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Suggested Further Reading

Taking on the Trusts by Steve Weinberg 

Titan: The Life of John D Rockefeller, Sr. by Ron Chernow 

The Bully Pulpit by Doris Kearns Goodwin  

American Scandal hosted by Lindsay Graham 

American Experience: The Rockefellers on PBS 

The Roosevelts An Intimate History on PBS 


Teddy Roosevelt the Trustbuster - Lies - Extra History

Welcome Extra Historians to Lies, where we talk about the mistakes we made and the details we couldn't quite squeeze into the episode proper. Were we too mean to Rockerfeller? Is Ida Tarbell a feminist icon? And who exactly ran unopposed again? If you want to check out our recommended reading, you can find it on our Patreon page: Timestamps! 0:00 - Recommended Reading/General Questions 2:50 - Episode 1 10:16 - Episode 2 13:53 - Episode 3 18:05 - Episode 4 21:02 - Episode 5 22:32 - Next on Extra History 25:52 - Ibn Battuta Side Trip ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Monopolies" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



Phewph! I was starting to think this episode was coming to you through the Suez Canal after it wasn't uploaded on Friday.

Calvin McClory

Aw. I was hoping there would be elaboration on SO's corporate espionage. But there's always the QA.


Here is the final version for this little lot; in answer to an earlier comment, most of it comes either from Wikipedia, or a game I have called Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword and another called Total War: Shogun II. 1815 5th April In the Sri Vijayan Empire, the Volcano Mount Tambora Erupts Explosively, loud enough to be Heard in , 240 Miles away, , 780 Miles away, and the Islands, 870 Miles away, Killing 92,000 People and Propelling Thousands of Tons of Aerosols into the Stratosphere. The High Concentration of Gases Reflects the Sunlight Back out into Space, Causing a Widespread Cooling of the Surface Temperature of the Earth, heavy Rain in 1816, and Causes Snow in June and July in the Northern Hemisphere, Ruining Harvests and Leading to Famine, which is why 1816 will become Known as “the Year without a Summer.” 26th September In the Kingdoms of Austria & Bohemia, Representatives from the Kingdoms of Austria & Bohemia, the Duchy of Burgundy, Ducal Saxony and Electoral Saxony Sign an Alliance with the Aim of Restraining Liberalism and Secularism in the Wake of the Fourth Great Global War, as well as Upholding the Doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings, Effectively Reforming the Ancient Catholic League that had Existed during the Early Medieval and again during the Renaissance, but also with an Eye to Prevent themselves from being Swallowed up by the Rising Power of the Kingdom of Prussia in the East and the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands. 3rd November In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Sir Humphry Davy Announces his latest Invention, the Davy Lamp. [a Coal Safety Lamp] Controversy, however, Erupts because the Month before, a then Unknown but soon-to-be-Famous Engineer from the Village of Wylam, Northumbria, George Stephenson, had Demonstrated his Own Version of such a Device in front of Eyewitnesses by taking what will become Known as a “Geordie Lamp” down Killingworth Colliery, Northumbria, and holding it in front of a Fissure from which Firedamp was Issuing. 1816 In the Kingdom of Vinland, the Potato Harvest in The Eastern Keewatin Territories is Ruined because of an Unseasonable Frost, Driving many Poor Farmers into Bankruptcy. 1818 5th May In the Kingdom of Prussia, a Son, Karl, is Born in Trier, Grand Duchy of The Lower Rhine, to Heinrich Marx, an Ethnically Jewish Lawyer, and his Wife, Henriette, a Dutch Jew. 24th December In the Archbishopric of Salzburg, the Famed Christmas Carol “Silent Night,” Composed by Primary School Teacher Franz Xaver Gruber, with Lyrics by Priest Joseph Mohr, is First Performed inside the Parish Church of Saint Nicholas in the Town of Oberndorf bei Salzburg, District of Salzburg-Umgebung. 1819 2nd January In the United States, News Arrives that the Price of Cotton has Broken ~ Dropping by 25% in a Single Day ~ the Ensuing Panic sends the into Recession. 1820 In the Japanese Empire, Recognising that he has no other Choice if Japan is to Remain Free of the European Powers, Shōgun Mōri Naritō very Reluctantly Orders a Belated Programme of Industrialisation and Westernisation to Secure its Extensive Coastline. 1823 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Charles Babbage Demonstrates a Working Model of the Difference Engine, Awarding him a Gold Medal from the Astronomical Society. 1824 In the Iroquois Confederation, the U.S. Army Crosses over the Border into the Iroquois Confederation under the Command of General James K. Polk, thus beginning the Green Mountain War. The U.S. Government Hopes that doing so will help Hide the Dire State of America’s Finances under a Wave of Patriotism. 1826 In the United States, the Main Iroquois Resistance Leaders are Captured and Shot, and the Iroquois Confederation is Officially Proclaimed a U.S. Territory. Any and all Groups or Organisations Pushing for Iroquois Independence are Proclaimed Outlaws and the Flying of the “Wampum Flag” is Forbidden, and anyone Possessing “Hiawatha Belt” is to be Executed as an Enemy of the Union. 1830 In the Kingdom of Prussia, having First been Privately Educated at Home, Heinrich Marx Enrolls Young Karl in the Trier High School, where he Studies Philosophy and Literature. While he is there, Karl Meets a Man Named Alexy van Dern, who is a Fanatical Socialist who Teaches Karl all about Corrupted Capitalism and the Effects of Industrialisation and Private Ownership on Society. 1837 27th August In the United States, most People in the deep South can see that the Writing is on the Wall for Slavery: their Economic System of Plantation ~ Based Slavery is slowly being Strangled not only by Abolitionists in the North, but also by Geography itself: everything West of Tejas is a useless Desert that they can’t Grow Cotton in. Fearing the loss of their Power [as well as their Main Source of Income] a small Group of Southern Landowners Form a Secret Society Dedicated to Preserving Slavery: the Knights of The Golden Circle. 1839 5th December In the United States, a Son, George Armstrong, is Born in New Rumley, Ohio, to Farmer Emanuel Henry Custer and his Wife, Marie Ward Kirkpatrick, who is of both English and Anglo-Scots Descent. 1840 In the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Engineers Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci Design the First Version of the Internal Combustion Engine Suitable for mass Production. 1842 21st January In the Kingdom of Prussia, the Prussian Government shuts down the Rheinische Zeitung Newspaper on the Orders of King Frederick William IV. Karl Marx is Devastated by the Suppression as he has been Hoping that Prussia can Traverse the Road from Absolute to Constitutional Monarchy without the need for Violent Revolution. 1846 13th May In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Tensions between the United States and British Officials in Canada are high. The Provisional Established Three Years before by American Settlers using Champoeg as a Main Camp before going off to Form their Own Communities in the Oregon Region has been Growing. A Petition is sent by William Gilpin and John C. Frémont as the Dispute over the Northern Border of Maine Remains Unresolved. While it becomes Clear that the Government in London has no Desire for War, the United States and the Settlers in Oregon are far more Eager. To Protect the Settlers, the United States and the Champoeg Government many Forts in the Region. Thus, when some British Soldiers try to Forcefully Remove a Community of American Settlers from their Land along the River Fraser, Shots are Fired and the Oregon War has begun. 1849 3rd February In the United States, George, Thomas, and Boston Custer are all Ferved Patriots from the beginning of their Lives, and their Father, Emanuel, had Served during the Green Mountain War during the North American Crisis. From an Early Age, Emanuel ~ an Outspoken Jacksonian Democrat ~ Teaches them Politics and Toughness. Being Poor, and not having much else to do Except for helping his Father in his Blacksmith’s Shop, George begins to Teach himself to Read. He can Write well by the Time he turns 10. His Favourite Subject, much to his Parents’ Delight, is Religion. 5th December In the United States, the U.S. Army begins to Adopt large Gold Eagle ~ topped Vexilloid Banners, Named “Aquilae,” in Deliberate Imitation of the Ancient Roman Legions. 