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That moment when a dog is more recognized for it's climbing accomplishments instead of the first woman to scale the Matterhorn.


Climbing Matterhorn - Women Ascending - Extra History - #2

Get great service in the valleys or at the mountain peaks with Ting! Get a $25 credit when using the link http://extracredits.ting.com/​ to sign up, contract free! Edward Whymper paved the way for mountaineers to start climbing the Matterhorn and while you would be right in assuming that mountaineering was a boys club, that wasn't the full picture. After all, a big name in climbing circles was Lucy Walker. She ascended mountains in all the finery of the time, wearing blouses and petticoats despite the cold. She had her sights set on the Matterhorn but she had a rival. Marguerite Brevoort, aunt to the ailing W. A. B. Coolidge, also had a reputation. But which of these women would scale the mountain first? ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics, and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Want to contact us directly? Email us: contact@extra-credits.net Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Hold the Phalanx!" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com/



Ok, what about the first chicken to ascend the Matterhorn? When is it going to get its episode?


Would Otzi the Iceman and the various legal disputes about him make for an interesting one off? 1860 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a 13 ~ Year ~ old Mycroft Holmes, having Previously been Educated at Home by his Father and the Local Clergyman, William Barnes, is sent South to Attend Harrow School. Perhaps Surprisingly, Adapts with Remarkable ease to the Spartan Environment of the School and Favourable Reports of his Academic Prowess ~ Particularly in Mathematics ~ start to Arrive Back in North Yorkshire. The Queendom of Vinland Abandons its Attempts to Colonise the Fimmtudaguraeyjar Island and Moves the Population Back to Alkafuglaeyjar. 24th March In the Japanese Empire, Tairō Ii Naosuke is Assassinated outside the Sakurada Gate of Edo Castle by Rōnin from the Shimazu and Tokugawa Clans Angry at his Role in the Opening of Japan to Foreign Powers. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Tairō under whose Guidance the Mōri Shōgunate Navigated a Particularly Turmoltuous Time which saw the Forced Re ~ Opening of Japan for Trade with Europe after nearly 214 Years of Self ~ Imposed Isolationism from the outside World as well as for Negotiating the Humiliating Treaty of Peace and Amity, Weakening the Shōgunate’s Credibility in the Eyes of the Common Japanese People and, Ultimately, Lead to his Assassination at the Hands of the Traditionalists. He will Immediately be both Villified and Defended, with even his Enemies Admitting that, along with Mōri Takachika, Ii was One of the most Important and Influential People of the Late Bakufu Period, but his Heavy ~ Handed Methods of Suppressing Dissent will be the Subject of Extremely Negative Press and he will be Portrayed as a Villain in much of the Literature from the Period. In the Swiss Confederation, Englishman Edward Whymper First sees the Matterhorn after he is Hired by a Publisher to Produce a Series of Alpine Scenery Drawings in the Region around Zermatt, Canton of Valais and makes a Vow that he will be the First Man to stand upon its Summit. 14th September In the Japanese Empire, British Mercant Charles Lennox Richardson is Attacked and Killed by the Samurai Bodyguards of Prince Shimazu Hisamitsu after Richardson tries to Force his way through their Procession. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Spark that Triggered the Brief Anglo-Japanese War after the Shimazu Refused a British Demand to Pay an Indemnity to Richardson’s Family. 20th December In the United States, the State Legislature of South Carolina Votes unanimously to Secede from the Union. 1861 1st January In the United States, the Deep South States of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana Ring in the New Year by Seceding from the Union and Banding together as the Confederate States of America, with the City of Montgomery, Alabama, as its Capital. Senator Abraham Lincoln of Mississippi is Sworn into Office as Provisional President. 11th February In the United States, the State Legislature of North Carolina Meets in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Unanimously Votes in Favour of Secession from the United States. 18th February In the United States, the State Legislature of Virginia Meets in the City of Richmond, Virginia, and Votes 88 ~ 55 in Favour of Seceding from the Union and Seeking Admission to the Confederacy. