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What topics would you like to see us cover on Extra History? Vote here and let us know! We use approval voting, which means that you can (and should!) vote on as many topics as interest you, whether that's just one topic or all four. The topic with the greatest amount of voter consensus will be the winner, and will air this fall following the First Crusades series! Link: http://bit.ly/1FRS7EC DEADLINE: Thursday, May 28 at 11:59pm PDT Current Lineup: Zulu Empire -- Justinian and Theodora -- First Crusades -- This Vote!


Vote on an Extra History Topic



Ooh, just thought of a fun one - Bavaria's King Ludwig II. A man who commissioned a few castles. Not because they were useful, but because he liked castles. Including one just across from a castle he already had so he could sit and watch his castle being built, apparently. (And added to my list of future suggest a topics into the place that feels right for it)


Hate to say it...but there's just too much History to cover. Every vote will be making us beg for an "all of the above" option. Heh heh. So glad you guys are fighting the good fight to show more people our history. Thanks for the schedule! Took me a while to come back and check for it, heh. Looking forward to the wacky adventures of Justinian and Theodora. =)