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His rule restored, his city rebuilt... yet Justinian cannot rest. How can he call himself a Roman emperor when he doesn't control Rome?


Byzantine Empire: Justinian and Theodora - IV: Vanquishing the Vandals - Extra History

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It seems like this episode includes more gaming metaphors than previous ones, especially toward the middle (starting with the Konami code, continuing with the achievement, the conquering progress bar). Am I just not remembering this sort of imagery in other videos, or is this intentional? If so, keep it up! The metaphors work well in communicating with your target audience and, at least in my case, make me feel awesome because I get the references.


We've done a few here and there, but I think David had a couple of great game-related ideas to tie in this episodes and they worked really well, so we ran with it! Every so often, I suppose we ought to remind folks that we also talk about games. ;)


Good work not portraying the Vandals as the roman propaganda showed them, brutal barbarians and conquerors. As newer archeological finds showed, when the Vandals arrived in North Africa, they integrated into the populace very quickly, rather enjoying the roman culture than destroying it.