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Okay but the pope thing is genuinely just wild. 

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Saladin & the 3rd Crusade - Siege of Jerusalem - Extra History - #2

A king does not kill kings. After the battle at Hattin, Saladin had dealt a grievous blow to the Crusader states. Important figures captured, and the majority of Guy's forces had been decimated at the Horns of Hattin. But there was another place that was vital for Saladin to take to keep his uneasy alliance strong. Jerusalem, a city of holy sites for the Abrahamic faiths, had been occupied for 80 years. Now it was time to take it back. Join us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Check out all our shows at http://extracredits.site Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Social Media Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Twitch : http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "The Boy from Tikrit" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



How many chickens...err...episodes can we expect this series to last for?


Nice sphinx

Farzad Mansouri

FUCK YES! I named a D&D fighter back in my college years Saladin and damn was I right to do so.

Jason Youngberg

Slavery in Jerusalem. Who would Jesus bid on?


The more I listen to these episodes the more I think of Blackadder: "As the good Lord said, "love thy neighbour as thyself, unless he's Turkish, in which case ~ KILL THE B******!" 1120 In the Kingdom of Vinland, Native American Warriors Burn Viking Settlements on Rhode Island. 1135 Viking Explorers Hugging the Coast reach South America. 1141 25th January In the Papal Kingdom, Pope-King Anacletus II Passes away in the City of Rome, Latium. He will be Remembered by Future Historians for continuing the Conflict against the Supporters of the Anti-Pope-King Victor II and his Failure to Suppress the Arnoldians, and for the continuing Decline of the Influence of the Papacy. 1144 24th December In the County of Edessa, Seljuk Forces Lead by Imad al-Din Zengi Capture the Fortress of Edessa after a Four ~ Week Siege. Thousands of the Inhabitants are Massacred and Women and Children are Sold into Slavery. Only Christians are Spared. Lacking the Forces needed to take on Zengi, Count Joscelin II Retires to his Fortress at Turbessel, from where he sends Requests for Reinforcements to the Byzantines and of Jerusalem. 1146 31st March In the Duchy of Burgundy, the Papal Legate Bernard of Clairvaux is Commissioned by Pope-King Celestine II to Preach a new Crusade in Vézelay, Burgundy. King Philip II of France and his Wife, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, are Inspired to take up the Cross. Following his Success, Bernard undertakes a Tour of Burgundy, France, and Flanders, Preaching the Crusade as he goes. 1147 In the Holy Roman Empire, a Second Crusader [some 20,000 Men] Depart from Regensburg, , Commanded in Person by King Conrad III of Germany. The Holy Roman Crusaders Pass into Hungary, Planning to take the Overland Route into Asia Minor and through Syria to Reach the Holy Land. 1148 In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, a Troop of Aragonese Crusaders under the Command of Count Alfonso Jordan of Toulouse Arrives in the City of Acre. Count Alfonso Dies suddenly at Caesarea, Resulting in Accusations that he has been Poisoned by Raymond II, Count of Tripoli. Most of the Aragonese Forces turn around and Sail Back to Europe. 1150 In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, King Philip II of France and Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine Sail Back to France on Board Separate Sicilian Vessels. Upon Returning to Europe, many of the Crusaders will be Subject to Public Scorn because they, Christians, Failed to Recapture Edessa from the Muslim Infidels. 1160 The Seljuk Turks Invade the Indian Subcontinent in an Attempt to Oust the Rival Abbasid Caliphate, but are Defeated by the Abbasid near Delhi. The Caliph Responds with an Invasion of his Own and nearly reaches the Seljuk Capital of Isfahan before being Defeated and Forced to Retreat Back across the Indus. 1165 The Seljuks and the Abbasid Caliphate Sign a Peace Treaty, Establishing a Border between the Two Empires. 1182 18th February In the Chinese Empire, some Prominent Army Generals cut their Allegiance to the Huangdi and Declare that they are now in Power. However, a Large Portion of the Army and the Population Huangdi Feiling, who Moves the Capital Back to the old City of Chang'an, where he sets up a Competing Government. In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Crusader Castles of Montréal and Kerak are both Captured by the Egyptians. 1184 20th May In the Kingdom of Denmark, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick “Barbarossa” Demands that King Cnut IV of Denmark Recognise him as his Feudal Overlord. Cnut IV Refuses, however, and soon after, Pomerania Invades Denmark. The Invasion is Defeated, however. 