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Since the very first Q&A we held on Patreon, we've been hearing one request over and over: would we ever consider doing a show about myths and legends? And the answer was always "Well, that would be fun, but not right now..."

But we have been considering it - in fact, we've been wanting to do it! So today we're happy to introduce our new $16,000 milestone: 4 Episodes of Extra Mythology.

To be clear, this will be a one-off set of episodes. It will NOT be the launch of a recurring show. We don't have the resources for that! But we know how many of you wanted to see at least one set of episodes on mythology, and we looked closely at what we needed to make that happen for you. Once we reach this milestone, we'll be able to create a stand-alone set of episodes of Extra Mythology.

As for what this four episode run will be about... well. We'll reveal that when we reach the milestone!



OMG I need this in my life.


This is a great idea! For these episodes, or perhaps for future ones, might I suggest a potential collaboration with Dael Kingsmill? She's a brilliant mythology vlogger/storyteller: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/MonarchsFactory" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/user/MonarchsFactory</a>


The more important question is how much money do you need per month to MAKE it a regular series lo. Now that the flood gates are open, you can't close them again.


I'm a bit reluctant to have a one-off series also be a collaboration BUT I like mythology storytellers so I'm gonna go check out her work. :D


Making it a regular series is more complicated than just "how much money." We've been growing our staff and infrastructure, but right now we just have enough to handle two full animated series, light editing (which we use for Extra Play), and the occasional one-off (like this or the sponsored series). If we were going to make a third fully animated series like Extra Mythology, we would have to increase our current staff by 50% at least - and that's not something you can just throw money at, because we would also need to find the right people and make time to train them and get them settled. Long story short, adding a full animated show like Extra Mythology is an order of magnitude more complicated than anything we've ever done so far (including launch Extra History as a second show). We still want to do it, but it's going to take a lot of time and nurturing to get ourselves in the right place. So please think of this little milestone as our way of giving you as much Extra Mythology as we possibly can right now, and not as a sign of things to come.


I didn't have a clear understanding but is this going to be four episodes on one specific mythology theme like your normal series or four individual, and different mythology stories like some of the one shots you do?


Right now we're leaning towards one specific mythology theme (i.e. one story carried out over four episodes) but if we get down to writing it and find that the tale we have in mind doesn't fill four episodes on its own, then we'll do another legend or two to fill out the space!


Extra Credits you just what I need to hear at the end of the week. When you going to put a ring on my finger and make me an honest woman?


I really do hope we reach this next milestone because it sounds awesome! :)

Tiberia Prima

Oh yes. Yes. Yes, I think this is going to be a lot of fun, indeed :&gt;

Jim McGeehin

This is going to be great! If we ever get the chance to nominate, I hope we can look at the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh and the saga of Lugh the Long-Handed.


Awesome. Look forward to this.