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Negotiations with the British Empire in a nutshell

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Dividing the Middle East - Drawing Lines - Extra History - 3

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Not exactly relevant to the Great Loot but I thought you might like to read these anyway: 1907 In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Young Adolf Hitler leaves Linz, Hoping to Live and Study Fine Art in the City of Vienna, State of Vienna, Financed by Orphan’s Benefits and by Support from his Mother. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Adolf Hitler Applies to Enter the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, however they Rejects his Application. The Director, Recognising that the Young Hitler has a Talent, Suggests that he Enroll in the Academy’s School of Architecture, however that will Require Enrolling in a Secondary School from which Hitler has Failed to Gain a Certificate and is Unwilling to Rejoin. 1908 5th February In the German Empire, using the last of his Money, Adolf Hitler Buys a Train Ticket to Munich, Bavaria, Intending to Enlist in the Bavarian Infantry and Avoid Conscription into the Austro-Hungarian Army, which he Considers to be a “Babylon of Races.” By Chance, he happens to share a Bench with Günther Luck, an Officer in the Imperial German Navy who is on Home Leave after Active Service. The Garrulus Luck, Impressive in his Dress Uniform, Regails the Impressionable Hitler with Tales of Battles at Sea, and of Germany’s Naval Buildup. As Luck Explains, the huge Ships Sliding down the ways Mean Rapid Promotion for any Young Man with the Intelligence to Grasp it. The Senior Chief Boatswain is very Persuasive and somewhat Generous, as Hitler Decides to Accompany him [at Luck’s Expense] Back to the German Port City of Kiel, where the Austrian Enlists in the Kaiserliche Marine as a Seaman. P.S: "The Pirates! In an Adventure With Scientists" quote spotted immediately.

Jason Youngberg

This sounds like part of the reason why they were against GB and France in WWII.