1850 12th December The Japanese Empire Declares itself to be at War against the Kingdom of France with the Hope of Capturing the French Loaisa Islands. 1851 In the Japanese Empire, a French Navy sent to Recapture the Loaisa Islands are Defeated when the Japanese, who have Mapped out the Waters around the Islands in Preparation, Lure the French onto the Reefs. 1852 In the Japanese Empire, still Reeling from the Shock of the First Defeat, a larger and more Organised French Navy under the Command of Admiral Louis Philippe, Assisted by Luxembourgoise and Sri Vijayan Ships, are sent with a full Division of the French Foreign Legion are sent to Recapture the Loaisa Islands. The Japanese are Lured into Sri Vijayan Waters, where they are Comprehensively Destroyed, Allowing the French Foreign Legion to Land on the Loaisa Islands without any Resistance. 31st March In the Japanese Empire, the Treaty of Peace and Amity is Signed in the City of Yokohama, Kanagawa Province, by Representatives of the Japanese Empire, the Kingdom of France, and the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands. Under the Terms of the Treaty, Japan will Hand the French Loaisa Islands Back to France, the Japanese Cities of Shimoda, Izu Province, and Hakodate, Hokkaido, will be Opened up to European Merchants, who will be Granted Complete Freedom of Movement by the Japanese Government. A French Consulate will be Built in Shimoda, Izu Province, and France will hold a Monopoly on all European Trade with Japan. The Japanese Islands of Okinawa will be Occupied by Luxembourgoise Troops for a Period of 20 Years to make sure Japan keeps to its Half of the Bargain. In the Japanese Empire, the Shock of Defeat Causes an Upsurge of Anti-Shōgunate Feelings, Especially in the South, where Powerful Daimyo long Opposed to the Mōri ~ Namely, the Shimazu, Yamauchi and Tōdō Clans ~ are Swift to Denounce the Shōgunate for Surrendering rather than Fighting the French with Honour. In the Japanese Empire, after the Surrender, Admiral Louis Philippe Presents Shōgun Mōri Takachika with Rifles, Revolvers, a Telegraph Key and a Waist high Model of a Steam Locomotive, Technologies which Stun the Japanese Officials. The Shōgunate quickly Enters Negotiations to Buy Modern Steamships, Cannons, and Rifles, and send Missions Overseas to Study new Technologies. 1854 17th June In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a Son, William Sherlock, is Born in Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire, to Sir William Scott Holmes and his Wife, Violet Mycroft. 1856 10th July In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Son, Nikola, is Born in the Village of Smiljan, Croatia-Slavonia, to Milutin Tesla, an Ethnically Serbian Eastern Orthodox Priest, and his Wife, Đuka, who has a Talent for making Home Craft Tools, Mechanical Appliances, and the Ability to Memorise Serbian Epic Poems. 1858 3rd March The United States Adopts its First Official National Anthem, “The Battle Cry of Freedom,” and it Reflects the Militaristic Culture of the Nation. 27th October In the United States, a Son, Theodore, is Born in New York City to Businessman Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., who is of Dutch Descent [and, therefore, One of the most Favoured Racial Groups in the U.S.] and his Wife, Martha Bulloch Roosevelt. 1860 In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a 13 ~ Year ~ old Mycroft Holmes, having Previously been Educated at Home by his Father and the Local Clergyman, William Barnes, is sent South to Attend Harrow School. Perhaps Surprisingly, Adapts with Remarkable ease to the Spartan Environment of the School and Favourable Reports of his Academic Prowess ~ Particularly in Mathematics ~ start to Arrive Back in North Yorkshire. The Queendom of Vinland Abandons its Attempts to Colonise the Fimmtudaguraeyjar Island and Moves the Population Back to Alkafuglaeyjar. 24th March In the Japanese Empire, Tairō Ii Naosuke is Assassinated outside the Sakurada Gate of Edo Castle by Rōnin from the Shimazu and Tokugawa Clans Angry at his Role in the Opening of Japan to Foreign Powers. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Tairō under whose Guidance the Mōri Shōgunate Navigated a Particularly Turmoltuous Time which saw the Forced Re ~ Opening of Japan for Trade with Europe after nearly 214 Years of Self ~ Imposed Isolationism from the outside World as well as for Negotiating the Humiliating Treaty of Peace and Amity, Weakening the Shōgunate’s Credibility in the Eyes of the Common Japanese People and, Ultimately, Lead to his Assassination at the Hands of the Traditionalists. He will Immediately be both Villified and Defended, with even his Enemies Admitting that, along with Mōri Takachika, Ii was One of the most Important and Influential People of the Late Bakufu Period, but his Heavy ~ Handed Methods of Suppressing Dissent will be the Subject of Extremely Negative Press and he will be Portrayed as a Villain in much of the Literature from the Period. 14th September In the Japanese Empire, British Mercant Charles Lennox Richardson is Attacked and Killed by the Samurai Bodyguards of Prince Shimazu Hisamitsu after Richardson tries to Force his way through their Procession. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Spark that Triggered the Brief Anglo- Japanese War after the Shimazu Refused a British Demand to Pay an Indemnity to Richardson’s Family. 1861 23rd August In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Violet Mycroft Holmes Passes away inside Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire. She will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Mother of the Sherlock Holmes, the “Great Detective,” and the Father of Modern Police Methods. She had given the then Six ~ Year ~ old Sherlock his First Lessons at Home, and her Death Certificate will give the Cause of Death will be given as “Consumption,” and she had had no Doubt she was Suffering from what is Known to many Victorians as the “White Death.” 1862 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Tesla Family Moves to the Town of Gospić, Croatia-Slavonia, where Milutin Works as a Parish Priest. Nikola Completes Primary and Secondary School. 1863 11th March In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Ninkō of Japan Issues an Edict Ordering all Foreigners Living in Japan to leave by 11th May, Overruling the Policy of Westernisation being Pursued by Shōgun Mōri Takachika. 15th August In the Japanese Empire, after the Deadline for the British Ultimatum Expires with no Answer, Four Vessels of the British Royal Navy Bombard the Port City of Kagoshima, Satsuma Province, Killing 5 People in Kagoshima and Burning 500 Paper Houses. The Shimazu Forces on the Shore Vent out their Anger by Firing their Round Shot at the British Ships, Killing 13 of the British Sailors. 1864 18th January In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Marie-Claude Holmes Passes away from Heart Failure at the Age of 65, having Lived for more than 40 Years in the Wilds of the Moors, a far cry from the Salons and Artists’ Studios in which she had spent her Youth. She will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Grandmother of Sherlock Holmes, the “Great Detective” and the Father of Modern Police Methods. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Deaths of their Mother and Grandmother Deeply Affects the Two Holmes Brothers. Mycroft, 14 Years old at the Time of his Mother’s Death, has been Attending Harrow for Barely a Year and comes Home for the Funeral, Returning to the School shortly afterwards. In its Bracingly Unsentimental Atmosphere, he is Forced to come to Terms with the Bereavement in Order to Survive from Day to Day. Sherlock, 7 Years Younger and still Living at Home, is Faced with Permanent Reminders of his Loss. To him, it seems as if the Two Women to whom he is most Attached have somehow chosen to leave him. In the Shimazu Clan, a Shimazu Fleet ~ Two Ships and 99 Men under the Command of Admiral Otomo Mochiaki ~ are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to Sail up the Coast of Ōsumi Province through the Sea of Hyuga. In the Shimazu Clan, Daimyō Shimazu Hisamitsu Decides that, although it saddens him to see Japanese Culture Diluted by the Barbarian ways of the Europeans, there are many Advantages to Embracing their Technology. To Conduct Advanced Research, we must First Increase our Capacity for Development by Building up our Civic and Industrial Infrastructure. In the Shimazu Clan, a British Agent, Seth Patrick, is Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ 721 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori to Train the Troops, Allowing them to Gain Experience outside of Battle. In