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The votes are in, and turns out that a lot you want to know the story of the Early Christian Heresies! This series will air after the Ottoman Empire (Suleiman) series, in April 2016.

Results: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/fxUATWMl?qid=751490


What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?

What topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?



lol, that'll be a long one I'd imagine, and a goodie too!


So the schedule now: Broad Street Pump --> Justinian Part 2 --> Suleiman the Magnificent --> Early Christian Heresies


Not what I voted for - but still looks interesting. Looking forward to it. Hopefully things don't get too dramatic - I still recall the, ah, 'discussion' that EC episodes on Faith caused...

The Cayute

Me: .....Huh...I'm...slightly less excited now to see Early Christian Heresies. Florence Cathedral sounds more interesting now... My phone: Shoulda voted for it then, dummy. Me: Shut up, talking phone!


That talking phone technology is getting out of hand! Such sass!


I'm braced for drama; even the First Crusade episodes had drama. But that's all right. Drama won't kill us and it's history worth examining.


Probably not the most original suggestion, but I'd love to see you guys cover the Wars of the Roses. :)