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We've got some pretty cool topics to pick from this month, and we'd love to know which one you're most interested in! This series will air in the fall of 2015.

Vote here: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/DbNcb7Qs?qid=689879

Deadline: July 1 before midnight PDT

Current Series Order: Justinian and Theodora --> First Crusade --> Admiral Yi --> Your Vote!

Quick note about Haile Selassie: Our usual cut-off for Extra History is the 1920's, but we are thinking of testing the waters for more recent history here or with another series.


Vote on an Extra History Topic



So many good choices:) I decided to go with Building the Florence Cathedral


I voted Ethiopia because while I'm ignorant about all the subjects, I feel like I'm most ignorant about anything to do with the African continent. The only reason I even recognized Haile Selassie is because of Civ! But all of the topics were interesting... (my second choice would be the road to Rome)


You can vote for both, if you like! We run approvals voting, which means you vote for all the topics you'd like to see and ignore the ones you're less interested in. On the whole, whichever topic has the most people interested in it overall will win!