Camillus? I'd pay extra for a series on him.


huh, I had the chronology in my head wrong in some instances.


He's never come up, but if you want to throw him into the raffle bowl, you can! Just be aware that the next raffle won't be for quite a while, since we just held the most recent one last week.


Early on when we were doing Suleiman, Dan was surprised to realize that he and Justinian were 1000 years apart. The framing does make some things seem closer together! ...Also, now I hope I haven't sorted anything wrong. :P


Is an episode coming out today?


Sweet. Thanks guys