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After our generous musicians provided us with yet more great music for the upcoming series on Justinian, we asked the patrons to help us decide which of the two versions we'd use for the show. And the voters decided on Version 2! Click the attachment to hear the song. What's really cool: this is a rendition of the Hymn of Justinian, also known as the Hymn of the Incarnation. Emperor Justinian (the subject of our upcoming series) had it commissioned to combat heretical ideas that were becoming popular in the Empire at the time. We're so grateful to Sean and Dean Kiner for giving us a song that fits the series perfectly!



Hello, my music might interest you. have a look. Would be great for me . gregorian style with electronic elements. Look for the title "Thy Elogar" The song is written in a phonetic language.

Michael Waisfeld

Gotta love dem Gregorian quires (Gregorian right?)


Had to conference with our musciians on this one since I (Soraya) know next to nothing about the subject, but they say that this one isn't a Gregorian choir. Gregorian choirs are Catholic and we were going for Eastern Orthodox here!

Michael Waisfeld

My bad then >.> though I guess the catholics had to get their ideas from somewhere