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"Look, guys, there's poop in the street. We gotta do something about the poop in the street."


The Sanitary Movement - A John Snow Epilogue - Extra History

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Now that would be a great piece of "Carthago Delenda Est" style rhetoric to use in debate. "Furthermore, it is my opinion that we gotta do something about the poop in the street."


An excellent, nicely short, series. So next week you're doing a one off on a figure in medical history, right? (And it's definitely not Semmelweis?) Then Lies; then we return to Justinian, right?


This was still prior to internal plumbing being a common thing, right? So fitting the outhouses (of which I think some were communal) to the sewer systems? Sadly, I think you're right that it probably wouldn't be attempted today. 'Employing more gong farmers' would likely have been the modern solution.


I never realized that cities were net negative birth:death prior to modern sewage systems. I'm so glad that I watched this set for Extra History and that this aspect of history now exists in this format. I feel that it's important for everyone to understand the second most important piece of infrastructure behind roads themselves.


Aaaand there's Walpole again...


There's a Christmas break in there somewhere, but yeah.


Interesting similarities to CGP Grey's last video: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYh5WACqEk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYh5WACqEk</a>


Not in contact with CGP Grey, but I think it's cool that we wound up working on these topics at the same time.


All of the underlying networks that make cities run are amazing to me. Electricity, plumbing, transit... but they are also the reason why I could never wrap my head around the newer Sim City games, because even with infinite computing power I can't organize all those details correctly. D: -Soraya


Amazing, great work you guys! I could watch stuff from you all day every day. And is it just me or are those drawings getting better and better? I would recommend watching BBC series called Filthy cities. It full of amazing information about how the London, Paris and New York worked and looked in the old days. Thank you for your work, your Amazingness


I'd also like to plug "Wonders of the Industrial World", which has an episode on the London Sewer System's construction and takes some time to discuss Cholera and John Snow.


So what I'm hearing is that a lotta pipe was laid..? =D


The last minutes of this video gave me chills and made sure i will be your patreon for long. &lt;3 Lots of great quotes! " ─ The sanitary movment is the bedrocks of modern civilization. One of the steping stones to the world we understand today." " ─ John Snow would want us to take a moment and look at, and to remember, a part of medical history thats so important but so often glossed over, because it´s unglamorous." And the best one: "Look, there is poop in the streets. We got to do something about the poop in the streets."


If I remember correctly, and this is fuzzy but the massive amount of labour required to create the London Sewer System actually led to some deaths during construction. This was seized on by critics to try and stop the construction but it pressed on regardless. I'll have to look back into the creation of the sewer system in London as it's an important part of history.


Someone should tip Firaxis that "Sewage System" should be a city improvement to boost city pop for Civ 6. Makes much more sense than Hospitals. Plus... make John Snow a great scientist! ^.^ P.S.: thinking about this current series and what EC did for the "Should we fund XCOM?" episodes... I wish one day we shall bask into the awesomeness of an Extra Science!


I'd rather bask in the awesomeness of Extra Mythology. I'd love to see them talk about Selkies, and Boggarts, and the like...

Arturo Gutierrez

Lifted Chicago by 4 feet? o_o h... how!? (Btw, is there a way I can volunteer to translate the subtitles for some of your episodes? I've wanted to share the South Sea Bubble series with my family since forever, but they don't understand English well enough without subtitles. How can I summit a translation?)


Poop free streets - woo! :D


Haha, I watched my early preview about 5 times in a row just for some of those lines. I love it too!


I haven't heard about the deaths, but it wouldn't surprise me. There are definitely some interesting stories about the first sewers built; for London in particular, one of the reasons we can still use them today is that the fellow who built them built pipes large enough to handle the largest possible waste amount from the most concentrated populations in the city... and then doubled them. And he built them that large everywhere. It seemed excessive at the time, but it works for us today!


Engineering ingenuity! They jacked the buildings up an inch at a time and built new foundations under them, then filled in the streets with dirt to create a new street level. As for translations, shoot me an email at soraya[at]extra-credits[dot]net!


Where did the new sewer systems lead to initially?


Also if the main evidence of miasma is a foul odor then how come it was never picked up by miasmaist? Human feces is a universal stench that one cannot get used to like animal feces or rotting meat.


Have you guys thought of ever doing anything about the Northern Crusades? Everyone forgets that actually happened.


A couple of folks have suggested that subject in previous Patreon raffles, but I'm afraid it hasn't won yet!


Okay, so my friends and I were playing a game where one part of the map is a city. We played this the sunday after this video came out and every time a card came up that had a theme around poop (dung shoveler or a giant fly for example) we used your quote about poop in the streets. Just goes to show that learning your history can be incredibly fun, but can actually add to some enjoyment during a game...okay this is probably a bad example to go off of, but you guys know what I mean. Thanks for providing us with some laughs from a very serious issue that I'm so glad we're able to laugh about today because we actually did something about the poop in the streets at some point.


The idea of you all shouting "We gotta do something about the poop in the street!" during your tabletop game tickles me more than I can say.


Could their be a Joseph Bazalgette episode in the future, if only for his epic mustache!


I know it maybe controversial, but could the focus of an extra history episode cover bits of religious origins/interpretations? For example Zoroastrianism is believed to have played some influence in Christian depictions of the devil and demons as well as the concepts of good and evil. Exploring religious interpretations can explain how practices that are thought to be in one religion can be found in another. manichaeism might be an interesting topic to suggest in and of itself.