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Attends Primary School in Smiljan, Croatia-Slavonia, where he Learns German, Arithmetic, and Religion. In the United States, Incoming President William H. Seward is Facing a Mounting Crisis over the Status of Federal Fortresses at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, and Fort Pickens, Florida. Outgoing President John C. Frémont has Ordered that the Forts not be Abandoned, but he has not Reinforced or Resupplied them either after an Attempt to Resupply Fort Sumter had Encountered Warning Shots Fired by South Carolina Militiamen. Major Robert Anderson, in Command of Fort Sumter, has sent Messages Stating that, without Resupply, he will be Forced to Surrender the Fort within a Month. At his First Cabinet Meeting after his Inauguration, President Seward makes his Own Position clear. While he will Defend the Union by Force if Necessary, he will go to any Length to Avoid a Civil War, which, next to Disunion itself, he Considers the worst Possible Calamity to the Nation. Seward States that, in Certain Circumstances, he would Advocate the use of Force, but he “will not Provoke a War in any way now.” The Fundamental Question for President Seward is how to Restore the Union by a Peaceful Policy that will not Provoke a Civil War. 19th April In the United States, President Seward Issues a Proclaimation of Blockade against Certain Southern Ports to try and Prevent the Confederacy from using its Cotton Exports to try and Leverage Support from the Great Powers of Europe. 23rd August In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Violet Mycroft Holmes Passes away inside Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire. She will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Mother of the Sherlock Holmes, the “Great Detective,” and the Father of Modern Police Methods. She had given the then Six ~ Year ~ old Sherlock his First Lessons at Home, and her Death Certificate will give the Cause of Death will be given as “Consumption,” and she had had no Doubt she was Suffering from what is Known to many Victorians as the “White Death.” 1862 1st January With no Reply to their Ultimatum Forthcoming, the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Western Roman Empire Ring in the New Year by Declaring War against the United States of America. 14th January In the United States, upon Hearing of the British/Roman Declaration of War, President Seward asks Congress to Declare War against the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Western Roman Empire. Both Houses Unanimously Grant the President’s Request. President Seward Calls for 100,000 Volunteers to Fight the and the Western Romans. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Tesla Family Moves to the Town of Gospić, Croatia-Slavonia, where Milutin Works as a Parish Priest. Nikola Completes Primary and Secondary School. 1863 11th March In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Ninkō of Japan Issues an Edict Ordering all Foreigners Living in Japan to leave by 11th May, Overruling the Policy of Westernisation being Pursued by Shōgun Mōri Takachika. 15th August In the Japanese Empire, after the Deadline for the British Ultimatum Expires with no Answer, Four Vessels of the British Royal Navy Bombard the Port City of Kagoshima, Satsuma Province, Killing 5 People in Kagoshima and Burning 500 Paper Houses. The Shimazu Forces on the Shore Vent out their Anger by Firing their Round Shot at the British Ships, Killing 13 of the British Sailors. 1864 18th January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Marie-Claude Holmes Passes away from Heart Failure at the Age of 65, having Lived for more than 40 Years in the Wilds of the Moors, a far cry from the Salons and Artists’ Studios in which she had spent her Youth. She will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Grandmother of Sherlock Holmes, the “Great Detective” and the Father of Modern Police Methods. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Deaths of their Mother and Grandmother Deeply Affects the Two Holmes Brothers. Mycroft, 14 Years old at the Time of his Mother’s Death, has been Attending Harrow for Barely a Year and comes Home for the Funeral, Returning to the School shortly afterwards. In its Bracingly Unsentimental Atmosphere, he is Forced to come to Terms with the Bereavement in Order to Survive from Day to Day. Sherlock, 7 Years Younger and still Living at Home, is Faced with Permanent Reminders of his Loss. To him, it seems as if the Two Women to whom he is most Attached have somehow chosen to leave him. In the Shimazu Clan, a Shimazu Fleet ~ Two Ships and 99 Men under the Command of Admiral Otomo Mochiaki ~ are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to Sail up the Coast of Ōsumi Province through the Sea of Hyuga. In the Shimazu Clan, Daimyō Shimazu Hisamitsu Decides that, although it saddens him to see Japanese Culture Diluted by the Barbarian ways of the Europeans, there are many Advantages to Embracing their Technology. To Conduct Advanced Research, we