the Shimazu Clan, Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi Offers Daimyo Nabeshima Mochizuru of the Nabeshima Clan a Trade Agreement. The Nabeshima Clan Declines the Offer, as Daimyo Nabeshima Mochizuru Feels that it is not Right for him to Accept at this Time. In the Shimazu Clan, a Unit of Levy Infantry under the Command of Captain Owari Shigekata are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to March from the Castle-Town of Kokubu, Ōsumi Province, and Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ 909 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori ~ along the Border of Satsuma Province. In the Shimazu Clan, a Unit of Levy Infantry under the Command of Captain Kumu Nagateru are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to March from the Castle-Town of Kagoshima, Satsuma , and Merge with a Shimazu Army ~ now 1,097 Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori ~ along the Border of Satsuma Province. In the Nobeoka Clan, a Shimazu Clan Fleet ~ Two Ships and 99 Men under the Command of Admiral Ōtomo Mochiaki ~ are Ordered by Daimyo Shimazu Tadayoshi to Sail up the Sea of Hyuga to the Coast of Hyūga Province, where they are Ordered to Bombard a Nobeoka Clan Army under the Command of General Naitō Munefusa, Killing 37 Men. In the Tōdō Clan, a Ninja, Katantnka, is Ordered by Daimyo Tōdō Takayuki to Enter Ōmi Province and Gather Intelligence on the Hikone Army Garrisoning the Castle-Town of Ōtsu, the Capital of the Hikone Clan. 1865 4th March In the United States, General George B. McClellan of New Jersey is Sworn into Office as 18th President of the United States of America in the Temporary U.S. Capital City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 10th June In the United States, the State Legislature of Maryland Meets in the City of Annapolis and Votes in Favour of Secession and Applying for Membership of the Confederacy, as Allowed by the Terms of the Treaty of Manassas. 31st December In the United States, the State Funeral of Former President William H. Seward is held in New York City, New York . A Six ~ Year ~ old Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. and his Brother, Elliott, are Photographed Watching the Procession from the Upstairs Window of their Grandfather’s Mansion as it Turns onto Union Square. 1866 In the Confederate States, the Commonwealth of Virginia [Heavily under the Influence of Men like General Robert E. Lee, who, Despite not being Directly Involved with Politics at this Point, is still very Influential Due to his Popularity] becomes the First State in the Confederacy to Pass a Law Declaring the Practice of Slavery Illegal within its Borders, to take Effect on 1st January 1870. Slave Owners will Receive Compensation of $250 per Slave from the State Government, and Slaves Remaining in Bondage will be Paid a small Wage. Once the Slave has Accumulated the Sum of $250, the Slave will be Allowed to Purchase his or her Freedom. In the United States, Brigham Young, President of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Declares that only Men who Practice Polygamy can become Gods. This puts the Mormon Church Squarely into Conflict with the Federal Government, who had Passed Legislation in 1862 Banning Polygamy. In Order to Avoid Conflict, the Federal Government Attempts to turn a Blind Eye to what is going on in Utah, but Increasing Protests by “Gentiles” Living in Utah Forces the Federal Government to take a more Active Role. 1867 30th January In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Ninkō of Japan Passes away at the Age of 66. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a Time of much International Turmoil as a Result of Japan’s First Major Contact with France under Admiral Louis Philippe and the Subsequent Forced Re ~ Opening of Japan to Western Nations, Ending a 220 ~ Year long Trend of Inward ~ looking Emperors and Partial Self ~ Isolation from the outside World. He Presided over the beginning of a Time of Rapid change that Witnessed the Japanese Empire Transformed from a Isolationist Feudal State into a Major Industrialised World Power. 3rd February In the Japanese Empire, Shōgun Mōri Takachika Abdicates, Allowing the Late Emperor Ninkō’s Son, Prince Yoshiaki, to Ascend to the Chrysanthemum Throne as Emperor Taisei of Japan. The Shōgun’s Abdication Creates a Void at the Highest Levels of Government, while his Apparatus of State Remain in Place. Moreover, the Mōri Clan Remains a Prominent Force in the Evolving Political Order, a Prospect that Hardliners from the Kyoto Clique find Unacceptable. 1869 27th January In the Republic of Ezo, Samurai Retainers Loyal to the Mōri Shōgunate Declare the Republic of Ezo, with a Government Organisation Based on the of the United States, although Suffrage is Restricted to the Samurai Class, with Admiral Enomoto Takeaki Serving as President. 4th March In the United States, Former Governor Horatio Seymour of New York is Sworn in to Office as 19th President of the United States of America in the U.S. Capital City of Philadelphia, D.C. As the Presidential Palace is still under Construction, President Seymour will take up Residence inside the Powel House instead. In the Swiss Confederation, One Day, while Hiking through the Swiss Alps with his Family, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. finds that he can keep Pace with his Father. He Discovers the Benefits of Physical Exertion as a Means of Overcoming his Asthma and Bolstering his Spirits. In the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands, the Kingdom of France opens Talks with the UKN about the Possibility of Buying Luxembourg-Nassau. The Dutch Prove Receptive to offloading their Liability, and Talks Initially go well. However, the German Empire, with Prussia at the Forefront, is far from Happy about the Idea of the “Gibraltar of the North” falling into the Hands of the French. 1870 22nd April In the Russian Empire, a Son, Vladimir, is Born to Teacher Ilya Ulyanov and his Wife, Maria, in the City of Simbirsk, Simbirsk Governorate. 1871 17th May In the Japanese Empire, Former Shōgun Mōri Takachika Passes away in his Home in Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the last of the Mōri Shōgunate, which had Ruled Japan since 1585; his Reign having been a Period of much International Turmoil as a Result of the “Re ~ Opening” of Japan to European Nations after the Disastrous Franco ~ Japanese War, and then began an Extensive Attempt at Reform and Modernisation, ultimately Leading to his Downfall at the Hands of the Traditionalists during the First Japanese Civil War, bringing to an End Seven Centuries of De Facto Rule by the Japanese Warrior Class. 29th August In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Taisei of Japan Announces the Abolition of the Japanese Feudal System, Confiscating the Lands of Daimyo who had Remained Loyal to the Mōri and Reorganising them into Prefectures with Governors Appointed Directly by the Emperor. 1872 28th March In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Taisei of Japan Announces that every Able ~ Bodied Male Japanese Citizen must do up to Four Years National Service upon Reaching 21 Years of Age. Samurai are also Forbidden from carrying their Katanas in Public Spaces. 1873 In the Japanese Empire, Saigō Takamori Offers to Travel to Korea and Provoke a Casus Belli by Behaving in such an Insulting Manner Towards the Koreans to Provoke his Own Assassination, thus giving Japan a Reason to Invade Korea. Prime Minister Ōkubo Toshimichi Rejects this Plan; although he wants a War with Korea, he Realises the Weakness of Japan Compared to the European Powers which he has Witnessed during the Iwakura Mission. Disappointed, Saigō Takamori Retires to Kagoshima, where he takes up Farming, Hunting, Writing Letters, and spending Time with his Grandson. 1873 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Returns to Smiljan, Croatia-Slavonia. Shortly after he Arrives, he Contracts Cholera and is Bedridden for Nine Months and is near Death Multiple Times. In a Moment of Despair, Milutin [who had Hoped Nikola would Follow him into the Clergy] Promises to Enroll him in the best Engineering School he can find if Nikola Recovers from the Illness. 1874 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Evades Conscription in Smiljan by running away to Tomingaj, near Gračac, Croatia-Slavonia. There, he Explores the Mountains Wearing Hunter’s Garb and Reads many Books while in Tomingaj. 