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End of the Samurai - The Boshin War - Extra History - #3

There was an agreed upon transfer of power between the shogun and the emperor but that all quickly broke down. The Restorationists wished to strip the shogun clan of their power and their lands, not incorporate them into the new system. And with the assassination of a revolutionary diplomat between the two, there was only one option left. The Boshin War had begun. Join us on Patreon! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Check out all our shows at http://extracredits.site Grab your Extra Credits gear at the store! http://extracredits.store Subscribe for new episodes every Saturday! http://bit.ly/SubToEC Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! We want you to be aware of our community posting guidelines so that we can have high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con Social Media Twitter : http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook : http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Twitch : http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Instagram : http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram ____________ ♪ Get the intro music here! http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 *Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1AaJG4H ♪ Outro music: "The Streets of Kyoto" by Tiffany Roman http://www.tiffanyromanlouk.com



I'm guessing the Samurai consulted the Sheep when they chose the name BAAAAA ~oshin War?


How long do you think it took to come up with the name Meiji, for the new emperor? Reason I ask is because there’s actually an ancient process in how it works. You can search up the new emperor Japan 🇯🇵 has now to see it mentioned


This is a tad delayed but quality alternate history takes time to make, especially when basing it off of one's playthrough of Total War: Shogun II. 1816 In the Kingdom of Vinland, the Potato Harvest in The Eastern Keewatin Territories is Ruined because of an Unseasonable Frost, Driving many Poor Farmers into Bankruptcy. 1820 In the Japanese Empire, Recognising that he has no other Choice if Japan is to Remain Free of the European Powers, Shōgun Mōri Naritō very Reluctantly Orders a Belated Programme of Industrialisation and Westernisation to Secure its Extensive Coastline. 1824 In the Iroquois Confederation, the U.S. Army Crosses over the Border into the Confederation under the Command of General James K. Polk, thus beginning the Green Mountain War. The U.S. Government Hopes that doing so will help Hide the Dire State of America’s Finances under a Wave of Patriotism. 1839 5th December In the United States, a Son, George Armstrong, is Born in New Rumley, Ohio, to Farmer Emanuel Henry Custer and his Wife, Marie Ward Kirkpatrick, who is of both English and Anglo-Scots Descent. 1849 5th December In the United States, the U.S. Army begins to Adopt large Gold Eagle ~ topped Vexilloid Banners, Named “Aquilae,” in Deliberate Imitation of the Ancient Roman Legions. 1850 12th December The Japanese Empire Declares itself to be at War against the Kingdom of France with the Hope of Capturing the French Loaisa Islands. 1852 31st March In the Japanese Empire, the Treaty of Peace and Amity is Signed in the City of Yokohama, Kanagawa Province, by Representatives of the Japanese Empire, the Kingdom of France, and the United Kingdoms of The Netherlands. Under the Terms of the Treaty, Japan will Hand the French Loaisa Islands Back to France, the Japanese Cities of Shimoda, Izu Province, and Hakodate, Hokkaido, will be Opened up to European Merchants, who will be Granted Complete Freedom of Movement by the Japanese Government. A French Consulate will be Built in Shimoda, Izu Province, and France will hold a Monopoly on all European Trade with Japan. The Japanese Islands of Okinawa will be Occupied by Luxembourgoise Troops for a Period of 20 Years to make sure Japan keeps to its Half of the Bargain. In the Japanese Empire, the Shock of Defeat Causes an Upsurge of Anti-Shōgunate Feelings, Especially in the South, where Powerful Daimyo long Opposed to the Mōri ~ Namely, the Shimazu, Yamauchi and Tōdō Clans ~ are Swift to Denounce the Shōgunate for Surrendering rather than Fighting the French with Honour. In the Japanese Empire, after the Surrender, Admiral Louis Philippe Presents Shōgun Mōri Takachika with Rifles, Revolvers, a Telegraph Key and a Waist high Model of a Steam Locomotive, Technologies which Stun the Japanese Officials. The Shōgunate quickly Enters Negotiations to Buy Modern Steamships, Cannons, and Rifles, and send Missions Overseas to Study new Technologies. 1854 17th June In the Kingdom of Great Britain, a Son, William Sherlock, is Born in Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire, to Sir William Scott Holmes and his Wife, Violet Mycroft. 1856 10th July In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Son, Nikola, is Born in the Village of Smiljan, Croatia-Slavonia, to Milutin Tesla, an Ethnically Serbian Eastern Orthodox Priest, and his Wife, Đuka, who has a Talent for making Home Craft Tools, Mechanical Appliances, and the Ability to Memorise Serbian Epic Poems. 1861 23rd August In the Kingdom of Great Britain, Violet Mycroft Holmes Passes away inside Hutton Hall in the Village of Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire. She will be Remembered by Future Historians as the Mother of the Sherlock Holmes, the “Great Detective,” and the Father of Modern Police Methods. She had given the then Six ~ Year ~ old Sherlock his First Lessons at Home, and her Death Certificate will give the Cause of Death will be given as “Consumption,” and she had had no Doubt she was Suffering from what is Known to many Victorians as the “White Death.” 1862 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Tesla Family Moves to the Town of Gospić, , where Milutin Works as a Parish Priest. Nikola Completes Primary and Secondary School. 1864 In the Shimazu Clan, Daimyō Shimazu Hisamitsu Decides that, although it saddens him to see Japanese Culture Diluted by the Barbarian ways of the Europeans, there are many Advantages to Embracing their Technology. To Conduct Advanced Research, we must First Increase our Capacity for Development by Building up our Civic and Industrial Infrastructure. In the Shimazu Clan, a Agent, Seth Patrick, is Ordered by Shimazu Tadayoshi to Merge with a Shimazu ~ Men under the Command of General Saigō Takamori to Train the Troops, Allowing them to Gain Experience outside of Battle. In the Tōdō Clan, a Ninja, Katantnka, is Ordered by Daimyo Tōdō Takayuki to Enter Ōmi and Gather Intelligence on the Hikone Army Garrisoning the Castle-Town of Ōtsu, the Capital of the Hikone Clan. 8th November In the United States, a Presidential Election, held Nationwide, Results in a Landslide Victory for the Democratic Party Candidate, George B. McClellan and his Running Mate, George H. Pendleton, who Carry 8 States, Gain 2,245,763% of the Popular Vote and 142 Electoral Votes. Their Opponents, Republican Party Candidates General John C. Frémont and his Running Mate, David Wilmot, Carry 13 States, Gain 1,638,415% of the Popular Vote and 79 Electoral Votes. A Third Party, the Perfect Union Party Candidates Charles P. Bush and his Running Mate, Oren B. Cheney, only Carry One State, Gain 436,337% of the Popular Vote and 8 Electoral Votes. In the United States, upon Learning of his Election Victory, U.S. President-Elect George B. McClellan makes a Speech Calling for “an Equitable Peace,” between the Combatants.

Bill Lemmond

I was able to follow this narrative better. :)