must First Increase our Capacity for Development by Building up our Civic and Industrial Infrastructure. In the Shimazu Clan, a British Agent, Seth Patrick, is Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ 721 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori to Train the Troops, Allowing them to Gain Experience outside of Battle. In the Shimazu Clan, a Unit of Spearmen under the Command of Captain Honma Yasutake are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to March from the Castle-Town of Kagoshima, Satsuma Province, and Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ 721 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori. In the Shimazu Clan, a Shimazu Army ~ now 909 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori ~ are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to March from Satsuma Province to the Border of Ōsumi Province. In the Shimazu Clan, Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi Offers Daimyo Nabeshima Mochizuru of the Nabeshima Clan a Trade Agreement. The Nabeshima Clan Declines the Offer, as Daimyo Nabeshima Mochizuru Feels that it is not Right for him to Accept at this Time. In the Shimazu Clan, a Unit of Levy Infantry under the Command of Captain Owari Shigekata are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to March from the Castle-Town of Kokubu, Ōsumi Province, and Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ 909 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori ~ along the Border of Satsuma Province. In the Shimazu Clan, a Unit of Levy Infantry under the Command of Captain Kumu Nagateru are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to March from the Castle-Town of Kagoshima, Satsuma , and Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ now 1,097 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori ~ along the Border of Satsuma Province. In the Nobeoka Clan, a Shimazu Clan Fleet ~ Two Ships and 99 Men under the Command of Admiral Ōtomo Mochiaki ~ are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to Sail up the Sea of Hyuga to the Coast of Hyūga Province, where they are Ordered to Bombard a Nobeoka Clan Army under the Command of General Naitō Munefusa, Killing 37 Men. In the Tōdō Clan, a Ninja, Katantnka, is Ordered by Daimyo Tōdō Takayuki to Enter Ōmi Province and Gather Intelligence on the Hikone Army Garrisoning the Castle-Town of Ōtsu, the Capital of the Hikone Clan. 17th February In the Confederate States, the tiny Confederate Hand ~ Propelled Submarine H. L. Hunley Torpedoes and Sinks the U.S.S. Housatonic in Charleston Harbour becoming the First Submarine in History to Sink an Enemy Vessel, although the Submarine itself also Sinks soon afterwards with the Loss of all Hands; its Wreck will not be Located until 1995. 8th November In the United States, a Presidential Election, held Nationwide, Results in a Landslide Victory for the Democratic Party Candidate, George B. McClellan and his Running Mate, George H. Pendleton, who Carry 8 States, Gain 2,245,763% of the Popular Vote and 142 Electoral Votes. Their Opponents, Republican Party Candidates General John C. Frémont and his Running Mate, David Wilmot, Carry 13 States, Gain 1,638,415% of the Popular Vote and 79 Electoral Votes. A Third Party, the Perfect Union Party Candidates Charles P. Bush and his Running Mate, Oren B. Cheney, only Carry One State, Gain 436,337% of the Popular Vote and 8 Electoral Votes. In the United States, upon Learning of his Election Victory, U.S. President-Elect George B. McClellan makes a Speech Calling for “an Equitable Peace,” between the Combatants. 1865 22nd February In the Confederate States, the Treaty of Manassas is Signed in the City of Manassas, Virginia, by Representatives of the Confederate States, United States, the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Western Roman Empire, thus bringing to an End the Southron War of Independence [also Called the “American Civil War” in the United States.] Under the Terms of the Treaty, the United States Recognises the Independence of the Confederate States, Referendums will be held in the States of Maryland, Kentucky, Southern Missouri, New Mexico, and Arizona to Determine their Fate, which will be Overseen by Representatives of the United States, the Confederate States, and a Neutral Power to dStates will not be Required to Pay War Reparations or Return Fugitive Slaves who have Escaped into their Territory, and nor will the Confederacy will be Required to Pay the Union for Federal Property Seized by the Confederacy within their Own Borders. The Chesapeake Bay will Remain Free to Shipping from the Union for a Period of 25 Years, but Access to the Mississippi River will be Regulated by the Confederate Congress. The Indian Territory will be Attached to the Confederacy as a Self ~ Governing Dependency. Great Britain will Withdraw her Troops from New England, and the Union will Return British Columbia to Great Britain. 