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You know it's gonna be a good series when we open on an execution.


Thirty Years' War - Conquest - Extra History - #1

Use code EXTRACREDITS12 to get up to 12 FREE MEALS across your first 4 HelloFresh boxes, including free shipping on your first box at https://bit.ly/3y7Tqg2 ! The Thirty Years War is one of the bloodiest conflicts in all of human history. Depending on which historian you're consulting, the death toll ranges from 4.5 to 8 million. The next conflict that would claim more lives would be WW1, several hundred years later. And civilians died at an astounding rate, nearly 7 to 1. While there is a lot of focus on the military aspect of this conflict, we want to try something different. We'll be examining the effects of the war as a humanitarian crisis. To those living at the time, such conflict must have felt like the end of the world. And so, we start with the first herald of apocalypse: Conquest. ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics, and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Want to contact us directly? Email us: contact@extra-credits.net Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "May 15, 1648" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com/



YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!! MORE KILLING! And just before a game of Company of Heroes 2.


Around 7:37, you say Frederic instead of Ferdinand. Little typo!


Interesting framing choice.


Ferdinand II DID promise the Protestant Princes, that he would be lenient to them if elected. He did need majority support in order to become Holy Roman Emperor, and he did not deliver on his promise to them when he took power, thus really sparking the Thirty Years War.


This video was great, I do wish I was more well read on the topic itself. I know about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation but not about the start of the Thirty Years War and the politics involved.


Not my interest but decent video


Then hopefully this series will get you interested in the subject.


It's an important bit of history, and not just because 'defenestration' is one of the coolest words in the English language.


