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Hi everyone.  I just wanted to thank you for your patronage (without you we couldn't make the show) and for tossing ideas at us for the "Great Leaders" survey.  It's always been my hope with this show that we could get people who thought they "just didn't like history" excited about our past.  

This is doubly true for students who may give up on learning about how we got here because the way they were taught that history was a litany of proper nouns and dates to memorize.  I know that many of you would love us to delve into more obscure things, and that's what we love too, but I'd like us, maybe once a quarter, to cover something that high school students or non-history majors forced to take a history 101 class would encounter.  Because if even one additional student who would otherwise have given up on history types one of their assignment topics into youtube, stumbles across the show and discovers something to love about history instead it's worth it.

Thank you again.  Thank you for your support and helping us continue to try to make history engaging.

-James Portnow

P.S.  I really mean it with the thank you.  When I'm working on the channel late into the night and I feel like I'm at the end of what I can possibly do I open this page and it reminds me that this really does matter.  It reminds me of how many good, generous people there are out there and how many writers and artists are getting to do what they want to do because of you.  Again, thank you.



I'm glad we can help, Extra History is my favorite part of your channel and, now that I have the money to pay, I'm more than happy to donate


Good luck!))


Just wanted to let you know that your current work is helping educators. My son told me his social studies class was learning about the Ghana and Mali Empires. I told his teacher about your series on Mali. He was so excited because he could not find good teaching tools for his class. Keep up the good work!


I love stories like this. Thank you for spreading the word. You can always tell any teachers that they are 100% welcome to use anything we put up! -James Portnow


Merry Christmas, James. Y'all mean a lot to us. From education to pure entertainment, there are a lot of reasons we support... regardless it's always going to be because we love the content and believe in it's creators. Thank you for putting out content we're happy to back.


Thank you for making an epic series. I just stumbled upon it and started binge watching everything that caught my eye. It's an incredible show and I love it and you guys.


We love you, too, James. And we appreciate the truly inhuman amount of work you do. So thank you, from all of us.


As I history teacher who tries to use these videos in class whenever possible, I can't agree with the sentiment more. History is supposed to be fun and interesting. People should be excited to hear about such interesting stories and fascinating people. Memorizing dates and places doesn't make history better, or the people studying it. Keep up the good work and please keep making series that I can use.


For the Great Leaders Survey I'd Suggest Ramesses II or maybe Epaminondas of Thebes.

Paul Lenoue

I was never interested in history until I saw Connections. Then I was fascinated with it, or at least tech history.


I think you guys should do a episode on the fall of Hong Kong in ww2 because it happened during christmas


For Great leaders I think you should do Cyrus the Great or Charlame or Alexander the great


You should do an episode about Norman Sicily and Robert Guiscard since it is unknown to most people since they mainly look at Normandy or England when you say the word "Norman"


Definitely Alexander ~ I was so Disappointed he didn't get in the first time he was in the survey.


Happy Holidays, James! And thanks for all your team's hard work. My husband and I (old fart history buffs) discovered your channel this fall and love it! We're learning a lot.


Don't students given assignment topics on Napoleon or Washington already have a tidal wave of resources to rely on. It's the minority of students given less common assignments like Hiawatha or Simón Bolívar that need help.

Bill Lemmond

Yes, they have lots of sources, but how many of them are a fraction of Extra History's accessibility, liveliness, and brevity? Not enough, I suspect. And Extra History is only planning an occasional 'greatest hits' foray.


i wished patriot doctor an jung geun was an korea history list.


How the fuck is this guy earning this much