4th March In the United States, General George B. McClellan of New Jersey is Sworn into Office as 18th President of the United States of America in the Temporary U.S. Capital City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 10th June In the United States, the State Legislature of Maryland Meets in the City of Annapolis and Votes in Favour of Secession and Applying for Membership of the Confederacy, as Allowed by the Terms of the Treaty of Manassas. 14th July In the Swiss Confederation, a Team of Mountaineers Lead by Englishman Edward Whymper and Scotsman Lord Francis Douglas become the First Men to Ascend the Matterhorn in the Canton of Valais. During the Descent, One of the Mountaineers Slips and pulls Three other Men [Including Douglas] down the North Slope with him, sending those Four Men falling to their Deaths. Whymper and Two Swiss Guides are only Saved when a Rope Tethering the Mountaineers together Snaps, and they see a Weather Phenomen in the Form of an Arch and Two Crosses. 1st October In the Confederate States, the Confederate Congress Votes in Favour of Moving the Capital from the City of Richmond, Virginia, to the City of Washington, D.C. The District of Columbia is Renamed the “Confederate District.” 31st December In the United States, the State Funeral of Former President William H. Seward is held in New York City, New York . A Six ~ Year ~ old Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. and his Brother, Elliott, are Photographed Watching the Procession from the Upstairs Window of their Grandfather’s Mansion as it Turns onto Union Square. 1866 In the Confederate States, the Commonwealth of Virginia [Heavily under the Influence of Men like General Robert E. Lee, who, Despite not being Directly Involved with Politics at this Point, is still very Influential Due to his Popularity] becomes the First State in the Confederacy to Pass a Law Declaring the Practice of Slavery Illegal within its Borders, to take Effect on 1st January 1870. Slave Owners will Receive Compensation of $250 per Slave from the State Government, and Slaves Remaining in Bondage will be Paid a small Wage. Once the Slave has Accumulated the Sum of $250, the Slave will be Allowed to Purchase his or her Freedom. In the United States, the U.S. Congress Votes to Move the Capital to the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Construction begins on a far Grander Capitol Building than the One that had been Surrendered to the Confederacy and Designs a new “Presidential Palace,” Modelled on the Palace of Versailles, are Drawn up. In the United States, Brigham Young, President of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Declares that only Men who Practice Polygamy can become Gods. This puts the Mormon Church Squarely into Conflict with the Federal Government, who had Passed Legislation in 1862 Banning Polygamy. In Order to Avoid Conflict, the Federal Government Attempts to turn a Blind Eye to what is going on in Utah, but Increasing Protests by “Gentiles” Living in Utah Forces the Federal Government to take a more Active Role. 1867 30th January In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Ninkō of Japan Passes away at the Age of 66. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a Time of much International Turmoil as a Result of Japan’s First Major Contact with France under Admiral Louis Philippe and the Subsequent Forced Re ~ Opening of Japan to Western Nations, Ending a 220 ~ Year long Trend of Inward ~ looking Emperors and Partial Self ~ Isolation from the outside World. He Presided over the beginning of a Time of Rapid change that Witnessed the Japanese Empire Transformed from a Isolationist Feudal State into a Major Industrialised World Power. 3rd February In the Japanese Empire, Shōgun Mōri Takachika Abdicates, Allowing the Late Emperor Ninkō’s Son, Prince Yoshiaki, to Ascend to the Chrysanthemum Throne as Emperor Taisei of Japan. The Shōgun’s Abdication Creates a Void at the Highest Levels of Government, while his Apparatus of State Remain in Place. Moreover, the Mōri Clan Remains a Prominent Force in the Evolving Political Order, a Prospect that Hardliners from the Kyoto Clique find Unacceptable. 1868 27th January In the , a Shimazu Army ~ 3,380 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori ~ are Ordered by Shimazu to Engage a far larger Mōri ~ 2,980 Men under the Command of General Takenaka Shigekata ~ and Reinforced by Two other Armies ~ 2,160 Men under the Command of General Matsudaira Sadaaki and another Men under the Command of General , along the Road between Fushimi and Osaka, Yamashiro . During the Battle, of the Shimazu Army, Men are Killed while, of the Three Mōri Armies, Men Respectively are Gunned down trying to Charge the Shimazu Lines. 