1875 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nikola Tesla Enrolls in the Imperial-Royal Technological College in Graz on a Military Frontier Scholarship. During his First Year, Nikola never misses a Lecture, Earns the highest Grades Possible, Passes Nine Exams, [Twice as many than is Required] starts a Serb Culture Club, and even Receives a Letter of Commendation from the Dean of the Technological Faculty to his Father which Reads “your Son is a Star of the First Order.” While at Graz, Nikola becomes Fascinated by the Detailed Lectures on Electricity given by Professor Jakob Pöschl. 1876 27th September In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Enters Harvard University. He does well in Science, Philosophy, and Rhetoric, but he Struggles with Latin and Greek. While in Harvard, he Participates in Boxing and Rowing, and becomes a Member of the Alpha Delta Phi Literary Society. However, he finds the Formalistic Treatment of many of the Subjects Depressing. 1877 29th August In the United States, Brigham Young, the Second President of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Passes away at the Age of 76 in Salt Lake , Screaming “Joseph! Joseph! Joseph!” He will be Remembered by Future Historians as “the American Moses” who Lead his Group, the “Mormon Pioneers,” to Utah, which they Perceived as a “Promised Land,” and was the First Governor of Utah Territory, as well as Leading the Mormon Forces during the Utah War [the First of Three Rebellions between the Mormons in Utah and the U.S. Government] which would Result in the Defeat of the and Young’s Removal from Office. 1878 9th February In the United States, Businessman and Philanthropist Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. Passes away in New York City at the Age of 46 from a Gastrointestinal Tumor. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Future President Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., as well as being the Paternal Grandfather of Future First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. 1879 17th April In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ethnically Serbian Eastern Orthodox Priest Milutin Tesla Passes away from a Stroke at the Age of 60. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Nikola Tesla. At the Time of his Father’s Death, Nikola is Teaching Classes in his old School in Gospić, Croatia-Slavonia. 1880 14th February In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt Proposes to Socialite Alice Hathaway Lee, who waits for Eight Months before Accepting. When Theodore Moves to Montana Territory, he takes Alice with him and they reach an “Understanding of sorts” Regarding his Infidelities. In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt Graduates Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard University. After his Father’s Death, Roosevelt has Inherited $65,000, which is enough to Live Comfortably for the rest of his Life. Roosevelt gives up on his Earlier Plan to Study Natural Science and, instead, he Moves West to try his Hand as a Rancher out in Montana Territory. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Two of Nikola Tesla’s Uncles put together enough Money to help him leave Gospić for Prague, Bohemia, where he is to Study. He Arrives too Late to Enroll at the Charles- Ferdinand University, and he never Studied Greek, a Required Course, or Czech, another Required Course. He does, however, Attend Lectures on Philosophy at the University, but does not Receive Grades for the Course. In the United States, in Montana, Theodore Roosevelt Invests $14,000 in the Hopes of becoming a Prosperous Rancher, Invigorated by the Cowboy Lifestyle. He Learns to Ride Western Style, use a Lasso, and Hunt big Game, Gradually Earning the Respect of Authentic Cowboys, although they are not overly Impressed. Over the next Several Years, he Shuffles between Montana and his Home in New York City and, by 1881, he has Acquired a Substantial Ranch. 27th October In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt Marries Alice Hathaway Lee inside the Unitarian in Brookline, Massachusetts. The Couple’s “Proper” Honeymoon is Delayed until the Summer due to her new Husband’s Move to Territory. 1881 19th April In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Former Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, Passes away at the Age of 76 at his Home in the City of London, Greater London. The First Jew to hold that Office, Disraeli’s Passing will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Death of a Political Epoch, and all the Questions that have Occupied Men’s Minds in the 1860s and the 1870s are Swept away by new Problems, which Throw up new Men. Parnell has begun to Emerge in Ireland, Joseph Chamberlain is already Famous in the Midlands, Gascoyne-Cecil and Northcote, while Unknown Political Quantities, have both held Cabinet Office. All these Men, who will make their Mark in the next Decade, have at Least begun their Advance. They will, however, Note that the Arrival of a Fifth Newcomer was Utterly Unexpected, for this will be Remembered as the Moment that Lord Randolph Churchill Steps from Relative Obscurity and into the Centre of the Political Stage. 14th June In the Eternal Empire of Mexica, Confederate Troops Move in to the newly ~ Purchased Provinces of Sonora and Chihuahua. John Hay, the U.S. Ambassador to the Confederate States, Issues an Ultimatum to C.S. President James Longstreet: Withdraw Immediately to Pre ~ 1880 Borders, or Risk War. 25th June In the United States, with no Reply to the American Ultimatum Forthcoming, President Sherman Asks the U.S. Congress for a Declaration of War against the Confederate States of America. Both Houses Unanimously Grant the President’s Request. The Second Mexican-American War has begun. In the United States, upon Learning of the Declaration of War, Theodore Roosevelt Attempts to Enlist in a Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, only to Discover that Montana isn’t Raising One. At his Own Expense, Roosevelt Raises, Equips, and Feeds a Cavalry Regiment of his Own, the “First Montana Volunteer Cavalry,” or, as they will Famously become Known as, the “Rough Riders.” In the Confederate States, the U.S. Strikes the First Blow of the War when U.S. Cavalry Lead by George Armstrong Custer and Equipped with Gatling Guns Invade the Indian Territory. 1882 30th January In the United States, a Son, Franklin, is Born in the Town of Hyde Park, New York, to Businessman James Roosevelt I and his Wife, Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt. 19th April In the Kingdom of Great Britain, the English Naturalist, Geologist and Biologist Charles Darwin Passes away from Chronic Chagas Disease, at Down House in the Village of Downe, Kent. By the Time of his Death, Darwin has Persuaded most Scientists that the Theory of Evolution is Correct, and he will be Remembered ~ both by his Contemporaries and by Future Generations as a Great Scientist who has Revolutionised Ideas, and One of the most Influential Figures in Human History. 22nd April In the Confederate States, the Treaty of Richmond is Signed by Representatives of the Confederacy, the United States, the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Kingdom of Aniyunwiya, thus bringing the Second Mexican-American War to an End. Under the Terms of the Treaty, the U.S. is Required to Evacuate its Troops to its Original 1881 Borders with the Confederacy, Recognise the Confederate Purchase of the Mexican Provinces of Sonora and Chihuahua, and Extend Diplomatic Recognition to the Kingdom of Aniyunwiya. The Northern Portion of the U.S. State of Maine is to be Ceded to Great Britain, and the U.S. will Pay War Reparations to Confederate and Aniyunwiyan Merchants to Compensate them for Loss of their Pre-War Businesses. Prisoners of War from all Sides are to be Released and Allowed to Return Home. The Confederacy, for its Part, will Abolish its Slavery ~ Based Economic System and begin a Programme of Industrialisation to Replace it with. In the United States, the 23 ~ Year ~ old Theodore Roosevelt Publishes The Naval Fourth Great Global War. The Book Contains Drawings of the Individual and Combined Ship Maneuvers, Charts Depicting the Differences between Iron Throw Weights used by Rival Navies and Analyses of the Differences and Similarities between British and American Leadership down to the Ship-to-Ship Level. Upon its Release, the Book is Praised for its Scholarship and its Literary Style and it will Remain a Required Study of the well into the 23rd Century. 1886 12th January In the Russian Empire, Teacher Ilya Ulyanov Passes away at the Age of 54 from a Sudden Brain Hemorrhage in the City of Simbirsk, Simbirsk Governorate. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Vladimir Lenin. In the Russian Empire, after his Father’s Death, Vladimir’s Behaviour becomes Increasingly Erratic and he Renounces his Belief in God. Around this Time, Vladimir’s older Brother, Aleksandr, who the Family Call “Sasha,” is Studying in Saint Petersburg University. 