Being able to continue with what I was working on earlier makes a nice change of pace [and the last one was getting a bit too long] 1600 In the Russian Empire, the Cossacks, a East Ethnic Group, begin Migrating into the Khaganate of Sibir, which is outside the Jurisdiction of the Tsarist Government in Moscow. When Tsar Boris Godunov Orders the Russian Army after them to Subdue them and Establish Government Control over them, the Cossacks Simply Migrate Eastwards to Escape the Authority of the Tsar. When Tsarist Armies again Follow a few Years later, the Cossacks Migrate again, and the Process starts all over again. This way, Russia will Conquer everything from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean by the Year 1700. In the Persian Empire, by this Date, the Persian is Experiencing a Revival after many Years of Violence. Ever since it had Broken away from a Splintering in the 1100s, it has Carried on under the Radar of, First of all, Ethnically Chinese Kings, giving way to Kings of Mixed Race, and, Finally, Ethnically Persian Kings. Ever since Crackdown on Islam the People have Followed a wide Assortment of , Generally depending on and Ethnic Group. By 1600, the Major Religions of Persia are , Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism in that Order. The Lack of the Complete Control of any One Group Leads to a Liberalisation of Thought, and, as the Central Government becomes more Potent, Members of all Major Religions are to be found in the Government Structure. Also, Persia Benefits from Acting as a Business Corridor between the Byzantine and Mughal Empires, and Serves as an of both , in Particular the Mughals. 1603 In the Persian Empire, Shah Abbas I Signs an Alliance with Emperor Akbar of the Mughal Empire against the Emirate of Bukhara. The Two Empires Declare War against the Emirate of Bukhara. The Emirate is Conquered and Divided between the and the Mughal Empires. In the Queendom of Vinland, the Vinlandic Defeats an Understrengthed Spanish Armada, Securing Vinland’s Claim to Alkafuglaeyjar. The Surviving Spanish Sailors are taken to the Island that will, Eventually, become Santuario. [OTL Barbuda] 24th March In the Kingdom of England, Queen Elizabeth I of England Passes away at the Age of 69 inside Richmond Palace from Blood Poisoning. She will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last of Five English Monarchs of the House of Tudor, Acknowledged as a Charismatic Performer and a Dogged Survivor at a Time when Government was Ramshackle and Limited, and when Monarchs in Neighbouring were Facing Internal Problems which Jeopardise their Thrones. In Religion she was very Tolerant and Avoided Systematic Persecution. After Pope-King Johannes XXIII Declared her Illegitimate and Releases her Subjects from to her, Several Conspiracies Threatened her Life, all of which were Defeated by her Minister’s Secret Service. Elizabeth was Cautious in Foreign Affairs, and she only Half ~ Heartedly Supported a Number of Ineffective, Poorly Supplied Wars in Ireland, the Netherlands, France, and against Spain. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 will forever Link her Name with One of England’s Greatest Victories, and a Cult of Personality will Grow up around “Good Queen Bess,” Celebrating her for her Virginity in Portraits, Pageants, and the Literature of the Day and helped to Forge a Sense of National Identity. 1605 25th March In the Kingdom of England, the Commotion that the Conspirators had Heard was someone Moving out of the Undercroft which they have been trying to Tunnel into. It is up for Lease, so Co ~ Conspirator Thomas Percy Pulls some Strings and Rents it. And Fawkes Knows Exactly what to do with it. By hiding his Gunpowder in Barrels, he can have as many as he wants Exactly where he wants them without Raising Suspicion. 5th November In the Kingdom of England, Roman Catholic Terrorist Guy Fawkes Detonates 36 Barrels full of Gunpowder in the Undercroft beneath the House of Lords, Killing James VI of Scotland and I of England, his Wife, Queen Anne of Denmark, their Eldest Son, Prince Henry Frederick, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Bancroft, Lord Henry Howard, and every Soul Attending the State Opening of Parliament Instantly. Fawkes himself is Killed while Guarding the Barrels. The Anniversary of this Event will be Remembered every Year as “Guy Fawkes Night,” In the Kingdom of England, Following the Assassination of most of the Royal Family, Princess Elizabeth Ascends to the Throne as Queen Elizabeth II of England, Ireland, and I of Scotland. Her Younger Brother, Prince Charles, is Considered too Weak, having only just Learned how to Walk without Assistance. 1606 In the Holy Roman Empire, after a short Election Process, the Archduke of Austria, Charles I, is Elected as Holy Roman Emperor. 1607 30th January In the Kingdom of Wales, a Massive Wave [Possibly a Tsunami] Sweeps along the Bristol Channel, Drowning 2,000 People, Hundreds of Sheep and Cattle, and Inundating Farmland as far Inland as Glastonbury Tor, and Destroying 30 small Villages. 26th May In English North America, an English Army of 105 Men under the Command of Captain John Smith Engage a Powhatan Army of 198 Men under the Command of Chief Chesapeake Close to the English City of Jamestown, Virginia, who are Forced to Retreat and Regroup. Of the English Army, only 13 Men are Killed, while, of the Powhatan Force, 170 Men are Slain. In English North America, a small Village, Yorktown, is Founded on the York River by English Settlers. In the Kingdom of England, William Shakespeare’s Dido and Aeneas, a Tragedy Based largely on Virgil’s The Aeneid, is First Performed inside the Globe Theatre. 