22nd February In the Confederate States, Robert E. Lee is Sworn into Office as Second President of the Confederate States of America in the City of Washington, C.D. Albert G. Brown is Sworn into Office as Vice President. In his Inaugural Address, President Lee Urges the State Legislatures to Pass Legislation to Emancipate the Slaves within their States as soon as Possible. “The Constitution of the Confederate States Prohibits the Confederate Congress from Enacting any Law which Denies the Right of Property in Negro Slaves. The Power to Emancipate the Slaves is Left to you, the People of the Various States, through their State Legislatures. The Black Man Fought and Died so that we, the People of the Confederate States, Might be Free. Can we now Deny him his Freedom? I Earnestly Implore the Various State Legislatures to Speedily Extend Emancipation to all the Remaining Slaves within our Borders, so that this Confederacy, under God, may have a new Birth of Freedom which will Establish Justice among all Men of the South.” 3rd November In the United States, a Presidential Election, held Nationwide, Results in Victory for the Democratic Party Candidate, Former Governor Horatio Seymour of New York and his Running Mate, Former Representative Clement Vallandigham of Ohio, who Carry 18 States and Gain 4,799,781% of the Popular Vote and 188 Electoral Votes. Their Opponents, Republican Party Candidate Benjamin Gratz Brown, a Former Senator from Missouri and his Running Mate, Former Attorney General Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, Carry 5 States and Gain 923,035% of the Popular Vote and 26 Electoral Votes. 1869 27th January In the Republic of Ezo, Samurai Retainers Loyal to the Mōri Shōgunate Declare the Republic of Ezo, with a Government Organisation Based on the of the United States, although Suffrage is Restricted to the Samurai Class, with Admiral Enomoto Takeaki Serving as President. 4th March In the United States, Former Governor Horatio Seymour of New York is Sworn in to Office as 19th President of the United States of America in the U.S. Capital City of Philadelphia, D.C. As the Presidential Palace is still under Construction, President Seymour will take up Residence inside the Powel House instead. In the Swiss Confederation, One Day, while Hiking through the Swiss Alps with his Family, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. finds that he can keep Pace with his Father. He Discovers the Benefits of Physical Exertion as a Means of Overcoming his Asthma and Bolstering his Spirits. In the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands, the Kingdom of France opens Talks with the UKN about the Possibility of Buying Luxembourg-Nassau. The Dutch Prove Receptive to offloading their Liability, and Talks Initially go well. However, the German Empire, with Prussia at the Forefront, is far from Happy about the Idea of the “Gibraltar of the North” falling into the Hands of the French. 1870 22nd February In the Confederate States, Independence from America Day, Commemorating the Signing of the Treaty of Manassas at the End of the War of Southron Independence [also Called “the American Civil War” in the United States] is Observed with Fireworks Displays, Military Parades, and Family Barbecues. In the Second Roman Empire, the Imperial German Army Launches a new Offensive with the Objective of trying to Capture the City of Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In the Second Roman Empire, the Imperial German Army Launches a new Offensive with the Objective of trying to Capture the City of Venice, Veneto. 23rd February In the German Empire, Additional Forces from the Imperial German Army Arrive in the City of Trieste, Province of Istria. 1st March In the German Empire, Additional Forces from the Imperial German Army Arrive in the City of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 6th March In the Second Roman Empire, the Defending Imperial Roman Garrison of the City of Udine, Friuli- Venezia are Forced to Retreat and Regroup by Attacking Imperial German Forces. 7th March In the Second Roman Empire, the City of Udine, Friuli-Venezia is Occupied by Troops from the Imperial German Army. In the Second Roman Empire, the Imperial German Army Launches a new Offensive with the Objective of trying to Capture the Town of Belluno, Veneto. In the German Empire, the Imperial Roman Army Launches a new Offensive with the Objective of trying to Liberate the City of Udine, Friuli-Venezia. 9th March In the Second Roman Empire, an Offensive by the Imperial German Army with the Objective of trying to Capture the City of Venice, Veneto, is Fought off by the Defending Imperial Roman Garrison. In the German Empire, the Imperial Roman Army Launches a new Offensive with the Objective of trying to Liberate the City of Trento, Province of Trento. 