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The stage is set with the beginnings of investigative journalism, a man who treats the free market like a god, and a scheme that'll change US business forever. 


Teddy Roosevelt the Trustbuster - Big Oil - Extra History

Wanna watch without ads or see exclusive content? Go to http://curiositystream.com/extracredits to get a full year of Curiosity Stream & Nebula for just $14.97 Theodore Roosevelt is famous for many things, but we tend to focus more on his foreign policy and his establishment of the natural parks. Not this series. We're going to take a look at how Teddy smashed up one of the biggest trusts America had ever seen: Standard Oil. But first, we have to lay out the groundwork. Who was John D Rockerfeller? What did Standard Oil do exactly that was so bad? And how did Ida Tarbell crack the story of a century? ___________ Support the people who make this show, vote for future Extra History topics and get great perks at our Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Subscribe & ! to our channel on YouTube at http://bit.ly/SubToEC Got more info about Extra Credits on our website at http://extracredits.site/ Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store/ ___________ Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Come chat with us live on Twitch http://bit.ly/ECtwitch ___________ Want more Extra Credits? Follow us on social media: Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ___________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "Battuta's Voyage" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com/



I'm guessing you guys are going to speak softly for this series while carrying a big stick?


As Marina Moraes pointed out in the comments, you forgot to replace the outro music's name. The description currently says "♪ Outro music: 'Battuta's Voyage' by Tiffany Roman."

Calvin McClory

I wonder where the connection between sects of Christianity and efficiency came from. I've seen interviews with John C. Bogle where he makes references to "Quaker efficiency". I appreciate the detail! Most people just stop at "anti-competitive" tactics and don't elaborate. I've never heard anyone talk about corporate espionage.


