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You all certainly wasted no time! Just one week after the conclusion of the Justinian series, you all let us know you want to see it back as soon as possible. We'll get to work on it!

Current Schedule: First Crusade --> Admiral Yi --> Broad Street Pump --> Justinian Part 2

Voting Results: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/k0imET51?qid=702132


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awesome more Justinian


Too bad. I was really hoping for war of the roses. I've been wanting that since extra credit history started


First the Ottoman Empire and now the War of Roses! D-: Still you guys give other great choices so even if I don't get my pick, I know I will get some good stuff.


A topic to consider in future: "The Time of Troubles" in Russia (1598-1613). 15 years of constant changes of Tsars, uprisings, impostors, foreign invasions, national heroes rising from common folk. Might be a good ground for narration. :)


I was thinking about the Spanish Civil War or the First Three Constitutions (American, French, Polish) in the late 18 century, but Dangir's idea is also good.


Glad Justinian will continue, was one of the two I voted for, but guess I'm going to keep on suggesting Mary Seacole...


Monks smuggling silkworms in Justinian 2?