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 Hey all, with the US election around the corner and the world being what it is, we figured now was the best time to bring back our Extra Politics series!

The series is going to be four episodes, by returning guest writer Luke Peterschmidt and returning artist Joseph Maslov. We'll be looking at the way US politics function (or doesn't) from a game design perspective with some additional insight from the past two years.

That all being said... We understand that politics can be a sensitive and tricky subject for a lot of people. We've tried to keep the episodes as neutral as possible, but it is inevitable that we are going to take a position on certain topics. 

So after some discussion, we've decided to leave the normal Patreon credits off of the EP episodes. We love that we have such a wide audience with wide spectrum of viewpoints and we don't want anyone to feel like we're attaching their name to something they disagree with or are uncomfortable with. 

If you all want to support the Extra Politics series, the best thing you can do is share it with folks when it comes out, and if you are a citizen of the United States: V O T E

Thanks all and keep an eye out for the first episode 10/11 on patreon, 10/12 on the youtube channel.  - Arthur




Exciting! And I totally understand the decision to leave off the names. (But if you do end up needing a Patron name, I’m happy to sign on. ^w^)


This is awesome, definitely realize it's controversial but I think you guys do it so well, I would definitely contribute more to have you guys keep running with politics. Thank you for all that you do :)

Tiberia Prima

I have some thoughts on how game theory's been playing into election campaigns more and more over the years, interested in seeing where this goes. Should be fun!


The alt ~ right are going to be all over the comments section on YouTube on this video, aren't they? *groan*


I enjoyed the original series, can't wait to see this one.


When we need you most; you return.


I reckon you are already done with the scripts and halfway through the animation and recording, but I had a question for you: what are some of the scenarios that might play out during an election if one of the candidates drops out after the ballots have been distributed and before the election can be called? I reckon the short answer is "the electoral college would decide the election", but that's just what I learned about in politics 101.