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This is what my tabs look like after researching a particularly tricky reference in Extra History...




Sorry for the double-post! Patreon just changed the way these creator posts are made and the first version didn't come out right. -Soraya


How do you even manage to track all the tabs!?


Looks like my chrome on a good day. Some days my tabs get too small for the icons even...


Reminds me of college....

Isaac Dansicker

That looks like my work tabset, although with less Google. Good to see a visual symbol of the research done.


That's what my browser looks like when researching a good paper. Love it.

Zoe Alleyne

That's what my tab bar looks like all the time . . . I may have a problem.


Lucky guy, I have more then 60 opened right now :(


I've seen James's tabs and he's 20x worse than I am. ;) His icons aren't even visible.


I can't stand to have that many tabs open on a regular basis. When it gets anywhere near that high I get twitchy and start ruthlessly closing them down, but in this case I needed that many!


Good god...my record...IT'S BEEN BEATEN!!!!!!


I remember when my browser used to look like this, then I started using five different browsers at the same time; Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, & IE.


How did your browser not just up and die?

Michael Waisfeld

Honestly don't know how people can stand more than like... 5-7 tabs open at a time


I would love to help with research if you guys ever needed it


Decently powerful machine with a good amount of memory.


I am just starting college/university after skipping it and going straight to the workforce for dumb reasons, and I can say my recent experiences corroborate this statement.


The Firefox browser has a lifesaving feature for us that use a lot of tabs; you can group tabs together and name them. Maybe the other browsers have incorporated similar layouts.


Mozilla + Tree Tab extension, I'm just sayin', it will improve your life.

Nicole Barovic

Wow. I thought I was bad, and I only have half this many open.


When doing suff like that i prefer to use no tabs and simply note down the text i need in a text editor, i am way more focused then


can you give as a quick overview of the mos common sites visited?


Man, in the rare event that my tabs start looking that bad I bookmark some of them and start closing them down.


A small advice - use "Tree Style Tab" or some other addon to put all the tabs on the right or left side. Then the headline of every tab is readeble.


The most common sites are probably Wikipedia and Forvo - not really that interesting. The interesting stuff usually comes when I go deep down the rabbit hole searching for something obscure and then stumble across one site that's just in love with that obscure fact and has everything about it. For example, the site that listed all the samurai family crests (Sengoku Jidai) or the wargaming forum that explained how Zulu shield patterns worked.


About two years ago, I randomly just started hating bookmarks. I don't know. I almost never use them except by accidental misclick, and when I do create one I'm usually irritated thinking about it for the next five minutes. It's not rational.


I remember Opera used to have fantastic tab grouping, and I'm sure Chrome has an extension for it but for some reason I can't be bothered to install and use one anymore. I have some quirks.


And clutter all this beautiful, useless whitespace on the side of my screen?! Never!


Pretty much my version of tabs when working on a story. I pray to all the gods that my search history is never discovered.


My tab is like that when I'm casually browsing. When I'm doing research for assignments(uni stuff)...... it's multiple monitors with multiple windows of that on multiple browsers xp

Nicholas Russell

Have you tried creating multiple windows and organizing your tabs based on that? I used to have this problem when researching myself and found that if I, say, fill one window with tabs detailing Hannibal military campaign, a second one dedicated to Roman politics during the time, a third one about the modern pop cultural impact Hannibal has had in the world, and so on I became a lot more efficient. In fact one of the unexpected benefits was being able to compare between the two windows. To take an example from one of my own personal projects while researching Knossos for a table top game I was making I'd place one window that had images of pottery taken from Knossos and on another I had several pages showing pics of similar pottery that were taken in Athens, Sparta, and even Egypt. Gave me a whole lot of insight I wouldn't have gotten looking at just one page at a time.


That's what my wife's safari looks like on her iPad ... Drives me crazy sometimes


For me, it always has to be a prime number or I'll freak out.


May I suggest Tab Outliner? It's a Chrome extension that is amazing at managing tabs. Look it up you may find it useful.