10th March In the Second Roman Empire, the Defending Imperial German Garrison of the City of Trento, Province of Trento, are Forced to Retreat and Regroup by Attacking Forces of the the Imperial Roman Army. 11th March In the Second Roman Empire, the Defending Imperial Roman Garrison of the City of Udine, Province of Friuli-Venezia, are Forced to Retreat and Regroup by Attacking Forces of the Imperial Army. 22nd April In the Russian Empire, a Son, Vladimir, is Born to Teacher Ilya Ulyanov and his Wife, Maria, in the City of Simbirsk, Simbirsk Governorate. 1st October In the Confederate States, President Lee, as per his Habit, Walks from the White House to the Capitol Building in Preparation for another Tense Meeting with the Senate, who are still Refusing to Pass his Negro Citizenship Bill. It is an Unseasonablly Chilly Day and a sudden Rainstorm Breaks out, Soaking the President. Upon Returning Home later that Evening, Family Members Note Lee’s Pallid Complexion and his Sunken Eyes. As he is Headed down a Hallway Towards his Bedroom, Lee Collapses. Family Members and Servants Place him in Bed and the Doctor is Summoned. He has a High Fever, and it becomes Apparent that Lee has Pneumonia. 12th October In the Confederate States, President Robert E. Lee Passes away at 9 AM inside the White House in the City of Washington, C.D. President Lee will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Embodiment of the Southern Cause, a National Hero. Whites will Regard him as the Confederacy’s Own George Washington, who Lead his Countrymen to Victory during the War of Southron Independence over a larger Foe. African-Confederates will also Honour Lee for his Leading Role in the Abolition of Slavery and his Advocacy of the use of African-Confederate Troops by the C.S. Army. In the Union, Lee will be Regarded more Negatively. Conservative Democrats and Republicans will Hate him, Considering him the “Face of the Enemy,” while Socialists and Progressives will Attack Lee for his Failure to Reduce the Wealth Gap, End Religious or Racial Discrimination in the Confederacy. 1871 23rd February In the Confederate States, while the Decades after the War for Southron Independence see hardship for some African-Confederates, the Era also sees a Flourishing of Participation of African-Confederates in Politics. During the Late 19th Century, Several African-Confederates are Elected to Political Office both at the State Level as well as in Congress. The First African-Confederate to be Elected to the House of Representatives is Hiram Rhodes Revels of Mississippi. Revels Serves as a Congressman from 1871 until 1875, and is Elected to the Senate for a Single Term in 1874. 17th May In the Japanese Empire, Former Shōgun Mōri Takachika Passes away in his Home in Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last of the Mōri Shōgunate, which had Ruled Japan since 1585; his Reign having been a Period of much International Turmoil as a Result of the “Re ~ Opening” of Japan to European Nations after the Disastrous Franco ~ Japanese War, and then began an Extensive Attempt at Reform and Modernisation, ultimately Leading to his Downfall at the Hands of the Traditionalists during the First Japanese Civil War, bringing to an End Seven Centuries of De Facto Rule by the Japanese Warrior Class. 21st May In the Paris Commune, French Government Troops Enter Paris, beginning the Suppression of the Paris Commune. 21st July In the Swiss Confederation, after being Warned by her Swiss Guide Melchior Anderegg that her American Rival, Marguerite “Meta” Brevoort is also Planning an Ascent of the Matterhorn, Canton of Valais, Englishwoman Lucy Walker, while Wearing a White Print Dress, becomes the First Woman to stand atop the Matterhorn, and, with it, Gains Worldwide Renown. In the Swiss Confederation, Marguerite “Meta” Brevoort, now unable to become the First Woman to Climb the Matterhorn, instead becomes the First Woman to Traverse it ~ Ascending up the Swiss side and Descending down the Italian side ~ a Feat which, while Arguably harder, Gains little Attention as it comes only Days after Walker’s Ascent. Unlike Walker, who always Wears Dresses, Brevoort becomes the First Female Mountaineer to Wear a Pair of Man’s Trousers during harder Ascents. 29th August In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Taisei of Japan Announces the Abolition of the Japanese Feudal System, Confiscating the Lands of Daimyo who had Remained Loyal to the Mōri and Reorganising them into Prefectures with Governors Appointed Directly by the Emperor. 27th October In the French Republic, Henri, Count of Chambord, Refuses to be Crowned as King Henry V unless France Abandons the Revolutionary Tricolour and Restores the Fleur-de-Lis. When Pope–King Heraclius V Hears of the Remark he Exclaims: “and all that, and all that for want of a Napkin!” 1872 28th March In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Taisei of Japan Announces that every Able ~ Bodied Male Japanese Citizen must do up to Four Years National Service upon Reaching 21 Years of Age. Samurai are also Forbidden from carrying their Katanas in Public Spaces. 