1185 25th May In the Kingdom of Viken, King Niels II of Viken Passes away without any Children to Succeed him. He will be Remembered by Future Historians for helping to Establish the Custom of Primogeniture Succession Law in Viken as well as for Picking a Fight against King Harald V of Hordaland, who he Accused of Fermenting Rebellion in the Markamenn of his Borderlands, which Ended with him being Forced to Accept Harald as his Feudal Overlord. In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, King Baldwin V of Jerusalem Passes away from Leprosy in the City of . He will be Remembered by Future Historians as being little more than a Pawn in the Dangerous Game of Politics in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, his Reign only lasting One Year and Dying before Reaching Maturity or before Producing an Heir. 1187 4th July In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, an Egyptian Army ~ 20,000 Men under the Command of Pharaoh Ramesses ~ are Ordered by Pharaoh Ramesses XXII to Engage a Crusader Army ~ 18,000 Men under the Command of King Guy of ~ near the Village of Hittin, County of Galilee. During the Battle, of the Egyptian Army, 448 Men are Killed while, of the Crusader Army, 544 Men are Slain and 450 are taken Prisoner, Including King Guy of Jerusalem. 27th October In the Papal Kingdom, Pope-King Cyrus I sends Letters to the Holy Roman Episcopate Informing them of his Election and Ordering them to Win the German Nobility over to a new Crusade. 1189 6th July In the Kingdom of France, King Henry II of England Passes away at Château de Chinon in the Town of Chinon, Touraine Province, from a Bleeding Ulcer at the Age of 56. He will be Remembered by Future Historians as a Driving Force in the Creation of a Genuinely English Monarchy, while others will Argue that he was a “Legislator King,” whose Legal Reforms during his long Reign Laid the Groundwork for English Common Law, while his Intervention in Brittany-Maine, Normandy, and Scotland Dramatically Shaped the Development of those Countries’ Societies and Government Systems. His Disputes with French King Charles IV [which would, Eventually, Result in the Outbreak of the Twenty Years' War] will Attract Positive Patriotic Comment while his Role in the Martyrdom of Archbishop Thomas Becket will be Considered Praiseworthy by Lutherans, will Attract Popular Criticism from Catholics and Anglicans, who will also Criticise his Role as a Parent and as a bad Husband. 3rd September In the Kingdom of England, the Third Son of the Late King Henry II of England, Prince Arthur, is Crowned as King of England inside Westminster Abbey. To Raise Money for his long ~ Awaited Crusade against Egypt, he Immediately begins Selling Castles, Lordships, Privileges, and Towns. 1198 8th January In the Papal Kingdom, Lotario de Conti is Elected as Pope-King of the Catholic Church, Succeding the Late Constantine II, in the Ruins of the Ancient Septizodium in Rome, taking the Regnal Name Innocent III after his Predecessor, Innocent II. He Immediately Issues the Papal Bull Post Miserabile, Calling for a Fourth Crusade to Recapture the Holy Land for the Christian Faith. 1st July In the Kingdom of Jerusalem, King Aimery of Cyprus and Jerusalem Signs a Treaty of Peace with Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses XXII, Securing for the Crusaders the Coast all the way from Acre to Antioch. The Byzantine Basileus Alexios III Angelos, has not given up the Dream of Reconquering Cyprus and Offers to help a new Crusade if Pope-King Innocent III Excommunicates Aimery. Innocent III Refuses along the Grounds that the Byzantines had lost Cyprus to the Knights Templar after King Arthur the Lionheart Sold the Island to them in 1192. 1199 6th April In the Kingdom of France, King Arthur the Lionheart is Slain in Battle after being Shot in the Neck by a Crossbowman while Leading his Troops Besieging the Castle at Châlus, Duchy of Aquitaine. He will be Rememberd by Future Historians as a Brilliant General and a Fierce Warrior-King who Commanded the Loyalty of his Troops and his Nobles, but also a rather Poor Ruler and a bad Husband. Publically, he will be a Revered Figure both in England and in France, Renowned for his Heroism in Battle, and his Leadership during the Third Crusade, but also because of his Association with the Legends of Robin Hood. He will also be Famous for his Coat of Arms ~ Three Yellow Lions against a Red Field ~ which will be used by Several Sports Clubs [Including the England National Football Team] and will, Eventually, be Adopted as the Flag of England. 1205 In the City of Nicaea, Theme of Opsikion, Theodore I Laskaris is Crowned as Basileus of the Byzantine Empire, thus beginning the Empire of Nicaea and the Laskaris Dynasty of Rulers. 14th April In the Latin Empire, at Adrianople, a Combined Bulgarian/ Commanded by Tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria Decisively Crush the Commanded by Baldwin I and Enrico Dandolo. Latin Emperor Baldwin I is Killed during the Battle and the Latin Aristocracy in Constantinople fall into Squabbling over the Succession.