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And winning in a landslide is good ol' Teddy. There's a lot of focus on Roosevelt's involvement in foreign affairs (the infamous speak softly, big stick, etc.) but we'll be covering Teddy Roosevelt's efforts to break up the grand monopolies of his time like the Standard Oil company.

Current Schedule: End of the Samurai --> Saladin --> Teddy Roosevelt






Will you ever cover the other president's? I'm interested in them all.


Considering how well Grant and Johnson did here, it might be a good idea to keep offering (options relating to) US Reconstruction in future polls.


My Boy Teddy did it :)


I'm off to dig out my copy of Night At The Museum to get myself in the mood for this series.


Trustbusting is back in vogue, after all. Though it might be helpful to highlight the significant difference between the operations of the extractive resource giants (whose utility was only dependent on core service provision) and modern media giants - whose utility is rooted in the size of their networks and general ubiquity. Might be worth a sidebar on the different between commercial monopolies and functional utilities.


YES! my all time favorite American the one and only Bull Moose is getting the Extra History treatment!

Calvin McClory

If the Knights of Capitalism video is anything to go by, this is going to be fairly biased towards big government. Would be cool to some acknowledgment of how antitrust and anti-monopoly laws are difficult to enforce, and long term the impact of busting has little impact. edit: this comment makes it seem like I've come to a conclusion before you even made a point, which is kinda true. What I'm more concerned about is trying to sound off in the comments, that I for one am not interested in another Rober Barons bad Trust-Busting good rarara story. I've heard that story before. I'd like something nuanced.


I was hoping that Grant would win but he came in second so here is hoping the 18th president can get a shot in the spotlight later. Teddy is a good alternative though. :)