1608 23rd June In the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands, Samuel Pallache Meets King Charles III and the States-General in Antwerp. In the Kingdom of England, One Night, William Shakespeare Experiences Visions of how Christmas should be Celebrated. Shakespeare Precedes the Holiday by Penning the Tale that will Influence Christmas for many Generations still to come: A Chrimstmas Carol. The Play Tells the Story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a Miserly Theatre Owner who is Visited on Christmas Eve by the Ghost of his Former Partner, Christopher Marlowe, and the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Through their Visits, Scrooge sees the History of Christmas, how it Affects People’s Lives, and a Snowbound Apocalypse that God will send down if he does not keep Christmas always. Scrooge Awakes on Christmas Morning a changed Man, and Vows never to Shut out the Spirit’s Lessons; in the End, he becomes a Kinder, Gentler Man who Embodies the Spirit of Christmas. 1609 In the Japanese Empire, Shōgun Mōri Terumoto Issues a Decree Restricting “Nanban” Traders to the of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Egyptian and Chinese Merchants are Permitted to Maintain Factories on Hirado Island for Trading Purposes. 5th April In the Ryukyu Kingdom, Japanese Samurai from the Shimazu Clan Invade Ryukyu on Behalf of the Mōri Shōgunate. 1610 In the Egyptian Empire, Mass Production using Interchangable Parts is First Applied to the Firearms in Egypt. Other Nations begin to Follow. 24th December In the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands, Samuel Pallache, on Behalf of Sultan Zidan Abu Maali of Morocco and King Charles III on Behalf of the UKN Sign the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, Allowing the Sultan to Purchase Ships, Arms and Ammunition from the UKN. One Day, Pallache’s Horse ~ Drawn Carriage Meets the Spanish Ambassador’s Carriage in The Hague. The Two Carriages are unable to Pass each other and, to the Cheers of onlookers, Pallache’s Carriage Forces the Spanish Ambassador’s Carriage off the Road. 1613 29th June In the Kingdom of England, the Globe Theatre in Southwark, London, goes up in Flames during a Performance of William Shakespeare’s Henry VIII when a Theatrical Cannon Misfires, setting Light to the Wooden Beams and the Thatched Roof. Shakespeare Returns to Stratford-upon-Avon to Rejoin his Wife, Anne Hathaway, at their Home in New Place, where he Devotes most of his Time to the Family’s Garden. He is not very Successful, however, despite his hard Work. 1615 23rd April In the Kingdom of England, Poet, Playwright and Actor William Shakespeare Passes away at the Age of 52 in the Town of Stratford-upon-Avon, West Mercia, from a Fever after a Night of heavy Drinking with his Friends. He will be Regarded by Future Generations as England’s National Poet, the Greatest Writer in the English Language, and the World’s Pre ~ Eminent Dramatist. His Plays will be Translated into every Major Living Language and will be Performed more often than those of any other Playwright. 1618 In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with the full Approval of the Polish Sejm, the Kingdom of Gothenland Annexes the Principality of East Prussia, much to the Anger of the Electorate of Brandenburg, who Consider the Territory to be Rightful Brandenburger Land. 23rd May In the Archduchy of Austria-Bohemia, fed up with Perceived Catholic Oppression of the Lutheran Majority, the Bohemian Nobles Revolt against its Council in what is, at First, nothing more than a Repeat of the Wars which had Rocked the Following the Execution of Jan Hus. Unlike the , the Troops now Assembled by the Bohemian Nobles are no Match for the Imperial Forces now Despatched to Deal with the Rebellion. 8th November In the Kingdom of , at the White Mountain outside Prague, 30,000 Defenders under the Command of Christian of - are Swatted aside by a under the Command of Charles Bonaventure de Longueval [many Rebels, seeing their Comrades Running, turn and Flee without Firing a ] while the rest are In the of Bohemia, the Rebel Leaders Flee into the Schmalkaldic Empire where they are Promptly Forgotten about. Holy Roman Charles IV, Bowing to his Wife’s Religious Extremism and seeing an Opportunity to “Persuade” Protestants to Return to the Catholic Faith, and against the Advice of many Moderates, Austrian and Bavarian Occupying begin a Messy Crackdown on Priests and , Causing Waves of . Peasant Form and, unlike the Earlier, Noble ~ Lead [which were seen to be Acting out of Self ~ Preservation] these Enjoy Widespread Support but are still no Match for the well ~ Equipped . The Revolutionaries Appeal to the Empire to Intervene to Save the Population from Retribution. 1620 In the Byzantine Empire, Hieros Thomopoulos, a Greek Scientist Working in the City of Miletus, Province, Formulates the First Known Theory about the Basic Structure of the Atom. Progress in this Area is slow, Hampered by the Fact that there are few ways to Test these Theories since the Appropriate Equipment has not been Availabile. 1625 In the Kazakh Shah Abbas I of Persia Invades the Kazakh Khaganate and Absorbs most of their Lands. Worried about the Fate of Minority Christian Russian [who have, for some Time, been Migrating into the Lands held by the Kazakh Horde, where they have been Permitted to Settle so long as they Pay Tribute to the Kazakh Khagan] Russian Tsar Dmitri III sends Armies into the Northern Portions of the Region. 