2nd December In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Theodore Roosevelt Marries his Childhood Friend Edith Kermit Carow. Theodore Worries that the Marriage has taken Place so soon after the Death of his First Wife, and Faces Resistance from his Sisters. Nevertheless, the Couple are Married inside St. George's, Hanover Square, in London, . 1887 7th January In the Kingdom of France, after the Death of Léon Gambetta, there is no Commanding Personality in French Politics. Ministers and Governments change with Bewildering Frequency and there is an Increasing Sense among the People that Parliamentary Institutions have Failed the Country. Into this State of Affairs Steps General Georges Boulanger. Boulanger is a Military Man of Humble Origins, and, after a Distinguished Career in the Army, he is given the Post of Minister of War by the de Freycinet Government. It is here that he Attains his Great Popularity. Boulanger is a Exacerbating Hero ~ Figure to the many Frenchmen who still smart from the Humiliation of 1870; his Outspoken Anti ~ German Views and his distance from the Conventional Political Establishment gives him a huge Following. 20th May In the Russian Empire, Russian Revolutionary Aleksandr Ulyanov is Executed by Hanging at the Age of 21 in the Town of Shlisselburg, Saint Petersburg Governorate. He will be Remembered among Future Historians for having been the Leader of a Cell of the Revolutionary Organisation Narodnaya Volya and for having been the Elder Brother of Vladimir Lenin, his Execution having Driven Vladimir to Pursue the Revolutionary Struggle ever more Fervently. 31st May In the Kingdom of France, General Boulanger Overreaches himself by Exacerbating a Border Incident with Germany; a Worried Government Sacks him and Appoints him to an Obscure Post in the Provinces. Parisians are Enraged, and on his Departure, a huge Crowd Mobs the Gare de Lyon, Covering his Train with Posters Titled “He’ll be Back,” and Blocking the Railway for the Following Three Hours. For a while, the General Bides his Time, Gathering his Supporters and Spreading his Influence, not only to the Political Left but also to the Conservative Right, and he becomes the Undisputed Figurehead of the “Revisionist” Movement, Appearing as all things to those who want Political change in France. In the Russian Empire, Vladimir Ulyanov, upon Entering Kazan University, Moves into a nearby Flat. There, he Joins a Zemlyachestvo, a Form of University Society which Represents the Men of a Particular Region. This Group Elects him to be their Representative to the University’s Zemlyachestvo Council. 29th October In the Kingdom of France, it becomes Apparent that Daniel Wilson, Son-in-Law to Prime Minister Jules Grévy, has been Selling Decorations ~ Including the Legion d’Honneur, France’s Highest Award for Gallantry, for Cash. Prime Minister Grévy is not Accused of Personal Participation in the Fraud, but is Generally Regarded to have overall Responsibility, a Point he Obstinately Refuses to Accept. For the “Man on The Black Horse,” this Insult to French Honour is the Final Straw. General Boulanger Appears in Paris and Marches, at the Head of an Enthusiastic Crowd, on the Estates General, where he Demands the Resignation of Prime Minister Grévy, the Dissolution of the Chamber and Senate, and the Establishment of a Convention to Revise the Constitution of France. There is no Resistance; there are no Outstanding Republican Leaders to Oppose the Coup, and the “Boulangists” take Paris. Authorities in the rest of the Country Accept the Fait Accompli. General Boulanger’s Grand Gamble has Succeded; however, it Increasingly becomes Apparent that the General has no Idea what to do with his Prize. In the Kingdom of France, Immediately after his Coup d’etat, General Boulanger Wisely Re ~ Appoints Vice ~ Admiral Théophile Aube to his old Job at the Marine Ministry. With the Luxury of Job Security [France having seen 18 different Marine Ministers since 1871] and Generous Funding, Vice ~ Admiral Aube is able to Transform the Fortunes of his Fleet. He Neatly Sums up his Philosophy: “The Empire of the Sea will belong to the Nation of the Two which has the most Numerous Ironclad Fleet. Every Power of Attack and Destruction will be Employed against all the Enemy’s Littoral Towns ~ Fortified or unfortified ~ whether Purely Peaceful Establishments or Warlike, to Burn them, to Destroy them, or to Pitylessly Ransack them. In any Future War, the French will Climb down from the Height of that Clouded Sentimentality which has Created the Monstrous Association of Words, “the Rights of War,” and the Attack on every Source of Riches will not only be Legitimate to them, but Obligatory.” Vice ~ Admiral Aube’s Trademark is a Ruthless and Obsessive Determination to Neutralise the vast Advantages in Numbers and in Industry that the British Royal Navy ~ his most likely and most Dangerous Foe ~ Enjoys. Expanding on the Concept of “Jeune École,” he Orders the Construction of 16 fast Cruisers for Defence and Commerce Raiding, and Invests Considerably in Torpedo Boats and in his Own Fascination: Submarines. In the German Empire, the Dramatic Collapse of the French Constitutional Monarchy Precipitates yet another War Scare. General Boulanger’s Reputation as a “Revanchist” Leads many to Assume that a French Attack on Germany ~ or a Pre ~ emptive German Invasion of France ~ is Imminent. These Fears have some Basis in Fact. While General Boulanger has no Desire to Engage in a War he Knows he cannot Win, Elements in the German Senior Staff are Keen for a Conflict, Judging that with Great Britain Distracted in Ireland and the Tsar still Uncomfortable with the Purported Radical Leanings of the new French Regime, France will be Completely Isolated. Chancellor Otto von Bismarck Agrees, and it is for Precisely this Reason that he Expends a Surprising Amount of Political Capital on Restraining the Army from Producing Border Incidents or Provoking a Diplomatic Crisis. The Chancellor’s Reasoning is very Simple: ever since 1870, it has been German Foreign Policy to Ensure that France is Friendless in Europe; with the Advent of Boulanger, Chancellor von Bismarck is Confident that the French will do his Own Work for him. He Writes to his Son, Herbert, “Boulanger is Clever enough not to Confront us, so he will be Forced to Alienate the British with Colonial Adventures to Please the Parisian Press. He will try to Cultivate the Russians, but Tsar Alexander will see him as a Parvenu ~ he is far better than a Republic!” Chancellor von Bismarck’s Analysis is Astute, but in the Event, it will only Prove to be Half Correct. In the Russian Empire, the Rise of General Boulanger in France has Serious Repercussions in Russia, Confronting the Russian Government with Serious Problems. In Fact, the new Regime Reveals Fundamental Weaknesses in Tsarist Autocracy. Tsar Alexander III, whose Contempt for the General is Difficult to Conceal, finds it Impossible to Suppress the Enthusiastic Support Boulanger comes to Enjoy in Russian Circles. His Inability to Control Public Opinion, or even his Ministers, is all the more Significant as the Support given to Boulanger Bears Implications of a Growing Opposition to the Tsarist Regime. Ever since Germany had Failed to Support Russia’s Claims at Berlin in 1878, most Pan ~ Slavs have Viewed her as an Obstacle that has to be Removed if Russia is to take her Rightful Place as Leader of Europe. Repeated Efforts are made to try and Persuade the Tsar to Abandon Cooperation with Germany and instead Pursue closer Relations with France. Alexander Resists these Calls, but Increasingly this is Due to Sentiment rather than any Practical Consideration. To the Russian Autocrat who looks upon the Orthodox Church as One of the main Supporters of his Rule, an Understanding with the “Atheistic” and Democratic French Constitutional Monarchy seems Inconceivable. At First, the Collapse of Jules Grévy’s Government and the Installation of Boulanger makes the Tsar even more Suspicious. While Alexander Cares nothing for the Monarchy, he is even more Suspicious of the Popularly Supported Caesarism of the Bonapartes, and Boulanger’s Reformism makes the Tsar even more Nervous. Alexander would have Preferred to leave the Matter there but he is unable to Ignore the Demands of his Pan ~ Slavic Entourage, who Claim to be the True Defenders of Russia’s National Interests. Alexander is so Concerned by the Reaction of Pan ~ Slavs to the continued Alliance with Germany that when he Renews the League of Three