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Prime Minister Robert Peel was in a tough position--once the potato blight reached Ireland, he knew he had to do something, without undercutting the grain market and upsetting either the Tories or the Whigs. So naturally, he sent an agent to Boston, on a mission to buy £100,000 worth of cornmeal and quietly ship it to Ireland...


Irish Potato Famine - The Corn Laws - Extra History - #2



So begins the Downfall for Sir Robert Peel, the Founder of the British Police Force. So far we have seen a Bean Cow and a Bean Pig, with a Bean Sheep in the Genghis Khan Series. Aside from Zoe, what other Animals will make an Appearance in this Series?

Tammy Spiller

"The Almighty indeed sent the potato blight, but the English created the famine" - John Mitchel. I remember doing some studying on this a few years back and being disgusted by the way the Irish were treated and the blindness of the English government. It seems not much has changed - political partisanship still outweighs common sense or common decency. Also, what is wrong with ketchup on eggs? :P

hannah barboza vianna bekierman

its insane how much history can switch angles. i hadn`t even heard of the great potato famin until i started to study history on my own. and lately i`ve been reading a very complete and extensive biography on queen victoria`s life. It was mentioned, so was robert peel and the corn act. But the corn act was never mentioned as being for ireland, just more of a poor english citizens and liberals vs interventionists.The famin was mentioned , very few times, and somewhat glossed over. i guess some of the community today still have the same prejudices and views that made this desaster all the more horrible at the time.


Common Sense and Decency are Two things One should not Expect from Politicians on either side of the Atlantic.

Paul Lenoue

What does it say about the US that we learn more history from cartoon characters with hands but no arms, than we do from years of formal education?


Oh thank god... I thought I was the only one who noticed the Potato/Peel thing.


Anyone notice the report last week about the British MP who suggested using food exports to Ireland as a tool to negotiate a better Brexit deal?


That they don't listen at school but love watching cartoon?


No, but the Thought did occur to me of sending my Sheep to Brussels to Sort BAAA ~ rexit out on our behalf,