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Why let a little oath-breaking get in the way of a good Crusade?


Europe: The First Crusade - V: Siege of Antioch - Extra History

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Well I guess we know who was responsible for the Byzantine Oath failing.


Awesome video! It is interesting that the crusade seems to show both the incredible strengths (the 7 hour shield wall last episode) and weaknesses (the numerous betrayals in this episode, not to mention all of that looting and pillaging of innocents) that people can display.


Sometimes Martial Virtue seems very much easier to cultivate than Personal Virtue.


I appreciate the fact that you guys focus on the supply situation for the Crusaders instead of just epic pitched battles. Few medium focus on that and most tend to omit it altogether, forgetting that "an army marches on its stomach".


Amateurs discuss tactics and strategy. Professionals discuss logistics.


Oaths are for suckers.


There's only one episode left? It feels like there's still so much left to cover.


It does seem fast, doesn't it! But we've actually spent several years with the Crusaders and seen one of their great triumphs (seizing Antioch). Jerusalem is next on their list.


I see Walpole!


Great as usual especially this episode's art

Jim McGeehin

Splendid episode. Bohemund is such a lovable little weasel. A tricky disreputable sort, but a talented tactician as well. It's to your credit that you've really explored so many of the sparkling personalities of this Crusade.


Wait a minute is Adhemar dragging...WALPOLE!!!!


Lovely, thank you. Nice eastern egg :D


Absolutely spectacular. I only started watching this series about a week ago and now I'm hooked. Great work.


I'm glad they're coming through! There are SO MANY people and personalities involved in this, but both Heather and James have done a lot of work helping them stand out.