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Our Patreon voters have spoken, and decided to send Extra History to take a look at the Broad Street Pump and "the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the United Kingdom." History of medicine, here we come! Vote Results: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/DbNcb7Qs?qid=689879 Current Series Order: Justinian and Theodora --> First Crusade --> Admiral Yi --> Broad Street Pump


Choose an Extra History Topic


Nicole Barovic

Hopefully it won't be TOO gross...


So excited for this!


This one will be interesting to see covered. Medicine is quite a good subject.


These votes are always so close! Have you considered taking some old choices and throwing them into the next vote? All the topics look interesting, and I'd hate to see them disappear because they were short a few votes. I mean, it certainly looks like none of the options were unpopular!


We're going to run a "last place" vote in a month or two, and all the Patreon suggestions that don't win get their own special round as well, so yeah! You'll definitely be seeing some of these again soon, and even the ones that don't fall into the above categories will come back at some point on a less structured basis. :)


On that subject, have you considered, for future polls, doing an alternative voting sysyem (transferable voting, runoffs, etc)?


Trouble is I don't think theres an app out there that does that kind of thing. But I don't think it's that hard to do the math required anyway.


We did, and in fact we run the approvals voting system because of a patron suggestion. I don't know where that patron is (sometimes they show up for discussions about voting, sometimes not!) but they had a pretty sound mathematical argument in favor of approvals voting. Granted, I'm using a simpler version of the voting method they suggested, but it seems to do the job quite well.