1873 In the Japanese Empire, Saigō Takamori Offers to Travel to Korea and Provoke a Casus Belli by Behaving in such an Insulting Manner Towards the Koreans to Provoke his Own Assassination, thus giving Japan a Reason to Invade Korea. Prime Minister Ōkubo Toshimichi Rejects this Plan; although he wants a War with Korea, he Realises the Weakness of Japan Compared to the European Powers which he has Witnessed during the Iwakura Mission. Disappointed, Saigō Takamori Retires to Kagoshima, where he takes up Farming, Hunting, Writing Letters, and spending Time with his Grandson. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Returns to Smiljan, Croatia-Slavonia. Shortly after he Arrives, he Contracts Cholera and is Bedridden for Nine Months and is near Death Multiple Times. In a Moment of Despair, Milutin [who had Hoped Nikola would Follow him into the Clergy] Promises to Enroll him in the best Engineering School he can find if Nikola Recovers from the Illness. 1874 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Evades Conscription in Smiljan by running away to Tomingaj, near Gračac, Croatia-Slavonia. There, he Explores the Mountains Wearing Hunter’s Garb and Reads many Books while in Tomingaj. 30th November In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a Son, Winston, is Born at his Parental Home, Blenheim Palace, near Woodstock, Oxfordshire, to Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill, the Conservative MP for Woodstock, and his Wife, Jennie, an American ~ Born Socialite and One of the Great Beauties of Victorian Society. 1875 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Enrolls in the Imperial-Royal Technological College in Graz on a Military Frontier Scholarship. During his First Year, Nikola never misses a Lecture, Earns the highest Grades Possible, Passes Nine Exams, [Twice as many than is Required] starts a Serb Culture Club, and even Receives a Letter of Commendation from the Dean of the Technological Faculty to his Father which Reads “your Son is a Star of the First Order.” While at Graz, Nikola becomes Fascinated by the Detailed Lectures on Electricity given by Professor Jakob Pöschl. 1876 20th February In the British Raj, Earl Heneage Finch of Aylesford, One of Prince Edward’s Travelling Companions, Receives a Letter from his Estranged Wife, Lady Edith, Signalling her Wish to Elope with the Eldest Son of the Duke of Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, who has been Courting her in the Earl’s Absence. Enraged, the Earl returns to Great Britain, Determined to begin Divorce Procedings. The Prince shares his Friend’s Anger and Publically Supports the Earl, Calling George the “Greatest Blackguard Alive, ” and Suggests that he should Divorce his Own Wife and Marry Lady Edith. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Remark will turn a Merely Unfortunate Situation into a Potentially Dangerous One for the Prince. In the Past, his Own Interest in Lady Edith has not been Strictly Platonic. His Former Paramour has kept a Series of Incriminating Letters he had Written and Promptly gives them to George. George Realises that the Threat of having these Letters Published has given him a Massive Bargaining Chip, and he Privately says as much to anyone who will Listen. But One Day, when he comes to show them to his Younger Brother, the Rising Politician, Lord Randolph Churchill, the Documents are nowhere to be found. It is Widely Assumed that George was Lying. In Fact, George had, in a Moment of Carelessness, left the Letters on his Desk, where they have been tidied away by a Maid who had got them Confused with some other Papers. The Mystery of the “Aylesford Letters” will not be Solved until the 1910s when they are Discovered in a Drawer in Blenheim Palace, their Significance by then having been Reduced to a Historical Curiosity. 28th February In the Kingdom of Spain, the Pretender to the Spanish Throne, Duke Carlos of Madrid, Leaves the for Exile in France, where he is Welcomed by King Philippe II of France. The Wars are at an End, and with them, the short ~ Lived Spanish Republic…at Least, for now. 27th September In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Enters Harvard University. He does well in Science, Philosophy, and Rhetoric, but he Struggles with Latin and Greek. While in Harvard, he Participates in Boxing and Rowing, and becomes a Member of the Alpha Delta Phi Literary Society. However, he finds the Formalistic Treatment of many of the Subjects Depressing. 