1644 25th May In the Chinese Empire, the Manchus Invade after Nurhaci’s Demands that the Ming Dynasty Pay him Tribute are Refused. [the Ming are not Prepared to Pay Money to someone who they Consider to be a Tributary] 1666 In the Russian Empire, a Russian Inventor Named Boris Vladinov Invents the First Practical Breech ~ Loading Musket. The Idea does not Immediately Catch on, however. 1688 In the Kingdom of England, the State Funeral of Sir Henry Morgan is held in the City of Port Royal, Jamaica ~ the last Time that a Pirate will be so Honoured in an English Colony. At the Time of his Death, Morgan’s Personal Wealth is Valued at £5,263. An Amnesty is Declared so that Pirates may Pay their Respects and a 22 ~ Gun Salute is Fired by Ships Moored in the Harbour. Morgan is Buried in Palisadoes Cemetery. 1692 7th June In the Kingdom of England, the City of Port Royal, Jamaica, “the Wickedest City on Earth” Slips into the Sea after a 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes the City. 2,000 are Immediately Killed, 2,300 Injured and an Estimated 2,000 Die from Diseases which Ravage the Island in the Following Months. Palisadoes Cemetery ~ Including Morgan’s Grave ~ is One Part of the Town which Sinks beneath the Waves and Morgan’s Body, Despite Several Attempts to do so, shall never Subsequently be Located. 1699 In English North America, the Settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, is Abandoned after Williamsburg is Named as the Capital of Colonial Virginia. 6th July In English North America, Pirate William Kidd is Arrested in Boston, , after being Lured there by a False Promise of Clemency. Kidd is Placed into Stone Jail and spends most of his Time in Solitary Confinement. 1700 1st January Many Protestant Nations in Europe, with the Notable Exception of Great Britain, have Grudgingly Accepted the Reforms to the Julian Calendar First Proposed in the Papal Bull of 1582 by Pope-King Gregory XIII. The new Calendar Seeks to Correct the Gradual Drifting of the Seasons and of the Feast of Easter under the old Julian Calendar which was 11 Days longer than its Civil Equivalent. The Gregorian Reforms Remove the extra Days and Insert a Leap Year ~ an extra Day once every Four Years to further Correct the Drift. 6th November In the Kingdom of Spain, King Charles II “the Bewitched” of Spain Passes away at the Age of 38, inside the Royal Alcázar Fortress inside the Spanish Capital City of Madrid, Province of Madrid. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last Hapsburg King of Spain, Known for Permanently bringing to an End the Spanish Inquisition, which had, for Years, Remained a Significant Force over Spanish Society, as well as for Leading Spain to Victory during the Anti-French War. He will also be Remembered for Dying without any Sons to Succeed him, which would Spark a Succession Crisis that would, Eventually, Result in the Outbreak of the First Great Global War in Europe, which, at that Time, would be Considered the most Destructive War in European History and the beginning of the Gradual Break up of the Spanish Empire. 1703 In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a Split in the Sejm Caused by King Stephen II’s Attempts to Rein in their Power Leads to the Elector of Saxony, Michael I, being Crowned as Anti-King. 1711 In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Supporters of Anti-King Michael I are Defeated, leaving King Stephen II free to Push his Authoritarian Reforms through the Sejm. 1718 22nd November In the Portuguese Governorate of Verao, the Pirate Blackbeard is Cornered and Slain in Battle off Ocracoke Inlet by a British Royal Navy Squadron under the Command of Lieutenant Robert Maynard; it takes 20 Cutlass Wounds and 5 Gunshot Wounds to Kill Blackbeard. Blackbeard’s Body is Subsequently Beheaded and Thrown into the Inlet…According to Legend, it Swims Three Times around Maynard’s Ship before it Sinks and the Severed Head is Hung from the Prow so that the £100 Reward can be Collected. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Stuff of Lore, becoming the Inspiration for the Archetypal Pirate, Inspiring Books, Films, and even Amusement Park Rides. Various Superstitions will Exist of Blackbeard’s Headless Ghost forever Wandering the Scene of his Bloody Death Bellowing “Where’s my Head?!” 1719 25th April In the Kingdom of Great Britain, English Trader, Writer, Journalist, and Spy Daniel Defoe Publishes the Novel Robinson Crusoe, Presented as an Autobiography of the Titular Character, who Spends 28 Years on a Remote Tropical Island before being Rescued. The Book is well Received among the Literary Circles of the World despite its Simple Narrative Style, and will already have gone through Four Editions before the End of 1719 and will go on to become One of the most Widely Published Books in History, Spawning so many Imitations, not only in Literature, but also in Film, Television, and Radio. 1720 In the Songhai Empire, ever since they Overthrew the Mali Keita Dynasty, the Songhai have Ruled the Empire in a Heavy Handed Fashion which has Caused much Resentment among the Various Subject Tribes. Unlike the Previously Tolerant Mali, the Songhai Regime is very Ethnnocentric. Only Ethnic Songhai can Occupy high Positions in the National Government and Military, and Subject Tribes are Liable for Various Taxes and other Disabilities the Songhai are not. There have been some by the Various Subject Tribes but these have been Brutally Suppressed. One of the Subject Tribes of the Songhai Empire are a Powerful People Called the Benin or who Live in the Coastal Region with their Capital at the City of Benin near the Mouth of the River Niger. The Benin Form an with the and the as well as with the Remnants of the Mali who still Dwell within the Kingdom and Lead a against the Songhai. The are Secretly Supplied with Arms and Equipment by , who are Worried about the Close Ties the Songhai Dynasty has Developed with Egypt. 