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Researchers are beginning to learn that the makeup of the Union and Confederate armies in the US Civil War was a lot more nuanced and diverse than we had previously known. Here is an episode on the accounts of some of those surprising soldiers! 


U.S. Civil War - Surprising Soldiers - Extra History



I'll be spoiled for Choice with EH Tonight! Now all I need is the EH take on the English Civil War, and my Life will be Complete.


I haven't seen this episode yet, I'll get to it when I get the chance. I am interested in learning about African Americans during the Civil War; since they had obvious reasons to be involved in the conflict.


And then had to Wait until the 1960s before their Descendants finally Won the long Battle against the hypocritical and deeply racist system imposed after the War.


nice episode


Hello there! I've been a long term fan of the show, and I've watched all the episodes so far. I apologize because this is my first comment ever here and I haven't contributed anything through donations nor pledged anything yet. I would be pretty much interested in how the pledging system works for the sponsored episodes. Lets say for instance I wanted one episode of ExtraHistory based on a specific theme, is that posible? Also, how long on average would take the episode to be produced and published? Is there some other way to contribute besides a pledge on Patreon, say for instance a merchandise or product giveaway? Sorry if this is not the medium to ask this kind of questions but I'm new to the platform, and my experience is that contact forms rarely work, because those are spammed by everyone so I took a different approach :)