Emperors, he Demands the Inclusion of a Secret Clause. As a Result of Alexander’s Ambiguous Attitude, a Tug-of-War Ensues around his Person, with the Tsar’s Foreign Minister, Nikolay de Girs, Confronting him with Reports Describing France as being in the Grip of Radical Republican Forces, while the Influential Mikhail Katkov Bombards the Tsar with Editorials and Reports from his Newspapers strongly Supporting the General and Emphasising his Support among French Conservatives. “It is always the same Story,” Schweinitz Complains, “Alexander does not want to Conclude an Alliance with France, but is as little ready to Acknowledge Girs’s Policy as his Own and Defend it against Katkov’s.” In the Russian Empire, Vladimir Ulyanov takes Part in December Student Protests against Government Restrictions which Ban Student Societies. The Police Arrest Vladimir and Accuse him of being a Ringleader in the Demonstration; he is Expelled from the University, and the Ministry of The Interior Exiles him to his Family’s Kokushkino Estate. There, he Reads Voraciously, in Particular becoming a Fan of Nikolay Chernyshevsky’s 1863 Pro ~ Revolutionary Novel, What Is to Be Done?. 1888 13th January In the Russian Empire, Frustrated by the Tsar’s Indecision and Angry at his Pointed non ~ Inclusion in the Honours List, a Dying Mikhail Katkov Leaks the Text of the Secret Reinsurance Treaty between Germany and Russia to the Bohemian Journalist, Henri Blowitz. His Publication of the Text gives The Times yet another Journalistic Coup; it also Precipitates Political Crises in both the Signatory Countries. The Publication of the Agreement is a huge Embarrassment for the Tsar, who has been Struggling to Maintain a Balance between his Pro ~ German Foreign Minister and the Francophile Pan ~ Slavs. Under Pressure from the Press and Mindful of the Imperial Russian Army’s Anger over the Affair, Alexander III has no Choice but to Sack Nikolay de Girs and Shift Foreign Policy to a more Pro ~ French Orientation. In the German Empire, the Controversy Causes Damage to Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck’s standing and Earning him the lasting Distrust of the Future Kaiser, Crownn Prince Wilhelm II. However, Kaiser Frederick III’s Illness Diverts the Attention of the Press. 4th February In the Kingdom of France, Punch Magazine’s Famous Cartoon of Prime Minister Boulanger as the Famous Tightrope Walker, Blondin, is both Amusing and Perceptive; for the First few Years of his Period in Office, the General is Able to Reconcile both the Left and the Right with his Regime by making Contradictiory Promises, the sure ~ Footed Juggling of Ministerial Positions, and by Appealing to the Vast Public Goodwill that he still Enjoys. It quickly becomes Apparent, however, that the Policy of Equidistance merely Staves off an Inevitable Decision; sooner or later, Boulanger will have to Swing One way or another. Considering a Financial Scandal had been the Main Contributory Factor in the Overthrow of Jules Grévy, it is rather Ironic that the First Threat to Boulangist Rule comes from a similar Exercise in Corruption. Just as the new Regime is Establishing itself, Ferdinand de Lesseps’s Financially Struggling Panama Canal Company Requests Aid from the French Government. In Response, the French Parliament Approves a Massive Loan of F900,000,000 for the Company, and Approves another, smaller Loan the Following Year. 20th July In the Kingdom of France, the First Signs that the Boulanger Regime will take a more Active Role in Foreign Affairs come from an Unexpected Source. A Petty Chieftain in the Disputed Jungle Region between French Guyana and the Brazilian Empire, Proclaims the “Republic of Independent Guiana,” with the help of some French Adventurers, in an Attempt to Extend French Rule as far as the Mouth of the River Amazon. The Kingdom of France, however, has no Interest in Provoking the Brazilians and makes no Protest when the Imperial Brazilian Army Chases the Filibusters Back into French Guyana. Two things Contribute to a change in French Policy Towards the Region; the First is the Realisation by General Boulanger that Colonial Adventures are an Excellent Means of Distracting French Attention away from War against Germany, while the Second is the Anglo ~ Confederate Agreement over the Regions Disputed between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Republic of Gran Colombia. Worried that Brazil might use the Precedent to Enforce its Own Claim on the Eastern Border of their Territory, the Quai d’Orsay Abruptly changes its Policy and lets it be Known that it will not Frown on another Attempt to Cement French Control East of the River Oiapoque. 23rd July In the Korean Empire, a Rumour starts to Spread among the Korean Peasantry that American Missionaries are Stealing Babies and Boiling them down in Order to Produce the Chemicals needed for Photographic Plates. Anti-Foreigner Riots Engulf many of Korea’s Cities, while, out in the Countryside, the Focus quickly Shifts to Targeting Landowners, Civil Servants, and the Army. At First, Local Troops are used to Quell the Uprising, but, as the Fighting Spreads, Empress Myeongseong very Reluctantly Authorises the Secret Deployment of the Chinese Soldiers already in the Country. In the Brazilian Empire, the Erstwhile “President” of the Republic ~ an Explorer and Member of the French Geological Named Jules Gros ~ makes his way Back to Guyana. This Time, Gros has the Backing of Several British Businessmen, who give him the Money to Buy Guns for the Local Blacks in Return for Promises of Land in the new State. Just as before, the Brazilian Imperial Army try to stop them; on this Occasion, however, they are met by a French Gunboat sent from Cayenne, French Guiana, and, after a Brief Skirmish, are Driven off. The French Government Officially Recognises the new Republic; the Brazilians are unable to React Thanks to the beginning of the Crisis that will Herald the Collapse of Absolutionism and its Replacement by a Constitutional Monarchy. 1st August In the Japanese Empire, News of the use of Units from the Chinese Army soon Reach the Ears of the Pro ~ Japanese Korean Revolutionary, Kim Ok-gyun, who has been Living in Exile in Tokyo ever since his Coup Attempt in 1884, and Maintains many Contacts among Reformers in his Home Country. Kim, Realising the Implications of the Deployment, quickly Passes the Information on to his Japanese Allies. The Japanese Accuse the Chinese of Violating the Convention of Tianjin and Announce that they will send their Own Expeditionary Force. By this Point, a War between Japan and China is Inevitable. 27th August In the Kingdom of France, 1888 sees Prime Minister Georges Boulanger’s Improbable Regime at the Zenith of its Popularity, as the Kingdom’s new Head of Government continues to Defy Political Gravity through the Enthusiastic Support of both the Left and the Monarchist Right. The General Shrewdly Casts himself as a Figure above Politics, a Loyal Son of France with no Ambition of his Own other than Restoring the Moribund Political Establishment to Health. The Report of the Constitutional Convention and its Subsequent Overwhelming Ratification in a Tightly ~ Regulated National Referendum is a Masterpiece of Political Theatre. The General’s seemingly Superhuman Ability to be all things to all Frenchmen is largely down to his Stunningly Successful Publicity Machine. By this Point there is very little Opposition, and there is no Need for the Heavy ~ Handed Bullying and Intimidation that is to become Prevailant in the later Years of the Boulangist Period. 99 Years to the Day after the Tuscan National Assembly had Adopted the “Declaration of The Rights of Man and The Citizen,” the Boulangist Constitution is Promulgated. Ironically, One of the First Acts of the new Government will Contribute Heavily to the Downfall of its Founder. 28th August In the Kingdom of France, the French Estates-General Votes in Favour of Floating a Massive Fr900,000,000 Loan to the Troubled Panama Canal Company. 5th September In the Korean Empire, Japanese Troops Land, Arrest the Korean Emperor, Occupy the Royal Palace, and Replace the Existing Government with Prominent Members of the Pro ~ Japanese Faction. The First Sino ~ Japanese War has begun. In the Russian Empire, Maria Ulyanova, a Monarchist and a Liberal Conservative, is Worried about her Son’s Political Radicalisation, and Persuades the Authorities to Allow Vladimir to Return to Kazan, but not to the University. Upon his Return, Vladimir Joins Nikolai Fedoseev’s Revolutionary Circle, through which he Discovers Karl Marx’s 1846 Book Call for Communist Revolution: A Manifesto of The Rights of The Proletariat. This Sparks his Interest in Marxism, a Socio-Political Theory which Argues that Society Develops in Stages, that this Development is the Result of Class Struggle, and that Capitalist Society will, Ultimately, give way to Socialist Society and then to Communist Society. 