1877 29th August In the United States, Brigham Young, the Second President of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Passes away at the Age of 76 in Salt Lake , Screaming “Joseph! Joseph! Joseph!” He will be Remembered by Future Historians as “the American Moses” who Lead his Group, the “Mormon Pioneers,” to Utah, which they Perceived as a “Promised Land,” and was the First Governor of Utah Territory, as well as Leading the Mormon Forces during the Utah War [the First of Three Rebellions between the Mormons in Utah and the U.S. Government] which would Result in the Defeat of the and Young’s Removal from Office. 1878 9th February In the United States, American Businessman and Philanthropist Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. Passes away in New York City at the Age of 46 from a Gastrointestinal Tumor. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Future President Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., as well as being the Paternal Grandfather of Future First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. 8th March In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Earl Henry Herbert of Carnarvon Resigns from Office as Secretary of State for The Colonies. The Previous Under-Secretary, James Lowther, has been Promoted to Chief Secretary for Ireland. Despite some Misgivings, Prime Minister Disraeli Decides to Test his Belief that Lord Randolph might be a “Young Man of Promise.” At the Age of 29, Lord Randolph Enters into Government for the very First Time. Under the Watchful Eye of his Ally, Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Lord Randolph will Prove a Capable and Enthusiastic Presence in the Colonial Office, the Responsibilities of being a Junior Member of the Government Occasionally Chafes, however, and, on Occasion, his Tongue gets the better of him. 1879 11th January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Advent of the Anglo-Zulu War gives Lord Randolph his chance to Enter the Limelight. The Under-Secretary of State Seizes the Opportunity with Alacrity, Disagreeing with Sir Hicks Beach over the Issue of the Recall of Sir Henry Bartle Frere on Charges of Recklessness. Unfortunately, the High Commissioner’s Royal Connections Outweigh even the Objections of Prime Minister Disraeli and the Foreign Minister, and in a Bizarre Compromise, Sir Frere is First Censured, and then Begs Disraeli to let him stay on. 23rd January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, after the Battle of Rorke's Drift, Lord Randolph gives a Speech in the House of Commons that will be Considered a Masterpiece of Rhetoric: “We will not say Thereafter that Borderers Fight like Heroes, but that Heroes Fight like the Borderers!” As the War Drags on, though, he shares Lord Salisbury’s Opinion that Britain’s true Rival in the Region comes from the Boer Free State. 17th April In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ethnically Serbian Eastern Orthodox Priest Milutin Tesla Passes away from a Stroke at the Age of 60. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Nikola Tesla. At the Time of his Father’s Death, Nikola is Teaching Classes in his old School in Gospić, Croatia-Slavonia. 4th July In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Lord Randolph Causes a Scandal when he Suggests, in a Speech in the House of Commons, that the Zulu King, Cetshwayo, should be Allowed to stay on his Throne Following his Defeat, Predating, by Several Years, London Society’s Affection for the Deposed Monarch. With the Summer Holidays Looming, Prince Edward Suggests that Lord Randolph should Lead a Survey of the Cape Colony. Disraeli and Salisbury are Sceptical at First, but the Prospect of Removing the Troublesome Randolph from Westminster seems Appealing, and the Idea’s Warm Reception by Sir Hicks Beach Ensures its Endorsement by the Cabinet. In the British Cape Colony, Lord Randolph, who has always been an Enthusiastic Traveller, Seizes upon the Opportunity to go to South Africa with Great Gusto. After an Uneventful Passage, the Couple Arrives and Quickly sets about Dazzling the Social World of Cape Town, Western Cape. The Endless Dinner Parties in Colonial Society soon begin to Pall, however, and, after a Month of Engagements in Cape Town, the Churchills leave to go Inland. The Churchills Travel far and wide, Hunt Enthusiastically, and Meet South Africans of all Classes. On One such Expedition, Lord Randolph Shoots and Kills an Antelope. Its Head is then Stuffed and sent Back to Great Britain as a Present for his Son, Winston, on his Fifth Birthday. In the British Cape Colony, Lord Randolph’s Remarkable Propensity for making a few Lifelong Friends is Demonstrated on the First Day of his Visit to the Town of Kimberley, Northern Cape. Cecil Rhodes is another Mere Civic Leader that Randolph has been Introduced to in the Autumn of 1879. However, the Young Diamond Magnate makes a Deep Impression on the Visiting Minister, and the Appreciation is Mutual. The Two Young Men Realse that they have much in Common. Randolph’s Visit to Kimberley starts a Friendship through Correspondence that Rapidly Develops into a Lifelong Bond.