I have a problem at the moment where my YouTube watch history doesn't turn on after I accidentally logged myself out of YoUTube and logged back in. I know this isn't relevant to EH but I was hoping someone might have encountered a similar problem? 1818 5th May In the Kingdom of Prussia, a Son, Karl, is Born in Trier, Grand Duchy of The Lower Rhine, to Heinrich Marx, an Ethnically Jewish Lawyer, and his Wife, Henriette, a Dutch Jew. 24th December In the Archbishopric of Salzburg, the Famed Christmas Carol “Silent Night,” Composed by Primary School Teacher Franz Xaver Gruber, with Lyrics by Priest Joseph Mohr, is First Performed inside the Parish Church of Saint Nicholas in the Town of Oberndorf bei Salzburg, District of Salzburg-Umgebung. 1819 2nd January In the United States, News Arrives that the Price of Cotton has Broken ~ Dropping by 25% in a Single Day ~ the Ensuing Panic sends the into Recession. 1820 In the Japanese Empire, Recognising that he has no other Choice if Japan is to Remain Free of the European Powers, Shōgun Mōri Naritō very Reluctantly Orders a Belated Programme of Industrialisation and Westernisation to Secure its Extensive Coastline. 1830 In the Kingdom of Prussia, having First been Privately Educated at Home, Heinrich Marx Enrolls Young Karl in the Trier High School, where he Studies Philosophy and Literature. While he is there, Karl Meets a Man Named Alexy van Dern, who is a Fanatical Socialist who Teaches Karl all about Corrupted Capitalism and the Effects of Industrialisation and Private Ownership on Society. 1837 27th August In the United States, most People in the deep South can see that the Writing is on the Wall for Slavery: their Economic System of Plantation ~ Based Slavery is slowly being Strangled not only by Abolitionists in the North, but also by Geography itself: everything West of Tejas is a useless Desert that they can’t Grow Cotton in. Fearing the loss of their Power [as well as their Main Source of Income] a small Group of Southern Landowners Form a Secret Society Dedicated to Preserving Slavery: the Knights of The Golden Circle. 1839 5th December In the United States, a Son, George Armstrong, is Born in New Rumley, Ohio, to Farmer Emanuel Henry Custer and his Wife, Marie Ward Kirkpatrick, who is of both English and Anglo-Scots Descent. 1842 21st January In the Kingdom of Prussia, the Prussian Government shuts down the Rheinische Zeitung Newspaper on the Orders of King Frederick William IV. Karl Marx is Devastated by the Suppression as he has been Hoping that Prussia can Traverse the Road from Absolute to Constitutional Monarchy without the need for Violent Revolution. 1850 12th December The Japanese Empire Declares itself to be at War against the Kingdom of France with the Hope of Capturing the French Loaisa Islands. 1851 In the Japanese Empire, a French Navy sent to Recapture the Loaisa Islands are Defeated when the Japanese, who have Mapped out the Waters around the Islands in Preparation, Lure the French onto the Reefs. 1852 In the Japanese Empire, still Reeling from the Shock of the First Defeat, a larger and more Organised French Navy under the Command of Admiral Louis Philippe, Assisted by Luxembourgoise and Sri Vijayan Ships, are sent with a full Division of the French Foreign Legion are sent to Recapture the Loaisa Islands. The Japanese are Lured into Sri Vijayan Waters, where they are Comprehensively Destroyed, Allowing the French Foreign Legion to Land on the Loaisa Islands without any Resistance. 31st March In the Japanese Empire, the Treaty of Peace and Amity is Signed in the City of Yokohama, Kanagawa Province, by Representatives of the Japanese Empire, the Kingdom of France, and the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands. Under the Terms of the Treaty, Japan will Hand the French Loaisa Islands Back to France, the Japanese Cities of Shimoda, Izu Province, and Hakodate, Hokkaido, will be Opened up to European Merchants, who will be Granted Complete Freedom of Movement by the Japanese Government. A French Consulate will be Built in Shimoda, Izu Province, and France will hold a Monopoly on all European Trade with Japan. The Japanese Islands of Okinawa will be Occupied by Luxembourgoise Troops for a Period of 20 Years to make sure Japan keeps to its Half of the Bargain. In the Japanese Empire, the Shock of Defeat Causes an Upsurge of Anti-Shōgunate Feelings, Especially in the South, where Powerful Daimyo long Opposed to the Mōri ~ Namely, the Shimazu, Yamauchi and Tōdō Clans ~ are Swift to Denounce the Shōgunate for Surrendering rather than Fighting the French with Honour. In the Japanese Empire, after the Surrender, Admiral Louis Philippe Presents Shōgun Mōri Takachika with Rifles, Revolvers, a Telegraph Key and a Waist high Model of a Steam Locomotive, Technologies which Stun the Japanese Officials. The Shōgunate quickly Enters Negotiations to Buy Modern Steamships, Cannons, and Rifles, and send Missions Overseas to Study new Technologies. 1854 17th June In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a Son, William Sherlock, is Born in Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire, to Sir William Scott Holmes and his Wife, Violet Mycroft. 1856 10th July In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Son, Nikola, is Born in the Village of Smiljan, Croatia-Slavonia, to Milutin Tesla, an Ethnically Serbian Eastern Orthodox Priest, and his Wife, Đuka, who has a Talent for making Home Craft Tools, Mechanical Appliances, and the Ability to Memorise Serbian Epic Poems. 1858 3rd March The United States Adopts its First Official National Anthem, “The Battle Cry of Freedom,” and it Reflects the Militaristic Culture of the Nation. 27th October In the United States, a Son, Theodore, is Born in New York City to Businessman Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., who is of Dutch Descent [and, therefore, One of the most Favoured Racial Groups in the U.S.] and his Wife, Martha Bulloch Roosevelt. 1861 23rd August In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Violet Mycroft Holmes Passes away inside Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire. She will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Mother of the Sherlock Holmes, the “Great Detective,” and the Father of Modern Police Methods. She had given the then Six ~ Year ~ old Sherlock his First Lessons at Home, and her Death Certificate will give the Cause of Death will be given as “Consumption,” and she had had no Doubt she was Suffering from what is Known to many Victorians as the “White Death.” 1862 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Tesla Family Moves to the Town of Gospić, Croatia-Slavonia, where Milutin Works as a Parish Priest. Nikola Completes Primary and Secondary School. 1869 In the Swiss Confederation, One Day, while Hiking through the Swiss Alps with his Family, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. finds that he can keep Pace with his Father. He Discovers the Benefits of Physical Exertion as a Means of Overcoming his Asthma and Bolstering his Spirits. 1870 22nd April In the Russian Empire, a Son, Vladimir, is Born to Teacher Ilya Ulyanov and his Wife, Maria, in the City of Simbirsk, Simbirsk Governorate. 1876 27th September In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Enters Harvard University. He does well in Science, Philosophy, and Rhetoric, but he Struggles with Latin and Greek. While in Harvard, he Participates in Boxing and Rowing, and becomes a Member of the Alpha Delta Phi Literary Society. However, he finds the Formalistic Treatment of many of the Subjects Depressing. 1878 9th February In the United States, Businessman and Philanthropist Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. Passes away in New York City at the Age of 46 from a Gastrointestinal Tumor. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Future President Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., as well as being the Paternal Grandfather of Future First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. 1879 In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt Graduates Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard University. After his Father’s Death, Roosevelt has Inherited $65,000, which is enough to Live Comfortably for the rest of his Life. Roosevelt gives up on his Earlier Plan to Study 1882 30th January In the United States, a Son, Franklin, is Born in the Town of Hyde Park, New York, to Businessman James Roosevelt I and his Wife, Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt. 1886 12th January In the Russian Empire, Teacher Ilya Ulyanov Passes away at the Age of 54 from a Sudden Brain Hemorrhage in the City of Simbirsk, Simbirsk Governorate. He will be Remembered by Future Historians only as the Father of Vladimir Lenin.

Jason Montgomery

So that's why it's called "anti-trust." I learned something today. Thanks EC!


If a belief influences history, it’s innovative. Great thinkers are and always will be “strange”.

Bill Lemmond

I knew I recognized the name Tarbell. Thanks for letting us know what motivated the birth of investigative journalism.