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Hey all!

We have an exciting announcement: Extra Credits is joining Nebula!

We wanted to let you all know first before we even announce it on the YouTube channel proper on Monday the 15th.

But what does this mean for you all?

Most importantly, it means very little change. There won’t be any changes to our shows or how we go about making them. You all will still be in charge of picking the topics we cover and voting for them on Extra History & all of our animated shows will still be uploaded on our Youtube channel as always.

And of course, you all still get all the patron exclusive perks like posters, wallpapers, names in the credits, and our eternal gratitude for making this channel possible.

But Nebula is going to change how we approach ads on the channel. Thanks to you all, we’re not as dependent on Youtube ads as some folks, but ad revenue is still a big part of affording more than just instant noodles. But we also didn’t like how little control we’ve had over who YouTube advertises on our channel and how difficult it is to prevent there being a… generous… amount of midroll ads. No more!

With Nebula, we’re able to take on sponsors we actually like and talk about them without interrupting the video. And because of sponsorships brought in by Nebula, we can now turn off Youtube ads (including midrolls) for the first few weeks when sponsored videos go live. The goal being not more ads, just different ones we can control. Huzzah!

We also hope that this partnership with Nebula will open the door to doing some awesome things in the near future, and we can’t wait to get to work on it. There are a lot of great creators on the platform and we’re already dreaming up collabs and maybe a few experiments. (Extra Lit??? More ttrpgs??? Destroying quantum timespace???)

One last thing: Please know your support and generosity here is more than enough, buuuuuut if you’ve already been itching to check out Nebula/Curiosity stream and wanna support us at the same time, we’ll be posting our discount code on Monday when the official announcement vid comes out. Even just clicking the link in the description helps. The first week numbers are SUPER important and we wanna make a good impression ;)

Please let us know if you have any additional questions, and thank you all so much for being part of our community.



wait i have a membership on nebula, if we both support you on patreon and on nebula are there things we get extra or exclusively?

R. Emre Basar

This is fantastic news! Thank you!


Great question! Patreon and Nebula's models work a bit differently so if you have both, you'll have access to both our Patreon exclusive incentives like being included in the credits, voting & suggesting EH topics, mp3s from each series and 4k wallpapers. That stuff is only available here on Patreon. Patreon and Nebula both will give you early access to episodes so either service will get you that perk. We don't have plans for Nebula exclusive content yet but that might change in the future. If it does, it would be side content like our tales from twitch shorts or maybe doing in person talk throughs of the design for certain games. We don't know yet! The majority of our content though will always be through Youtube for free. <3


Yeah, control over the ads is a big plus, considering some of the questionable advertisers that show up on youtube.

Paul Warchuck

I got a membership to nebula just last month. This is awesome


If y'all are looking for people to collab with, I think an Extra History on the history of climate change with Dr. Simon Clark would be really cool and he is on Nebula, the episode could be split into Anthropogenic and Natural, or have you guys do an episode on natural climate change and have Simon do an episode on anthropogenic climate change, I just think that would be a neat video and an informative one


Hey guys! Ive been wondering if you will ever make a new series? I mean right now you probably cant since you know, ad revenue isnt enough for that. But hypothetically, if you have enough money, what would be the new series? Extra science? Extra literature? Extra fantasy? Extra Animals?? Just wondering! I love your channel btw it changed how i view history as a whole!


When you say 'on Nebula' I assumed you meant an interstellar cloud of dust, helium, and hydrogen and other ionised gasses!


I'm glad your joining Nebula. I subscribed a month ago. I like the idea of a creator controlled platform more than youtube or patreon.