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It's a case worthy of John Snow: how did the Extra Credits Patreon drop from around $14,000 to just under $12,000 overnight? Where did all those numbers go? Many of you have noticed this numbers-drop appear and then disappear when you checked our page periodically, but now it's permanent everywhere.

Since its creation, Patreon has been a transparent platform that shares how much creators are making... but unfortunately, it has always been sharing the wrong number. When patrons "time out" by letting their credit cards expire, when creators are charged fees for credit card processing... all that information was counted towards pledges on the front page, even though it's never been what creators received.

We've always known about this gap and simply accounted for it behind the scenes on our end, but Patreon has decided to update their pages to remove that inaccurate data. Ultimately, we think that's healthier for all creators on the site, but it did come as a bit of a surprise!

We want to assure you that we are not going to reverse our most recent $12,000 milestone - the Kiners are part of our team, and we love being able to bring you their music with each new series! As for the next milestone, we'll be taking a look at these new reports to see if it needs an adjustment. And in the meantime, all is well! John Snow has deemed us fit and healthy.

Read Patreon's post about this change: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206197906




That stinks...and I should check what card I use for Patreon now.


That stinks...and I should check what card I use for Patreon now.


Edit, I forget enter posts, and doesn't add line break. I doubt it will take long to get above 12,000 dollars. The supporters here are all pretty nice. You know a community is nice when pretending to be Walpole is the closest thing there is to a Troll.


I understand now I was wondering what happened I was thinking people were tight on money through the holidays or something.


And I was always wondering why the total sum fluctuated so much... now I know! Thanks for telling us :) I hope we can get you up to 15k for real this time.


More transparency is good. And speaking of - you folks taking the time to explain this to us is also good. Helps ensure we don't freak out. So - thank you.


Ah well that must have been peculiar for loads of people to see. Thanks for the explanation, and I'm glad that it was accounted for and also glad that even though we didn't "really" get the milestone we still get to keep it. If John Snow says you're good, of course, he knows :)


Yeah, it came as a bit of a surprise to me so I figured it might surprise the rest of you, also! Happy I could clear things up.


My pleasure! Sorry it took me a few days - I was at a convention when the change happened, so I basically checked in for Saturday's post and went "Ohhhh dear. Better write this one up!" -Soraya


Yeah, mystery solved! And it should be stable from this point forward, so we know that whatever goals we hit, we've actually *reached* those goals.


I would understand if they were! People have to adjust their pledges all the time and we try to make it clear that there's never any problem with that. But in this case it's just a calculations thing!


oh dear... this seem's interesting.