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Later this year we'll be getting a series on  The Inca: An Empire Out of Thin Air

 At the height of Inca power, they ruled the largest pre-Columbian empire  in the Americas, with a dominion stretching from the Amazon rainforest  to the highest peaks of the Andes. Despite lacking basic technologies  such as the wheel, the Inca built cities at elevations where visitors  found it hard to even breathe, and maintained a road network so  efficient that royals in Cusco could eat fresh fish delivered by hand  from the coast. This series will delve into the empire’s history, from  its founding and ascendancy, to civil war and fall under Spanish  pressure. 



Joseph A.

It's about time (to do the Pachacuti!)


there have better be The Emperor's New Groove memes...


its awesome to see people to do the inca, i feel like the inca are overshadowed by the Aztecs


Darn it ~ it looks like the Egyptians will have to wait before EH returns to them. No doubt Gandhi will passively resist the Results of the Poll, let's Hope he'll soon be Back.


Damn, Ghandi would have been a much better topic. I feel like KaG's has overplayed the Inca/Aztec's for the moment. But cannot wait to see what you produce regardless :)


Maybe Gandhi overall but just South African years isn’t that interesting. And South America deserves some love, there was only Bolivar so far.