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Stretching across the sea where east meets west stands a city. Byzantium. Constantinople. Istanbul. It's a city of many names and many masters, a city where empires have been made - and broken.

Though they were separated by a thousand years, Suleiman the Magnificent and Justinian I both looked out over this great city and dreamed impossible dreams. They dreamed of empires that reached as far as the horizon, of art that shone through the ages, of laws that brought disparate people together like neighbors. They're gone now, but their golden legacies remain, and we like to think that sometimes, in their absence, the city dreams of them.

This limited edition shirt will be available for pre-order until April 25. Then it, too, will disappear!

Link: http://store.dftba.com/products/dreams-of-byzantium




Where do we preorder?


D'oh. Helps when I don't accidentally delete the link. Here it is! <a href="http://store.dftba.com/products/dreams-of-byzantium" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://store.dftba.com/products/dreams-of-byzantium</a>


Just ordered mine. I see this as not only something nice for myself but more support for everyone at extra history. From the researchers, and artists, to the Kiner's, Dan, James, and Soroya. Continue being awesome.


I get paid on the first aww


Aww! &lt;3 I've been so excited for this shirt, and I hope you really like it.


Oh no! I'm sorry. :( Can you write me an email - soraya@extra-credits.net ? I'm getting on a plane (yes! again!) tomorrow but as soon as I get back I can talk to our merch partner and see if we can do anything to help you out.


Thank you :)


Ordered! Hello from Australia, love your vids!


I love this! Here's to more Extra History merch in the future! Pre-ordering now. Thanks for all the work guys. You do an amazing job.


Hope the bank like charging me £1.25 for making a foreign currency purchase, because it's worth it!

Bjørnar Røsnes Ersdal

Is the XL sizes and such by American standards? I don't wanna order a shirt which turns out to be far too large. :P


There will definitely be more! We've been working on a Walpole shirt since forever but I am extremely picky about it, and driving everyone else crazy with said pickiness.


It's an American company so it probably does follow American standards, though I don't know what those are or how they compare to the standards you're used to. What I do know that there's a sizing chart on the page, right below the shirt size drop-down menu, so you can use that to figure out what's right for you! Sizes are given in inches, though, so get your conversion calculator ready.


Very sad I missed this :'(