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Can you believe the First Crusade was the *most* successful crusade? Yeah, so that happened.


Europe: The First Crusade - Lies - Extra History

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I very much hope that future Crusades show up on the poll for future topics. Hugely enjoyed learning about the First Crusade.


Why let a few lies get in the way of a good Extra History series?


Very good episode of Lies. I liked the introduction of questions and response to comments. Didn't mind the length at all :)


I like how the "Lies" episode gets extra dramatic crusader music than the other episodes.


From what I remember, regular confession keeps you from going to hell for eternity, but you still go to purgatory for a time. Also, some priests or other clergymen were either known to be malicious and scared away confessors or would outright refuse to give absolution to heinous crimes. Indulgences would give you a clean slate no matter what and send your soul straight to heaven as long as you maintain your state of grace.


Speaking as a Danish historian, which is to say right on the border of and deeply in the shadow of, Germany, I can't really agree that there wasn't a Germany in the middle ages. It's absolutely true that there wasn't a political entity known as Germany, but the region was known as Germany and the population was known as Germans. Sure, they were also Hessians, Bavarians, Holsteiners or whatever, but they were German as well. Chronicles from the lands surrounding Germany, as well as laws, tax records, preserved letters and so on, generally talk about Germany in pretty broad, sweeping terms when they didn't need to specify a specific principality.


Speaking as a Danish historian, which is to say right on the border of and deeply in the shadow of, Germany, I can't really agree that there wasn't a Germany in the middle ages. It's absolutely true that there wasn't a political entity known as Germany, but the region was known as Germany and the population was known as Germans. Sure, they were also Hessians, Bavarians, Holsteiners or whatever, but they were German as well. Chronicles from the lands surrounding Germany, as well as laws, tax records, preserved letters and so on, generally talk about Germany in pretty broad, sweeping terms when they didn't need to specify a specific principality.


Length was perfect! I know youtube says short videos are better but this was great!


Indulgences were mostly used for anything. The whole point behind them was to bring in a surplus of cash into the church so that they could more easily fund their construction efforts. You could also buy cardinals with indulgences as well, something not many people are aware of. So, didn't really matter what they were for, it was just a way of early crowd funding through guilt by the church pretty much.


Great episode, great series. Could you do a series about the medieval kingdoms of Armenia and Georgia? Here's why I think it would make a great topic. When James mentioned Bagrat, Baldwin's advisor, being related to the Armenian kings, I was like "wait a sec, I thought the Bagratides (or Bagrationi) were from Georgia". So I checked, and it turns out the same dynasty reigned over both countries. I started reading some more stuff on Wikipedia, and the whole history of the Caucasus and of the Armenian and Georgian peoples looks suuuper complicated and super interesting. Like, throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle-East, there were monasteries of Georgian monks who specialised in translating books from all parts of the known world (even Buddhist writings!) and they were responsible for sharing so much of the old world's knowledge... and I stop here because I'm ranting, but in short I had no idea these countries had such a rich and complex past (sorry Armenians and Georgians!) and I feel it would be a great topic for Extra History.


Second comment, to say how happy I am James mentioned Tancred as a cool guy. I'm not familiar with the historical Tancred, but I know him as a character in Torquato Tasso's Gierusalemme Liberata, the most epic of epic poems ever! And of course, the part about Tancred was set to music by my favorite composer, Monteverdi, in his madrigal "Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda". <a href="https://youtu.be/qtmO_ou1a-Y?t=2m36s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/qtmO_ou1a-Y?t=2m36s</a>


True, the notion that "Germany" is a thing, and that the Germans are a people, is really old, even if it certainly didn't mean the same thing as the modern idea of nation.


Also free labor. They could tell the peasants to go work on Church projects as penance without having to pay them. It's all about control.


Awesome, Awesome, Awesome video!!


Bagrat.... hahaha


Hey james. I'm a Catholic priest and though I would use different terminology, your understanding of indulgences is accurate. Nice job with the series!


That's a nice shirt, James.

Michael Waisfeld

You're afraid of spoiling the fourth crusade? It is rather difficult to spoil history


Thank you guys, awesome as always! What about that framed picture next to James? It looks really nice :P


That was one of the prints we sold at PAX! The full image looked like this: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ExtraCredits/photos/pb.127295683982334.-2207520000.1442728809./1046874248691135/?type=1&amp;theater" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/ExtraCredits/photos/pb.127295683982334.-2207520000.1442728809./1046874248691135/?type=1&amp;theater</a>


Spoiler in this sense is more of a shorthand for "that's a really long story, and trying to summarize it would butcher the narrative, so maybe some other time." ;)


Todd, thanks for weighing in! We did try, and that puts our minds to rest a little more. &lt;3


We could if it gets voted on! Also, as far as I'm concerned, the fact that you had a question about something that came up in the episodes, then went and read about it, is the best, most exciting thing about Extra History. So thank you for that.


I spoke to a YouTube employee once who was shocked by how many people watched Lies as compared to the main series - even more so by how many watched the entire episode and didn't cut out early. Sometimes, you gotta break with common wisdom.


Cool! We were trying to do a good job with those questions. :) It's an experiment!


It won't be for at least a little while (we're due for a couple of "second chance" votes) but I agree, I'd love to see the Crusades come back some day!


God damn it, I want Extra Credits to do a series about Alexander the Great! Is there any plans to do that, or no?


He's been on the voting list several times, but I'm afraid he's never won! Perhaps one day...