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The patron livestream is now... uh, live! Come join us!



Extra History: Patron Q&A - Sunday, March 27 @ 1pm PST Live Stream



Oh. That's a lovely feature of the archive on this platform that catching up on the bit I missed due to my connection decided to have some hiccups - The chat is recorded in the archive. I don't /recall/ the other platform doing that. Questions staying for longer (which according to the chat they're going to work on) and flagging questions that have been answered, and this looks like it will be an ideal platform for this sort of Q&A.


Spreecast did record chat in the archive, but I guess if you weren't seeing it then that doesn't say much for their UI. ;) Nick and I will be sitting down for a chat soon about the features I'd like to see added or improved, though, so I have some pretty high hopes that Huzza will turn out to be a really good option for us! I'm glad that as a viewer, you were enjoying it as well.