1889 20th April In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Son, Adolf, is Born in the Town of Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, to a Local Customs Official, Alois Hitler, and his Wife, Klara. 7th June In the Empire of Brazil, Afonso Celso, the Viscount of Ouro Preto, is Appointed as Prime Minister of Brazil and Immediately makes Efforts to Preserve the Monarchy, Refusing to Appoint the Commander of the Army, Deodoro da Fonseca, as Governor of the Rio Grande do Sul Province. 9th November In the Empire of Brazil, Republicans Meet in the Home of Diplomat Rui Barbosa to Discuss Military Action against Prime Minister Afonso Celso. The Principal Ringleaders are Benjamin Constant and Quintino Bocaiuva. Deodoro da Fonseca, the Officer with the most Obvious and Populist Republican Sentiments, is Unavailable to them. 15th November In the Empire of Brazil, a Republican Coup d'état Fails to Overthrow the Monarchy after Loyalist Reinforcements are sent in to put down the Rebellion. The Plotters are, however, Able to Capture the Ministry of War and the General Post Office. Constant and Bocaiuva are both Arrested and Sentenced to Life Imprisonment. 1890 9th March In the Russian Empire, the Russian Imperial Government Issues an Imperial Rescript Announcing its Intention to Build a new Railway Linking Vladivostok and Omsk with Moscow. 19th May In the Russian Empire, in a Ceremony in Vladivostok, Tsar Nicholas II Inaugurates Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. 22nd June In the Russian Empire, the First Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Vladivostok with Khabarovsk, is Completed. Work on the Second Section, Running from Khabarovsk to Birobidzhan, begins. 13th July In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Second Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Khabarovsk with Birobidzhan, is Complete. Work on the Third Section, Running from Birobidzhan to Amur, begins. 27th September In the Russian Empire, Construction on the Fourth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Amur with Chita, is Complete. Work on the Fifth Section, Running from Chita to Ulan-Ude, begins. 10th November In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Fifth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Irkutsk with Bratsk, is Complete. Work on the Sixth Section, Running from Bratsk through to Krasnoyarsk, begins. 26th December In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Seventh Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Krasnoyarsk with Kemerovo, is Complete. Work on the Eighth Section, Running from Kemerovo through to Novosibirsk, begins. 1891 11th February In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Eighth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Novosibirsk with Omsk, is Complete. Work on the Ninth Section, Running from Omsk through to Tyumen, begins. 4th March In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Ninth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Omsk with Tyumen, is Complete. Work on the Tenth Section, Running from Tyumen through to Chelyabinsk, begins. 27th March In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Tenth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Tyumen with Chelyabinsk, is Complete. Work on the Eleventh Section, Running from Chelyabinsk through to Zlatoust, begins. 16th April In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Eleventh Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Chelyabinsk with Zlatoust, is Complete. Work on the Twelfth Section, Running from Zlatoust through to Ufa, begins. 17th June In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Twelfth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Zlatoust with Orenburg, is Complete. Work on the Thirteenth Section, Running from Orenburg through to Simbirsk, begins. 25th July In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Thirteenth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Orenburg with Simbirsk, is Complete. Work on the Fourteenth Section, Running from Simbirsk through to Penza, begins. 13th August In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Fourteenth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Simbirsk with Penza, is Complete. Work on the Fifteenth Section, Running from Penza through to Ryazan, begins. 28th August In the Russian Empire, Construction of the Fifteenth Section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Linking Penza with Ryazan, is Complete. Work on the Sixteenth Section, Running from Ryazan through to Moscow, begins. 14th September In the Russian Empire, the Trans-Siberian Railway Enters Moscow, to Great Celebrations. The Railway, at 10,000 Kilometres long, is the longest Railway in the World and has taken 62,000 Workers Two Years to Build. 11th November In the Kingdom of France, when the Spanish Government Abandons Trials of a Revolutionary new Submarine Designed by Isaac Peral, Vice ~ Admiral Aube Persuades the newly ~ Retired Peral to come to France and continue his Work. 1892 In the German Empire, the Hitler Family Move to Passau, Lower Bavaria, where Adolf Acquires the Distinctive Lower Bavarian, rather than Austrian German, Dialect which will Mark his Speech for the rest of his Life. 14th July In the Kingdom of France, even this Massive Injection of Funds is not enough, and the Civil Court of The Seine Lawfully Applies for the Liquidation of de Lesseps’s Venture in September of 1890. By 1892, Liquidation has still not been Completed, Thanks to the Personal Intervention of Prime Minister Boulanger. The French Government is Desperate to Conceal the Amount of Public Money ~ not to Mention Personal Investments from Private Citizens ~ that has been lost Thanks to the Company’s Mismanagement. Worse still, it has become Obvious by now that the Lottery Grants of 1888 and 1889 were the Result of Bribery on a Massive Scale. Although the General himself has no Interest in Acquiring a Personal Fortune, some of his Colleagues are less Fastidious, and, as well as a Range of Junior Ministers, Senior Government Figures such as Ferdinand Sarrien, the Justice Minister, and Paul Déroulède, the Minister of War, are all Implicated in the Corruption. Boulanger is well Aware that the Scandal is a Ticking Time Bomb under his Government, and his Efforts to Maintain the Cover ~ up become Increasingly Desperate. Before the Summer of 1892, the Opposition, which is mostly Comprised of the Extreme Left, has been Allowed to Operate largely unhindered, however, in July, a Rumour starts to Circulate [mostly Spread by Orleanists] that the Leader of the Radical Left, Léon Bourgeois, Knows about the Panama Affair and is Planning to Expose the Government. Boulanger Acts quickly; on Bastille Day, Bourgeois, his Ally, Édouard Lockroy, and Boulanger’s old Foe Émile Flourens are all Arrested and Charged with Plotting against the King. Boulanger’s Actions Outrage the Left; the Radicals Georges Clémenceau and Alfred Naquet, both of whom had Previously been Strong Supporters of the General, Immediately Resign their Ministerial Positions in Protest. The Crisis has Decisively Shifted the Balance of Power in Favour of the Right. While Boulanger still Maintains a large Degree of Popular Support, the Government Behaves in an ever more Autocratic Manner Towards what Opposition there is. 1893 In the Kingdom of France, there is a Further Crackdown in 1893 when Clémenceau and Naquet Flee to Luxembourg; Bourgeois, Lockroy, and Flourens are all Deported to the Infamous “Devil's Island,” where they are quickly Joined by a few Hundred Journalists, Academics, and Military Officers Considered to be Disloyal to the new Regime. 1894 In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt is Approached by a Group of Progressives about Running for Mayor of New York City once again; Roosevelt Declines, mostly because of his Wife’s Resistance to being Removed from the Philadelphian Social set. Shortly afterwards, he Realises he has missed an Opportunity to Reinvigorate a Dormant Political Career and, for a Time, he Moves Back to Montana. Edith, later on, Regrets her Role in Theodore’s Decision, and Vows there will not be a Repeat of it. 1896 4th January In the United States, Legislation to Admit Utah as a State is Proposed in the U.S. Congress. Due in large Part to Reports of continued Polygamy in Utah, the Legislation is Defeated in Congress. Similar Legislation will be Proposed every Year over the next Decade, and will always Meet the same Result. Dissatisfaction among the Mormons of Utah, who Feel they are being Persecuted because of their Faith, Increases with every Defeated Statehood Bill. 9th February In the Kingdom of Gothenland, the Gothenlandic Riksdag Offers Gothenlandic Pomerelia Independence, but the Offer is Withdrawn after the Majority Vote against it, as they have no Interest in Developing a Separate Identity. 