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Recovery can be difficult but games can help!


Because Games Matter - Jane the Concussion Slayer - Extra Credits

Thank you to Jane for sharing her story & experience. You can check out her game Super Better here: https://www.superbetter.com/ & her book here: https://www.amazon.com/SuperBetter-Living-Gamefully-Jane-McGonigal/dp/0143109774/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=superbetter&qid=1606786264&sr=8-2 You might remember Jane McGonigal from our earlier episode about games helping the world & she was kind enough to share more of her story! Back in 2009 she hit her head and got a concussion. But unfortunately, the concussion didn't heal quickly and Jane was forced to deal with Post Concussion Syndrome. This made it difficult to remember things, difficult to read or write, and frequent headaches. To make matters worse, it was difficult to express these symptoms to friends & family. But Jane McGonigal ended up using that trauma to create a game to help herself, and other people also suffering: Superbetter. Subscribe to Extra Credits for more episodes every Wednesday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Get info about all our shows at https://extracredits.site ___________ Get your Extra Credits gear at the store! https://extracredits.store Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-conduct Talk to us on Twitter (@ExtraCreditz): http://bit.ly/ECTweet Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Watch us play games and have fun on http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram Follow us on Tumblr: http://bit.ly/EConTumblr ___________ ♪ Intro Music: "Penguin Cap" by CarboHydroM http://bit.ly/1eIHTDS ♪ Outro Music: "To The Stars" by: Laura Intravia, Stephan Wells https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03216


Bill Lemmond

I actually discovered the principles behind Super Better (which is a great game),. decades earlier. Given an opportunity to join a tabletop role-playing group, I created characters (the secret identities), recruited friends (Actually, they recruited me.), and in a couple years, said goodbye to 30 years' clinical depression. I've helped a few friends the same way, and am working on another. I'm emailing a link to this video to her.


Thanks! I've incorporated SuperBetter into my bullet journal after watching your video