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Later this year we'll be getting a series on Joan of Arc! This was such a tight race with Otto Von Bismarck, who, as you know, always has a plan for how he'll get back into future Extra History polls... ;)

Joan of Arc: The Maid of Orleans

Joan's first trial happened in a French court—convincing local judges that she could not be married against her will. After all, she heard the voices of angels, and they'd told her to take a vow of chastity and save France. Thus begins one of the wildest tales of the Middle Ages, when the teenage daughter of a tenant farmer rallied an army, turned the course of a war, and won her prince a crown. But Joan's miraculous rise would end in just as steep a fall—one that, ironically, would see her canonized as the patron saint of France.




What would Bismark Part 2 entail exactly?

Tiberia Prima

This is going to be the total opposite of the julie d'aubigny story isn't it


Napoleon has been covered extensively elsewhere but what about his arch-rival Jean Victor Moreau? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Victor_Marie_Moreau" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Victor_Marie_Moreau</a>


Napoleon is a Subject that Extra History simply MUST cover in French History. I don't normally like Quoting Emperor Palpatine, but it is unavoidable. It is your Destiny.


Oh yes, La Pucelle!


That was a close poll!


Fun fact; many English Protestants honor Joan.


I hope Shaw's 'Saint Joan' is mentioned, at least briefly.


Noooo, I missed the voting! And I wanted more Bismarck!!! Ah, I guess Joan is fine, too...


Joan of arc is cool but i also really wanted part bismark


Ah well. I suppose this will be cool too. Maybe we'll get another go at Bismarck Pt. 2. I don't actually know much about Joan other than pop legends and a rough outline of her life (and that whole unpleasant business with Gilles de Rais after her death). I'd like to see what else there is.


Nice to finally have second female voted series. Poor Alexander is never going to win.