17th April In the Confederate States, a Spacecraft Allegedly Crashes into the Windmill of a Farm belonging to Judge J.S. Proctor in the City of Aurora, State of Tejas, at 6 a.m. The Pilot, who is Reported to be “not of this World” by an Army Officer from nearby Fort Worth, does not Survive and is Buried with Christian Rites in the Local Cemetery. 1898 30th January In the United States, Franklin Roosevelt takes up Golf during his Teen Years, and soon becomes a Skilled long hitter, and Learns to Ride, Shoot, Row, and Play Polo and Lawn Tennis. He Learns to Sail early, and, on his 16th Birthday, his Father gives him a Sailing Boat. 2nd February In the Kingdom of Spain, the S.S. Virginia, a Confederate Vessel Sailing out of Savannah, Georgia, is Captured off Santiago de Cuba with a Load of Arms and Ammunition Meant for Cuban Rebels. In Addition, a Group of Volunteers on Board who are Sailing to Cuba to Fight on Behalf of the Rebels, Commanded by no less than the Personage of William Henry Fitzhugh Lee [more Popularly Known as “Rooney Lee,”] a Retired General in the C.S. Army and Son of Former Confederate General and President Robert E. Lee. The Local Spanish Commander, in Disobedience of Orders from his Superiors [who Wish to Avoid more Direct Involvement from either the United States or the Confederacy] has the Entire Crew, Including the Entire Volunteer Group, Executed by Garrote in the Public Square of Santiago. 15th March In the Confederate States, when News of this reaches Newspapers in the Confederacy, Including some rather Vulgar Engravings of the Garroting of “Rooney” Lee, there is an Immediate Public Outcry for War. Swept along by the Tide of Public Outrage, President James G. Field Asks Congress to Declare War on Spain, which Congress does, and the Spanish-Confederate War begins. The Confederate Army is quickly Mobilised and Shipping is Procured from both Native Confederate and U.S. Sources. 1900 2nd February In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Edmund Hitler Passes away from Measles at the Age of 5. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Younger Brother of the Future German Dictator Adolf Hitler, whose Death had a Profound Effect on Adolf, who changed from a Confident, Conscientious and Outgoing Student into a Detached, Melancholy Boy who Fights Constantly with his Father and Teachers. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Adolf is deeply Attached to his Mother, Klara, but has a Troubled Relationship with his Father, Especially after Alois’s Retirement and his Disappointing Farming Efforts. Alois had Built a Successful Career in the Austro- Hungarian Civil Service and he wants Adolf to Follow in his Footsteps, and this becomes a Source of Conflict between them. Despite his Son’s Pleas to be Allowed to Attend Classical High School and become an Artist, Alois Enrolls Adolf in the Realschule in Linz, a Technical College with around 300 Students. Adolf against the Decision and Deliberately does Poorly at School, Hoping that when Alois sees what little Progress he is making, he will let Adolf Devote himself to his Dream. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Nationalism quickly becomes an Obsession for Adolf, who sees it as a way to against his Father, who Proudly Expresses Loyalty to the Austro-Hungarian Government. Adolf and his Friends use the Greeting “Heil!” and Sing the German National Anthem “Deutschlandlied” rather than the Austro- Hungarian “Kaiserhymne.” He Expresses Loyalty only to Germany, Despising the Declining Hapsburg Monarchy and its Rule over an Vegetative Empire. 9th July In the Kingdom of Great Britain, E. M. Forster, a Unionist Party Member, Proposes a Plan to make the British into a Single Federal State among the , Creating an “Imperial Parliament” where all the will be Represented and will Decide on Matters Concerning the Empire. This will Form the Basis of the British Imperial Federation. 1902 30th January The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Republic of California Sign an Alliance in Exchange for Britain Buying and Writing off California’s Debts, Mitigating the Fear of War over Debt Collection. 24th October In the Kingdom of France, now that the Question of the “Barbary States” has been Resolved, that only leaves a Medium ~ Sized Portion of West Africa Unclaimed, and is Currently Disputed between France, Greater Italy, and the Aztecs. Unable to Agree on how to Divide it Properly, the Three Great Powers Decide that a Neutral Power should take Control of the Land. Svealand is One Possibility, but nobody wants to see a German ~ Allied Nation Gain a Foothold in Africa. Great Britain is yet another, but France Feels Uncomfortable at the Prospect. Meanwhile, Savoy and Naples, Scotland, Wales, and all Quarrel with each other over whether or not they want the Land. In the End, French Prime Minister Georges Boulanger Announces that the Nation that is Willing to Pay the most for the Land can have it. That Nation will Turn out to be the United States of America. 31st October In the United States, when he Learns of the “African Land Sale,” President George Armstrong Custer Wires a Personal Letter to Paris, Asking for the “Unclaimed Wilderness” and Offering a Considerable Sum of Money in Exchange, Generated mostly from the Sale of Resources in the U.S.’s new Central American Territories to all Three Nations Currently Contesting it. Reluctantly, Prime Minister Boulanger Agrees and a Treaty is Signed between Diplomats from both Nations in which France and her Allies Officially Recognises America’s Ownership of the Land, and, with that, the United States Enters the Scramble for Africa. The Ink has Barely had Time to Dry on the Treaty when Settlers, Adventurers, and Scores of Military Units come Pouring in from across the Atlantic. 1903 3rd January In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Civil Servant Alois Hitler Unexpectedly Passes away in the Gasthaus Wiesinger in Leonding, Upper Austria, at the Age of 65. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Father of Future German Dictator Adolf Hitler, a Brutal and Rough Man who Regularly Beat his Wife and his Children. There will be much Speculation over the Identity of Alois’s Biological Father, with Candidates Including Johann Georg Hiedler, an Itinerant Journeyman Miller, his Younger Brother, Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, a Prosperous Farmer, or Leopold Frankenburger, a Purportedly Jewish Man whose Existence had never been Documented, a Rumour which Adolf Hitler is Aware of and will have Investigated in 1931. 13th February In the Kingdom of Romania, Romanian Engineer Traian Vuia and his French Partner, Louis Blériot, make the First Successful Aeroplane. The Men are Hailed as Heroes the World over, all Except for the United States, who Claim it is “over ~ Hyped Slavic and French Propaganda.” Nevertheless, American Scientists Immediately begin Working on their Own Versions. The Vuia-Blériot Corporation becomes a huge Powerhouse in Europe, Manufacturing the Planes that will, Eventually, become Europe’s First Air Force. They have no Trouble at all Selling to other Countries, saying it was just “good Business.” They make Hundreds of Millions off of the Sales, which go into furthering Research and Improving the Planes. 18th February In the Japanese Empire, Emperor Taisei of Japan Passes away at the Age of 57 inside the Tokyo Palace, Tokyo Prefecture. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Japanese Emperor who Lead Japan away from an Isolationist, Feudal Society into an Industrialised World Power, continuing the Policy of Westernisation begun by his Father, Emperor Ninkō, and for Leading Japan in a Time of Aggressive Expansion, Waging War against, First, the Republic of Ezo, putting down the Shimazu Rebellion, then Successfully Invading and Occupying Korea during the First Sino-Japanese War and a Disastrous Attempt to Secure the Philippine Islands during the Spanish-Japanese War, which Resulted in a Growth of Anti ~ Imperial Sentiment in Japan. 10th November In the Japanese Empire, after the Death of Emperor Taisei, as he has no Children of his Own to Succeed him, his Brother, Prince Yorihito, Ascends to the Chrysanthemum Throne as Emperor Keishin of Japan.