1724 In the , in a Bitter War that lasts for Four Years, the Songhai are Destroyed and their Power is Broken forever. The Leader of the , Oba Eresonyen of , is Wise enough to Know that if he tries to Claim the Throne for himself, his and Allies will likely Object and the Kingdom will Fragment into Squabbling . Therefore, with the Agreement of his Allies, he Offers the Crown to Basi IX of [who is a Direct Descendant of the House who Ruled in before the Songhai Usurped the Throne and thus can be seen as a Legitimate Ruler by everybody] 1744 4th October In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the British Royal Navy Warship HMS Victory, with Admiral Sir John Balchen on Board, hits the Casquets Rocks in the English Channel during a Storm and Sinks, Drowning all 1,100 Sailors and Officers she had been bringing Back from to England. The Residents of Hear her Firing her Distress Guns but are unable to Provide Assistance due to the Severe Storm. 1759 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, William Shakespeare’s Final place of Residence in New Place is Demolished by the then ~ Owner, the Reverend Francis Gastrell, who has become Fed up with Tourists coming to see it. Outraged, the Inhabitants of Stratford-upon-Avon Force Gastrell to leave Town. 1769 13th April In the Kingdom of the British Explorer and Cartographer Lieutenant James Cook Drops Anchor in Tahiti on Board the Ship HMS Endeavour, Preparing for the Transit of Venus. While in Tahiti, Cook Tahitian 15th August In the Western Roman Empire, a Son, Napoléon, is Born to Diplomat Carlo Buonaparte and his Wife, Letizia, in their Ancestral Home, Maison Bonaparte, in the City of Ajaccio, Corsica. 1775 18th April In British North America, under Instructions from Dr. Joseph Warren, Paul Revere and William Dawes, Ride from the City of Boston, Massachusetts, to the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, to Warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that British Colonial Forces are on their way to take them Prisoner and to Seize American Weapons and Ammunition Stored in the Town of Concord, Massachusetts. 19th April In British North America, as the British Advance Guard Enter the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, under the Command of Major John Pitcairn at Sunrise, about 80 American Minutemen Emerge from Buckman Tavern and Assemble on the Town Common under the Command of Captain John Parker, a Veteran of the Third Great World War, with between 40 and 400 Spectators Lining the Roads. Major Pitcairn Rides forward, Waving his Sword, and Calls out, “Lay down your Arms, you Damned Rebels!” Captain Parker, who Knows he doesn’t Stand a Chance, Tells his Men to go Home, but, Due to the General Confusion and the Raspiness of Captain Parker’s Voice, nobody does. Both Captain Parker and Major Pitcairn Order their Men to hold their Fire, but a Single Shot is Heard. [Both Sides will Blame the other for Firing First] Without Receiving Orders to do so, the British begin Firing Devastating Volleys and then Charge with Bayonets, Killing 8 Americans and Wounding 10. The rest Flee for their Lives in Terror. The American Revolutionary War has begun. In British North America, upon Learning of the Events in Lexington, American Colonel James Barrett Assembles his Minutemen in Concord, Massachusetts, but they are Unsure if they should Flee, stay and Defend the Town, or March out and Greet the British on Superior Terrain. Caution Prevails, and the Americans Withdraw from the Town to a Hill about a Mile North of Concord from where they can continue to Watch the Troop Movements of the British and the Activities in the Centre of Town. This Step Proves Fortuitous, as the Ranks of the Americans’ continue to Grow as more and more Minutemen Arrive from Neighbouring Towns to Join them there. When the British Arrive in Concord, Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith Divides his Men in Order to carry out General Thomas Gage’s Orders. The Grenadiers Secure South Bridge while the Light Infantry Secure North Bridge, where they are Visible across the Cleared Fields to the Assembling American Companies. Four British Companies go up the Road Beyond the North Bridge to Search Barrett’s Farm using Detailed Information from Loyalist Spies. 1778 In the Western Roman Empire, Carlo Buonaparte uses his Influence to Secure a place for Napoléon in the Military Academy of Turin on the Italian Mainland, far from Corsica and the Confines of Island Life. As Napoléon Prepares to leave his Island Home, he Feels Nervous. He is a Boy leaving his Family behind for a Life in a strange place. Little does he Know that he is starting out on a Path that will change the Face of Europe forever. 1788 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Convicts Building the Foundations for a Prison on the Site of Hyde Abbey Uncover Three Stone Coffins Believed to belong to King Alfred “the Great” of Wessex, his Wife, Queen Ealhswith, and his Eldest Son, King Edward “the Elder.” The Convicts Smash the Coffins and the Lead which Lines the Coffins is Sold for Two Guineas and the Bones inside are Scattered. The Bones are Subsequently Gathered by the Roman Catholic Priest Dr. Milner and Reburied in an Unmarked Grave in the Graveyard of St. Bartholomew's Church, Winchester.

Bill Lemmond

Definitely gets across the pain an d results of our genetic heritage of dividing everyone around us between an in-group and an out-roup.